Your 5 Favorite Films of 2007 -- Update As You Go

Knocked Up: 9/10- brilliant both times i saw it. A uniquely satisfying combination of drama and comedy, it made me care for the characters.
Hot Fuzz: 9/10- SO incredibly funny. I did not stop laughing.
Transformers: 8/10- soooooo good. Incredibly enjoyable, and a feast for the eyes. You have to see it to believe it.
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End: 8/10- so very thoroughly entertaining.
Ocean's 13: 8/10- same as above.
Ratatouille: 8/10- borderline 7/8... but i'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now. It came on REALLY strong at the end. And I was the only one laughing in the entire 3/4 packed theater (my family was there too). The subtlety of the humor was great. It's high point without a doubt.
Bridge To Terabithia: 8/10- really heart-wrenching. I dont think it'll have any lasting impact on me other than it's the latest thing to have made me *nearly* cry.
Grindhouse: 7/10- lagged a bit in death proof's first half. stylistically superb.
300: 7/10- great, but too much FREEDOM, seemingly right-oriented propaganda mumbo jumbo... but entertaining nonetheless, and very well done.
Live Free Or Die Hard: 7/10- some ridiculous logic points (o i got shot in the knee... AND NOW I'LL STAND UP REAL FAST!!) and bad overdubbing, but very enjoyable.
Shrek The Third: 6/10- great, except for the princess parts... i liked fiona so much better as a human... :(
Blades of Glory: 6/10- funny, but instantly forgettable.
Evan Almighty: 6/10- alright.
Spider-Man 3: 4/10- UGH.

Updated: Dropped Transformers a point. It was on the edge to begin with, and i think its novelty masked its overall quality.
I think this has been one of the best years for movies ever.

*raises eyebrow*

There have been a lot of good movies, yes, but nothing really timeless thusfar... Most everything that's been released is either an adaptation, a remake, or a sequel... This year has continued to show that Studios no longer trust original ideas, and that they've figured out a way to milk money out of franchises for long after they would have died were it only five years ago... Yeah, sequels are getting better, but for every good sequel, you get five awful sequels to movies that should have NEVER continued, and the big successful sequels are precisely the thing that's convincing studios to give us movies like "Daddy Day Camp".

This year proved that good Superhero movies are now exceptions, and that they continue to throw shlock writing at some of the most iconic figures of this day and age...

This is the year where Blades of Glory made over five times as much money as Grindhouse.

This year in movies has been frustrating, but looking ahead, yeah, there might be a few damn good movies yet to come out.
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*raises eyebrow*

There have been a lot of good movies, yes, but nothing really timeless thusfar...

What I really mean is that, by looking at my own raitings, I've given like 6 films a raiting of 9 or higher. That's rare as it is, and there are still several movies I'm extremely psyched for coming out.

Most everything that's been released is either an adaptation, a remake, or a sequel... This year has continued to show that Studios no longer trust original ideas,

That's true(to a certain extent, Knocked Up and Ratatouille are two of the biggest hits of the year, after all), and it's a concern for me, but when it all comes down to it, if they never made an un-adapted movie again but they were all as great as Zodiac... I could care less.

You yourself said that Children Of Men was the best film of last year and has set the tone for Sci-Fi for the next decade. GoodFellas and The Godfather both topped you all-time movie list, and they're adaptations too.

Honestly, I could care less if somethings adapted from a book if it's an incredibly well-crafted film.

and that they've figured out a way to milk money out of franchises for long after they would have died were it only five years ago...

Come on.... like that's any new discovery for them.

Yeah, sequels are getting better, but for every good sequel, you get five awful sequels to movies that should have NEVER continued, and the big successful sequels are precisely the thing that's convincing studios to give us movies like "Daddy Day Camp".

That's one way to look at it, but why should you let the fact that there are dozens of awful movies out there ruin the good ones? It's not like you have to go see them.

No one's gonna remember the terrible films. Daddy Day Camp and Blades Of Glory aren't going to be quoted for years to come and change the face of comedy. Knocked Up is.

This year proved that good Superhero movies are now exceptions, and that they continue to throw shlock writing at some of the most iconic figures of this day and age...

