Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Tonight's episode of AoS featured a flashback that was vaguely worded as occurring "then" (no specific dates or years ago). However, it's said on the MCU wikia that the "ghosts" were held in the containment cubes for several years, so it must be at least 3-4 years before, possibly longer if we account for the time it took for them to discover book, study it, and apply what they'd learned from it in the failed experiment.

So, to be safe, I'm placing those flashbacks 5 years previous, in 2011.

Have we had any indication of how long Robbie's uncle has been in jail or the other guy has been in a coma? He beat the guy up for what he did to them, so I would assume it didn't happen too long after they were turned into ghosts and imprisoned. That might give us a timeframe.
I believe episode 2 said they were in there for "years" did not quantify beyond that.

I think we have to factor in Robbie and his brother being raised by their uncle, so presumably he hasn't been in jail for more than a few years, maybe 5 max. We'll see if the upcoming episode this week, which is supposed to chronicle how Robbie became Ghost Rider, may shed some clues on exactly how long ago it all occurred.
My buddy who lives over in UK caught the film and said that around 20-25 minutes in, when Strange has first traveled to Asia searching for Kamar-Taj, he is mugged for his wrist watch and Mordo saves him. Apparently the watch face is shown close up when Mordo gives the watch back to Strange from the muggers, but the watch face is broken.

He says the watch clearly shows the year as 201- (the last number is covered by the watch face crack), but the month shown on the watch is January. He says this occurs during Strange's travels, and that its mentioned he has seven separate surgeries to repair the nerve damage in his hands. That alone, along with recuperation time from each of those surgeries, makes me think a longer period of time passes between the accident and his leaving to find Kamar-Taj. That said, if the award that was mentioned does reflect 2016 as year it was given, then it may make most sense to place Doctor Strange as starting in 2016, he gets into accident and has seven separate surgeries likely over course of another 8 months to a year, and leaves US and travels to Kamar-Taj (he didn't have to search entire world for it as he had a general idea of where to look it seems, meaning his traveling time to get there wasn't as long as I originally thought). He also must spend awhile studying in Kamar-Taj.

The timeline is intentionally vague, I'll see if I can't notice any further clues when I see it next week.
I think we have to factor in Robbie and his brother being raised by their uncle, so presumably he hasn't been in jail for more than a few years, maybe 5 max. We'll see if the upcoming episode this week, which is supposed to chronicle how Robbie became Ghost Rider, may shed some clues on exactly how long ago it all occurred.

I had to laugh when the only on-screen time indicator was "Back in the Day..." :D They're on to us! But the flashbacks had Robbie's brother in high school, and they didn't do much to make him look younger other than stick him in a baseball cap. I'm not sure if the other episodes portrayed him as still in high school, or if he was in college. I agree that 5 years is the maximum amount of time that makes sense; I'd wager on it being closer to 3.

It also tied together the Lucy/Eli/Robbie flashbacks pretty closely--they should all take place around the same time; I don't think we necessarily knew that before.

I had to laugh when the only on-screen time indicator was "Back in the Day..." :D They're on to us! But the flashbacks had Robbie's brother in high school, and they didn't do much to make him look younger other than stick him in a baseball cap. I'm not sure if the other episodes portrayed him as still in high school, or if he was in college. I agree that 5 years is the maximum amount of time that makes sense; I'd wager on it being closer to 3.

It also tied together the Lucy/Eli/Robbie flashbacks pretty closely--they should all take place around the same time; I don't think we necessarily knew that before.


Yup, the flashbacks in 4x06 seem to follow very soon after the flashbacks in 4x05 (Bauers finding the Darkhold).
I did notice the award and can confirm it said 2016, but wasn't able to read it for context. I did not take note of the month on the watch, but if January is correct, the following would seem to make the most sense for the film timeline:

Strange receives award toward the end of the year (likely in November, around the time the film was released)
Film begins, Strange in accident.

November 2016-November 2017
Strange recuperates from accident.

