Y: The Last Man - series discussion (spoilers)

She told Yorrick that when he talked to her on the phone before the plague.....she was gonna break up with him.

Which obviously ****s with Yorrick's head since he travled the world for years just to be with her.
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This issue was sorta anti-climatic. We got this great build-up cliffhanger in the last issue....and then this.

Wow, really? I thought it was great...this whole time the series had been leading to this...and it did not disappoint. They get it on, she breaks the news...and he gets pissed and leaves! Alone!

And then on top of the guilt she was feeling, she gets to meet her (maybe not) soon-to-be stepdaughter.

I thought it was great.
Wow, really? I thought it was great...this whole time the series had been leading to this...and it did not disappoint. They get it on, she breaks the news...and he gets pissed and leaves! Alone!

And then on top of the guilt she was feeling, she gets to meet her (maybe not) soon-to-be stepdaughter.

I thought it was great.

I said it was great. It just felt that way to me.
I just picked it up today (while at the shop I kept forgetting it was out and missing it on the rack because its wedged into a corner in the back of the store...since everythings alphabetized). Good issue, nice first step in the closing out of this series. Also very symbolic of past relationship's I've had. :)
Edited TOG's post because something this huge and epic cannot be spoiled that easily (I ****ed myself up when I came here before reading the issue).

But yeah. Y The Last Man #58. Brian K. Vaughan is one of the greatest comic writers ever and this issue is a perfect example of this. **** you, you great machine, you. I love you.
I came here earlier (before the spoiler tags) and TOG ruined the issue for me.

BKV is my hero. This was very, very awesome.
OMG, OMG, OMG, this has no impact on me because I dont know who these characters are

Get the trades from the UC Store. This is one of the best series ever.
According to the artist's blog about #59:

"After reading it I felt as if I'd been kicked in the gut. Holy ****."
I tried to pick this up the other day, but the store didn't have most of the volumes. So I compromised and read the one they did have.

Shame. I only read the volume of her fight with the ninja girl and the crazy asian doctor guy, but 355 was my favorite.
Aww damn.

You could kinda see it coming, what with her finding happiness and revealing her name to 'Rick. But truth be told, I thought it was him that was gonna bite it. What 'Rick does now is anyones guess I think. Very eager to finish this.
Honestly, I think as emotionally powerful as 355's death was, I almost feel that Yorick's death would be more appropriate at this point.

I can't believe they killed 355!

This is just......wow.


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