I'd argue last year showed us that with Superman Returns, and this year redeemed it somewhat with Spidey 3(even if you thought it was bad, if we're talking about impact here, at least it didn't kill what could've been the best superhero franchise EVER before it even hatched, or make decisions so insanely unexecutable that it's shocking the film was ever greenlit... Spider-strutting has nothing on absentee father of a supertoddler...).

This is the year where Blades of Glory made over five times as much money as Grindhouse.

Box Office results don't have anything do do with what I'm talking about. I heard the guy who made the official decision to greenlight my favourite film of this year got fired because of its low box-office results. It's still a terrific movie.

This year in movies has been frustrating, but looking ahead, yeah, there might be a few damn good movies yet to come out.

I'm looking forward to Superbad and The Ten most of all.

Oh, and see 1408!
I tend to be more pessimistic and critical of most of the stuff im seeing, but that's just who I am and how I see things, I see your points, but it just proves that there are two sides to everything...

And I agree that Adaptations can be brilliant (case in point, aside from what you mentioned, Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation), im just saying that the lack of creativity thats allowed in movies these days is distressing... They dont take as many risks anymore, and that's sad.
1. GRINDHOUSE 10/10 I've noticed how those of you who were all jazzed up after seeing it for the first time are ranking it a bit lower in retrospect. I don't know if it's just the bad reception it ended up getting but I don't really understand it. I saw this on opening day and I still get all giddy and adrenaline-ized when I think about it. I seriously love Grindhouse. I wish all the idiots who neglected to see it could be strapped to a chair, "Clockwork Orange" style and be forced to watch it. I'd still say that it might just be the most purely entertaining movie I've ever seen.

2. TRANSFORMERS 8/10 Everything you could want from a good action film. Explosions, humor, and FIGHTING TRANSFORMING ROBOTS OMG! It was great to be surprised by a movie that I didn't have very high hopes for.

3. PAN'S LABYRINTH 7.5/10 A sweet, sad little fairy tale. Some great and truly creepy special effects and a story that effectively mixes magic with reality. It also had some of the most realistic "violence effects" that I've ever seen in a movie. I didn't know that they could make someone having their face crushed in look that realistic.

4. 28 WEEKS LATER 7.5/10 Tied with Pan's Labyrinth, because even though they're very different movies, I can't tell which one I like better. As I've said before, 28 Days Later was a great film, but 28 Weeks Later was a great zombie film. They did a very effective job of building up the intensity to levels that the original only hit once or twice.

5. AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE MOVIE FILM INTENDED ONLY FOR THEATERS 7/10 It was decent, but nothing special. Essentially, a pretty funny 90-minute episode of the show. It was probably hurt by the opening sequence (with the heavy-metal movie theater food song), which had me laughing hysterically and set the bar a little too far for the movie to top again.

6. SPIDER-MAN 3 5/10 Disappointing. While I didn't hate it as much as others, and definitely had it's good parts, it didn't even come close to matching Spider-Man 2. The plot was oddly paced and structured, the story was too crowded, and it was just too damn silly for it's own good. It was just too disjointed to feel like a real, full movie. Very disappointing.

7. GHOST RIDER 2/10 Blech. I fell asleep about 45 minutes in. I woke up 15 minutes from the end but decided that I really didn't want to rewind and watch what I missed.

That's about all I've seen.

Hot Fuzz and 300 should be on DVD soon and I shall see them.
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1. GRINDHOUSE 10/10 I've noticed how those of you who were all jazzed up after seeing it for the first time are ranking it a bit lower in retrospect. I don't know if it's just the bad reception it ended up getting but I don't really understand it. I saw this on opening day and I still get all giddy and adrenaline-ized when I think about it. I seriously love Grindhouse. I wish all the idiots who neglected to see it could be strapped to a chair, "Clockwork Orange" style and be forced to watch it. I'd still say that it might just be the most purely entertaining movie I've ever seen.

2. TRANSFORMERS 8/10 Everything you could want from a good action film. Explosions, humor, and FIGHTING TRANSFORMING ROBOTS OMG! It was great to be surprised by a movie that I didn't have very high hopes for.