January 2018
Strange arrives at Kamar-Taj

January 2018-Winter 2018
Strange trains as a sorcerer.

Winter 2018
Climax of the film. (It is snowing in New York).

The film does provide some justification for Strange's quick training; he has a photographic memory, translates ancient texts with the aid of the internet, and can read books in his astral form as he sleeps!

The thing is, there will obviously be some crossover between this movie and the third Thor coming out next year, and somehow I doubt that Thor will be set in late 2018/early 2019. Still possible, I suppose, depending on how long that storyline takes. It's also possible to justify the opening of Strange as occurring as early as January 2016, if we assume the award is some kind of grant or prize for the coming year. (Or we may have to ignore it altogether.)

The time manipulation elements of the film are not presented in such a way that allow any compression of the film's timeline. However, I am going to go ahead and assume that the three years or so currently missing between Iron Man and Iron Man 2 are the result of the Ancient One using the Eye of Agamotto to defend the Earth against one of the unnamed mystical threats mentioned in Doctor Strange. :D

Although, where were the folks at the New York Sanctum when the Hand brought the Black Sky into the city a couple of years before?! :D ;)

EDIT: I keep seeing people thinking that the service member with the spinal injury must be War Machine; did we ever settle that one way or the other?

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I did notice the award and can confirm it said 2016, but wasn't able to read it for context. I did not take note of the month on the watch, but if January is correct, the following would seem to make the most sense for the film timeline:

Strange receives award toward the end of the year (likely in November, around the time the film was released)
Film begins, Strange in accident.

November 2016-November 2017
Strange recuperates from accident.

January 2018
Strange arrives at Kamar-Taj

January 2018-Winter 2018
Strange trains as a sorcerer.

Winter 2018
Climax of the film. (It is snowing in New York).

The film does provide some justification for Strange's quick training; he has a photographic memory, translates ancient texts with the aid of the internet, and can read books in his astral form as he sleeps!

The thing is, there will obviously be some crossover between this movie and the third Thor coming out next year, and somehow I doubt that Thor will be set in late 2018/early 2019. Still possible, I suppose, depending on how long that storyline takes. It's also possible to justify the opening of Strange as occurring as early as January 2016, if we assume the award is some kind of grant or prize for the coming year. (Or we may have to ignore it altogether.)

Yeah, that's a tough one. I'm going to see film this weekend so I'll see if I can spot that. If nothing else, we may have to shorten the amount of time Strange spent training. His photographic memory, astral form studying at night while his body sleeps, etc allows us some wiggle room there.

However, the fact there are seven surgeries performed on his hands means there has to have been a long stretch of time involved during his recuperation process before leaving for Kamar-Taj.

The time manipulation elements of the film are not presented in such a way that allow any compression of the film's timeline. However, I am going to go ahead and assume that the three years or so currently missing between Iron Man and Iron Man 2 are the result of the Ancient One using the Eye of Agamotto to defend the Earth against one of the unnamed mystical threats mentioned in Doctor Strange. :D

I like that explanation, lol.

Although, where were the folks at the New York Sanctum when the Hand brought the Black Sky into the city a couple of years before?! :D ;)

I guess that could be argued as the Hand being really great ninjas, they're even able to hide things from mystics...? Possible...

EDIT: I keep seeing people thinking that the service member with the spinal injury must be War Machine; did we ever settle that one way or the other?


Derrickson confirmed it wasn't meant to refer to Rhodey:

It turns out, the line is a 35 year old Marine Colonel, not 45, director Scott Derrickson confirmed. That means the line is likely referring to one of the marines who tested Justin Hammer's Iron Man knock-off suits before he went full drone in the time of Iron Man 2.

I don't agree that means Doctor Strange begins around time of Iron Man 2, as the article goes on to presume from there.

But yeah, not Rhodey, presumably its the Hammer drone pilot who got twisted around in that Iron Man 2 video.

