I think the difference is, there's no context for the Betty/Fury situation. We saw them holding hands but other than that, we really haven't seen the two together at all, and in the few panels where we DID see them, there wasn't any tangible romantic tension. Not to mention, if I remember correctly, that wasn't the focal point of the panel it appeared in.
On the other hand, let's look at what Kirkman's doing with this scene (and I normally don't get anal retentive, but I need to look now, because now I'm worried I MIGHT have blown it out of proportion).
We get two pages of the post-wreckage scene. The first one's spliut into three panels, where we get Wolverine helping Storm up amongst the rest of the crew. Then Wolverine, along with the shadows of Colossus and Storm are all we get framed, then Wolves and Storm in shadows, looking at the skeleton. Then the next page we get four panels of the mess, with Storm clinging on Wolverine as the anchor point. Nah. The Betty/Fury thing can be passed off, but Kirkman's clearly drawing attention to Wolverine and Storm there. He's definitely setting them up for something. I don't think bringing it up as a major theme of the issue is at all out of line, considering the two of them are front and center in two pages.
Wolverine's wife is actually Wolverine's clone, from the future.... As Bendis taught us in the Clone Saga, the trick to engineering a perfect clone is to give them boobs.