3. PAN'S LABYRINTH 7.5/10 A sweet, sad little fairy tale. Some great and truly creepy special effects and a story that effectively mixes magic with reality. It also had some of the most realistic "violence effects" that I've ever seen in a movie. I didn't know that they could make someone having their face crushed in look that realistic.

4. 28 WEEKS LATER 7.5/10 Tied with Pan's Labyrinth, because even though they're very different movies, I can't tell which one I like better. As I've said before, 28 Days Later was a great film, but 28 Weeks Later was a great zombie film. They did a very effective job of building up the intensity to levels that the original only hit once or twice.

5. AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE MOVIE FILM INTENDED ONLY FOR THEATERS 7/10 It was decent, but nothing special. Essentially, a pretty funny 90-minute episode of the show. It was probably hurt by the opening sequence (with the heavy-metal movie theater food song), which had me laughing hysterically and set the bar a little too far for the movie to top again.

6. SPIDER-MAN 3 5/10 Disappointing. While I didn't hate it as much as others, and definitely had it's good parts, it didn't even come close to matching Spider-Man 2. The plot was oddly paced and structured, the story was too crowded, and it was just too damn silly for it's own good. It was just too disjointed to feel like a real, full movie. Very disappointing.

7. GHOST RIDER 2/10 Blech. I fell asleep about 45 minutes in. I woke up 15 minutes from the end but decided that I really didn't want to rewind and watch what I missed.

That's about all I've seen.

Hot Fuzz and 300 should be on DVD soon and I shall see them.

And I'm sure Knocked Up would be your #1 or #2 if you'd see it. (I'm just gonna keep bugging you about this, aren't I? :) )
Knocked Up: 9/10- brilliant both times i saw it. A uniquely satisfying combination of drama and comedy, it made me care for the characters.
Hot Fuzz: 9/10- SO incredibly funny. I did not stop laughing.
Transformers: 8/10- soooooo good. Incredibly enjoyable, and a feast for the eyes. You have to see it to believe it.
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End: 8/10- so very thoroughly entertaining.
Ocean's 13: 8/10- same as above.
Ratatouille: 8/10- borderline 7/8... but i'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now. It came on REALLY strong at the end. And I was the only one laughing in the entire 3/4 packed theater (my family was there too). The subtlety of the humor was great. It's high point without a doubt.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 7/10- the first half was really shoddy, but the second half REALLY made up for it. The fight at the Ministry of Magic was kick-***.
Grindhouse: 7/10- lagged a bit in death proof's first half. stylistically superb.
300: 7/10- great, but too much FREEDOM, seemingly right-oriented propaganda mumbo jumbo... but entertaining nonetheless, and very well done.
Live Free Or Die Hard: 7/10- some ridiculous logic points (o i got shot in the knee... AND NOW I'LL STAND UP REAL FAST!!) and bad overdubbing, but very enjoyable.
Bridge To Terabithia: 7/10- really heart-wrenching. I dont think it'll have any lasting impact on me other than it's the latest thing to have made me *nearly* cry.
Shrek The Third: 6/10- great, except for the princess parts... i liked fiona so much better as a human... :(
Blades of Glory: 6/10- funny, but instantly forgettable.
Evan Almighty: 6/10- alright.
Spider-Man 3: 4/10- UGH.

Updated: Harry Potter, and Bridge to Terabithia dropped a number of slots.
300 (4.5)
Ocean's 13 (4.5)
Knocked Up (4)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (4)
Grindhouse (4)
1408 (4)
Live Free Or Die Hard (3.5)
Spider-Man 3 (3.5)
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End (3)
The Astronaut Farmer (3)
Transformers (3)
Ghost Rider (2.5)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2.5)
Hostel: Part II (2)

Updated for Harry Potter.
I'm very generous when I rate movies. as long as its fun and keeps my attention I'll give it a very high grade.