That is a rather large missed opportunity in terms of continuity reference, but maybe they decided to keep Rhodey paralyzed in the MCU for whatever reasons (Strange performing surgery would undo that, obviously), even if nothing else than to show off more Stark tech used to get him walking again like we saw at end of Civil War.
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Someone on reddit pointed out that there might be a reference to Doctor Strange in Agents of SHIELD 4x05. During the debate with Mace, the senator mentions
"reports of disturbances in Hong Kong"
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Someone on reddit pointed out that there might be a reference to Doctor Strange in Agents of SHIELD 4x05. During the debate with Mace, the senator mentions
"reports of disturbances in Hong Kong"

I don't think that was necessarily meant to tie into Doctor Strange. It was pretty clear she was referring to Inhumans: "And yet everyday, there are reports of disturbances in Hong Kong or blue skinned killers in Wyoming."

It's definitely possible they're referring to events of Doctor Strange, but if so that means we must ignore the 2016 date on the award seen in Doctor Strange, and definitely move the entirety of the film up some.

But they're debating about Inhumans in that scene so its pretty clear that's what she was referring to (Inhumans are all over the world after all). I think any Doctor Strange references will be more obvious, they're not at all subtle with their movie tie in references on AoS. I really do think that's just coincidence. That said I could be wrong so if we get any more info on that (specifically if it was indeed meant to be a reference to events of Doctor Strange), I can definitely factor that in and rearrange as necessary.

I'm going to see DS sometime this weekend, looking forward to it!
Another friend of mine saw it tonight and confirmed the 2016 date on the award (it's in scene towards beginning, just after Strange performs surgery and is at home getting dressed where he pulls out his watch drawer and selects a watch, the award is apparently visible above the watch drawer). This was told to me last week by someone on thetimelinesite and my buddy confirmed it.

But MORE important, he says the watch face is clearly visible in close up shot. He says it has the main face with three faces interlaid on main watch face which reflect day of week, date and month, AND the 2016 date is also visible apparently in a smaller rectangular panel. My friend literally has a photographic memory, he's very helpful in pointing out things I missed ever since I told him about the timeline.

The date shown on the watch is very clear: Tuesday, February 2, 2016.

So, that clears that up. Movie starts in Feb, 2016 (well, the opening scene with Kaecilius and Ancient One may happen a bit sooner).

This means that the January, 201- date (the last number in year is covered by cracked watch face) shown later on watch
(when it's stolen by thugs in Nepal and Mordo rescues Strange from them)
must be at least January, 2017.

That works. It allows enough time for Strange's seven surgeries and recuperation time: between Feb, 2016 to at least late 2016 admittedly much faster than likely in reality but whatever, maybe Strange's connections at hospital and his fortune made it possible to do the surgeries closer together. Besides, the only major surgery (or surgeries) would be first couple to place the rods and heal shattered bones. The nerve damage surgeries while serious aren't on same level as open heart of brain surgery and recuperation time would also be inherently shorter. Either way, I can accept that he had seven surgeries across 8-10 months. A couple may have been within days of each other soon after accident to place rods and also to set/repair muscle and nerve damage.

I'm waiting on my buddy to text me back with details on if he could see a specific date in the
second close up of watch in Nepal mugging scene.
I did notice the award and can confirm it said 2016, but wasn't able to read it for context. I did not take note of the month on the watch, but if January is correct, the following would seem to make the most sense for the film timeline:

Strange receives award toward the end of the year (likely in November, around the time the film was released)
Film begins, Strange in accident.
Film begins definitively on February 2, 2016 based on Strange's watch. My buddy is a bit unsure of the year because he was too busy noticing the day, date, and month (he said it was onscreen for all of a second or two), and he said the last number on watch is a bit hard to make out due to it moving, but he's 90% sure it was 2016.

November 2016-November 2017
Strange recuperates from accident.

Based on the watch close up in later scene in Nepal, its likely Strange had his various surgeries and recuperated between Feb, 2016 and sometime in late, 2016, maybe October-November to account for the healing and physical therapy stuff.

January 2018
Strange arrives at Kamar-Taj

He travels to Nepal searching for Kamar-Taj in January, likely 2017 (the watch face is cracked so the year can't be determined since its shown as 201-), but it definitely shows January as month on watch when he first arrives in Nepal.

January 2018-Winter 2018
Strange trains as a sorcerer.

Its undetermined how long he trained for, however, so the later portions of the film are unknown. However, since the mid credit scene
seems to be footage shot for Thor - Ragnarok, and that obviously occurs after conclusion of the film where Strange takes over Sanctum Sanctorum, its unlikely to occur in 2018 unless Ragnarok does also (which could be case since Thor - Ragnarok comes out late next year)
. Guess we'll see.

Winter 2018
Climax of the film. (It is snowing in New York).

Like I said, I think it may be more likely Strange arrived to Kamar-Taj in Jan, 2017, trained for close to a year, and the film likely concludes in late 2017, which would set it up perfectly to cross over with
Thor - Ragnarok coming out literally around this time next year on Nov 3, 2017
, so that might end up working perfectly.
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As far as the Hong Kong thing on shield goes...there are also a couple possibilities besides Doctor Strange references. Wasn't there an entire plot revolving around Scorch in Hong Kong during season 1 of shield? It could also simply be, that Sanctum was saving hong kong from something random every now and then.
I saw it last night. Besides the watch and the award, the only time references I noticed are Avengers Tower in the NYC skyline early in the film, and possibly the email Strange sends. I didn't notice a date on it, but I wasn't looking for one.
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Derrickson confirmed it wasn't meant to refer to Rhodey:

I don't agree that means Doctor Strange begins around time of Iron Man 2, as the article goes on to presume from there.

But yeah, not Rhodey, presumably its the Hammer drone pilot who got twisted around in that Iron Man 2 video.

That is a rather large missed opportunity in terms of continuity reference, but maybe they decided to keep Rhodey paralyzed in the MCU for whatever reasons (Strange performing surgery would undo that, obviously), even if nothing else than to show off more Stark tech used to get him walking again like we saw at end of Civil War.

I know he confirmed it, and I remember hearing "marine colonel" during the 15 minute preview, but the line was definitely changed to "air force colonel" in the movie so maybe Scott changed the line after he realized the missed opportunity?
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I saw it last night. Besides the watch and the award, the only time references I noticed are Avengers Tower in the NYC skyline early in the film, and possibly the email Strange sends. I didn't notice a date on it, but I wasn't looking for one.

There wasn't one, I looked. The only other date was on the medical file Strange looked at which IIRC was September 2014.

RE: Strange having an award for 2016 so early in the year, Oscars are given out in February and are dated for that year, rather than the previous one for when the films were actually released, much in the way that Strange could have been given the 2016 award for work performed during 2015
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As far as the Hong Kong thing on shield goes...there are also a couple possibilities besides Doctor Strange references. Wasn't there an entire plot revolving around Scorch in Hong Kong during season 1 of shield? It could also simply be, that Sanctum was saving hong kong from something random every now and then.

Exactly. Like I said it could go either way, but they're much more obvious with the other movie references.

I saw it last night. Besides the watch and the award, the only time references I noticed are Avengers Tower in the NYC skyline early in the film, and possibly the email Strange sends. I didn't notice a date on it, but I wasn't looking for one.

Yeah, no date on the email. Three specific dates are shown, two on his watch and one on Pangborn's medical file dated December 2014.

I know he confirmed it, and I remember hearing "marine colonel" during the 15 minute preview, but the line was definitely changed to "air force colonel" in the movie so maybe Scott changed the line after he realized the missed opportunity?

Possible but I remember Feige or Derrickson specifically saying it wasn't referring to Rhodey, but the Hammer suit pilot. And given the Hammer suit would indeed be piloted, it makes sense it'd be done by someone in Air Force versus Marines. Besides, we know definitively Strange was in his accident (right before which the paralyzed Air Force colonel was mentioned) in Feb, 2016, and Rhodey hadn't been paralyzed until April, 2016, so timeline wise it doesn't work either.