1.Transformers- 10/10 Great fun, good laughs, and awesome fights. What more could you ask for?
2.Hot Fuzz-9.75/10 Funniest Movie all year.
3. 300- 9.5/10 Best Action movie in years.
4. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- 9.5/10 Great adaptation of the awesome novel.
5. Spider-Man 3- 9/10 I dont care what you all say, I loved it.
6. TMNT- 8/10 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! My only complaint was no shredder.
7. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer- 7.5/10 Good popcorn flick. Loads better than the first one.
8. Ghost Rider- 6/10 Disappointing, but still enjoyable, Nicholas Cage was decent, not good, but decent.
9. Pirates of the Carribean : At World's End- 5/10 It was too long and drawn out for such little plot. I may revise this upon another viewing.

As for future movies that I'm sure will go into my top 5-
Balls of Fury!
Resident Evil: Extinction
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I can't believe I've seen 14 movies this year and not one of them will be nominated for the Academy Award.

Though I have my fingers crossed for Knocked Up. I'm hoping Little Miss Sunshine is a harbinger of comedies finally getting their due.

Of course, it didn't work after Annie Hall, so why start now?
1. Ratatouille - 9.9/10 - Best movie of the year thusfar... The .1 is knocked off because of the beginning which was a bit weaker than the rest of the film, but the second we got Remy talking to Gusteau and introduced Linguini, the film turned to solid gold. It is going to be hard as HELL to outrank this movie this year.

2. Knocked Up - 9/10 - Best comedy i've seen in a long while.

3. Sicko - 8.75/10 - Sicko is an important movie, especially if you're an American... Actually, it might only be an important film if you are an American... But if you are, this movie is equally as important a film as An Inconvenient Truth was last year. This movie is about how our country's healthcare system PALES in comparison to EVERY OTHER Western Country... This is an issue that we should make central in 2008... So, yeah. See it if you are American, if not, its not going to mean all that much. (which i deducted .25 for... the other point off is from the films various flaws, but its still a damn good movie)

4. Zodiac - 8.5/10 - Well constructed, but a bit longer than necessary. The acting was fantastic though, probably the best I've seen so far this year.

5. Hot Fuzz - 8.5/10 - Fun, Funny, Action-packed. Also: Timothy Dalton is fantastic, and I now want to write movies where I can make him the bad guy.

6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 8.5/10 - The pacing was off for about the first third of the film, and Bellatrix Lestrange was exaggerated into rediculousness... but the feel and the look of the film outdid ANYTHING in the previous movies... By deciding to adapt the book as it should be adapted rather than as defined by the previous movie, we get the best film yet in the series... One that feels like it tells a complete story. And Sirius was awesome... Gary Oldman was simply the most perfect choice for that role.

7. Bridge to Terabithia - 8.5/10 - Most heartwarming story i've seen all year, based on my favorite book in Middle School

8. Grindhouse - 8/10 - Lots of fun, it has its weak points, but the sheer enjoyability of Planet Terror, and the newest Tarantino film (which includes what I now consider to be the greatest chase sequence of ALL time)... Death Proof is simply brilliant. I'll see it again if it hits the theaters on its lonesome.

9. Ocean's 13 - 8/10 - Its not quite the quality of the first one... But it's ALMOST up there... The first half of the movie I was really anxious, because it took a WHILE to get going... But when it picked up, it really picked up and I enjoyed the hell out of it... Clooney and Pitt's relationship gives this an extra point, but I might knock it down later in the year.

10. 1408 - 8/10 - Cusack did a damn good job in the movie, without losing his usual Cusackian Charm... My biggest problem with it all is the fact that they never really explain WHY the room was evil. It just was. But a good movie, quite enjoyable.

10. Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End - 8/10 - Satisfying ending to a well executed trilogy. I enjoyed the hell out of it, and I'll happily dish out the money for the next film on the list.

11. Tranformers - 7/10 - Your typical fun summer action popcorn flick. Good Characters, Lots of Fun action, but not much substance.

12. 300 - 7/10 - Fun. Good. But the scenes in sparta interspersed with the narrative slows the story... I need to see it again (for the fourth time), but I'm pretty sure that this is where I stand on it. Mostly Good.