There wasn't one, I looked. The only other date was on the medical file Strange looked at which IIRC was September 2014.

And two dates on the watch face at two different points in film. :)

RE: Strange having an award for 2016 so early in the year, Oscars are given out in February and are dated for that year, rather than the previous one for when the films were actually released, much in the way that Strange could have been given the 2016 award for work performed during 2015

Great point!

Someone posted pics on Reddit of the watch face shots and X-Ray:

Strange's car accident happens on Tuesday, February 2, 2016:


He arrives in Kathmandu, Nepal in January on a Wednesday (presumably 2017 but it's impossible to see last number in year due to crack in watch face):


And Pangborn's X-Ray is dated December 9, 2014 (possibly September 12, 2014, but unlikely since US dating system places month first).


That X-Ray reinforces idea Doctor Strange begins at least after 2014 (to account for time needed for Pangborn to learn and heal under Ancient One's training), as do the dates on the watch face showing movie begins in early 2016 and stretches through the next Jan (2017 most likely) and beyond as he trains under Ancient One. Presumably it runs up to late 2017 to cross over with Thor - Ragnarok next year (similar to what they did with the CA-Civil War scene for Ant-Man's mid credit scene).
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Strange's car accident happens on Tuesday, February 2, 2016:

Just a little aside, we determined that April 10th 2016 in the MCU is a friday, backtracking this should put February 2nd 2016 as a Sunday. February 2nd 2017 would be a Tuesday though. Just a little thought...

And Pangborn's X-Ray is dated December 9, 2014 (possibly September 12, 2014, but unlikely since US dating system places month first).
Explains why I thought it was September when I just briefly saw it
I will help a little, that Febrary 2nd 2016 date is wrong... If you remember Strange still be a neurosurgeon by the time of the release of WHiH Newsfront videos mention on, for you, March 21s video (for me May 3rd). So analyzing that mention Strange's accident happen after this mention on WHiH.

Also you say that we can see only 201- in the watch but if you see carefully you can notice a little a small curve belonging to number 6... Look it again. For me the movie takes place in May 2016 and ending in December 2016 or January 2017 (depending of the rest of Agents of SHIELD episodes so my partners and I will wait until mid season finale to make a choice but early December 2016 still working.)

Like you said to defend your position of Andrew Garner's imprisonment on the same month of his capture, ignoring the long beard he has, that depends of the person... Strange has his accident and after more than 2 months, will say 2 months and a half he now has a long beard and arrive at Kamar-Taj.

Yes, all of you are using as reference the time of Strange training but what about Kaecilius' plot... There is no reason to happen more than a year since the Theft of the Book of Cagliostro to the moment when he decrypts the spell for calling Dormammu to the destruction of London Sanctum... At least 7 months has happened between all those events. Remember that Kaecilius is a very well Masters of the Mystic Arts trained.

Obviously the entire world does not know what happened in Hong Kong, everything was restored back to normally when Strange used the Time Stone. The only things tha the world knows is that a bald woman fell from the "sky" and that stranger person were seen on Hong Kong (Wong Strange and Mordo), everything else that happened in Hong Kong is just an unknow incident that is considered a rumor what is mentioned by Nadeer on Episode 5, Lockup... She mentioned the Kree Reapers on Wyoming because it was very recently, 6 months ago, but why she should refer to the Scorch incient that happened 3 years ago and only S.H.I.E.L.D. knew that happened, you know, the SHIELD that every date hid something to the public.

Obviously the incident from Doctor Strange happened before Agents of SHIELD episode 5 (Lockup). The post credits scene definitely occur in 2017 just like Ant-Man post credit scene.
Also when the clock is smashed on the ground it breaks altering the order of clockwise... And about DD2 placement you can see that DD2 and Luke Cage has the same weather, why can both happen around the same time? There is no necessity to ignore next week statement to such high time jump

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