13. Shrek 3 - 7/10 - Solid Enough... Not as much heart as the first, Not as much funny as the second, but still a the end of the day it was an enjoyable solid movie with fantastic CGI... There's this bit with The Gingerbread Man's life flashing before his eyes that still makes me laugh just thinking about it. Not great, Not Bad. Certainly better than I expected.

14. Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer - 7/10 - Had a lot of the flaws of the first, but rectified several of them... Johnny Storm continues to be the strongest aspect of the series, which I absolutely hope continues... My biggest Problem is with Mr. Fantastic, cuz, well... he should seem intelligent.

15. Spider-Man 3 - 6/10 - The most disapointing film experience I've had all year. This made me cringe so much with what they messed up that every time something decent happened it was ruined by the inconsistency of it all... The good parts simply showed that this COULD have been good. But they opted against it, apparently...

16. Evan Almighty - 5/10 - It had heart, but no real discernable message, and poor usage of Wanda Sykes, who I think can be fantastic when she's got a good script. I'm glad I saw it once, but doubt i'll ever see it again.

17. Ghost Rider - 4/10 - This movie made me want to make my own Ghost Rider movie, one that was good.

Movies I Plan to See This Year:
- Hairspray - July 20th - Actually I might be most excited about this movie, over everything else in the next few months
- The Simpsons Movie - July 27th - Looks good
- Stardust - August 10th - I suspect this might be my favorite movie of the year... I love the book, and its been getting fantastic advance reviews
- Wristcutters: A Love Story - August 31st - I <3 Patrick Fugit
- The Nanny Diaries - September 7th - It looks good
- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - September 21st - the title says it all
- Bee Movie - November 2nd - The bits from the previews I've really enjoyed... Time will tell whether or not its any good
- Fred Claus - November 9th - I love Paul Giamatti, and him playing Santa Claus is just fantastic. I hope its not crap.
- Beowulf - November 16th - More Neil Gaiman! Woot!
- Enchanted - November 21st - The first Disney movie i've been excited about in AGES... Looks funny and charming and it might be the dawn of a new era for Disney
- The Golden Compass - December 7th - one of my favorite book series of all time... plus GREAT casting
- I Am Legend - December 14th - I love Will Smith movies, and I don't care who knows about it.
- National Treasure: The Book of Secrets - December 21st - enjoyed the first one enough
- Sweeney Todd - December 21st - Please God, don't suck. Sweeney is one of my alltime favorite musicals, and I might die if Burton doesnt do it justice.
- Charlie Wilson's War - December 25th - Aaron Sorkin Script. That's all I need to know.
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I'm very generous when I rate movies. as long as its fun and keeps my attention I'll give it a very high grade.

I am too; however, I do take my grading very seriously. SRSLY.

Updated (in my sig) for Harry Potter.

Also, the ten films I've seen released in 2007:

1. Knocked Up A
2. Ratatouille A
3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix A-
4. Grindhouse A-
5. Spider-Man 3 B+
6. Bridge to Terabithia B+
7. Shrek the Third B
8. Reno 911!: Miami B-
9. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End B-
10. Black Snake Moan C
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Transformers - 5/5 - It's that good.
Hot Fuzz - 5/5 - Perfect.
Ocean's 13 - 4.75/5 - I really want to give it a 5 but I can't. It was great though.
Grindhouse - 4.5/5 - I thought Death Proof started kind of slow, but overall it was really, really good.
300 - 4/5 - I thought it was kind of boring... until the battle started. Then it ruled.
The Prestige - 4/5 - I might need to watch this again.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 4/5 - The best one yet.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - 3.5/5 - Disappointing.
Mr. Bean - 2/5 - It probably wasn't that bad, but it was predictable, and there was probably only one moment where I laughed. These movies just show Mr. Bean doesn't work on the big screen.
Spider-Man 3 - 1.5/5 - Terrible. Terrible.

Harry Potter and Hairspray
FUN FACT: This was the original title of the seventh book before JK Rowling decided to end the series in a more "traditional" way than she had originally planned.
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FUN FACT: This was the original title of the seventh book before JK Rowling decided to end the series in a more "traditional" way than she had originally planned.

With the rock off.

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