Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
That'd be Mimic.Also: Ultimate Cable?! Look up between Pheonix and Colossus you'll see a guy with a glowing eye and wolverine claws...
That'd be Mimic.Also: Ultimate Cable?! Look up between Pheonix and Colossus you'll see a guy with a glowing eye and wolverine claws...
It's probably because since he's drawn small, wasn't really *that* important. Or he's just so small you can't see it.But 616 Mimic has a big brown beard recently... unless they've changed him to fit his Exiles counterpart.
It makes complete sense the analogy he made and I complete agree with him.My take on the situation is this - bear with me, because it's a bit long-winded. And also, remember I'm speaking as an atheist. It's only an analogy.
In early commentaries on the Bible, there's a clear distinction between "the hammer of God" and "the scourge of God". To call someone a hammer is entirely positive: you're saying they're God's champion, specially chosen and favoured. But "scourge of God" means something very different. If you're a sourge, you're an instrument that God has picked up to punish or administer justice to some specific group of people - and once the job is done, God throws you aside again because he's got no further use for you. The fact that you were - briefly - God's instrument doesn't ennoble you or redeem you even slightly.
Well, Sabretooth is a scourge. Rogue has picked him up and used him against the Children, and in a different situation Cable has used him against Pandemic and his Plague Dogs.
But I'd say he's a team member only insofar as he's fighting alongside the rest of the team and sharing the same risks as them. They don't like him or trust him, or deceive themselves that he shares their agenda in any way - and after the battle they lock him up again because he's only safe if he's on the shortest of short leashes.
Me said:Anyways, I was wondering about how Andy at the X-Men panel said that if we're Iceman fans, we're going to love what's going to happen in [adj.] X-Men. So after I had to change my pants, I still was way too excited.
For an actual question, could you elaborate on that? I know of course you can't give anything away, but maybe a hint as to what and/or when?
Mike Carey said:I can give you the when, Luis. It's the situation that arises as a result of the events in #200, and it runs through #201 to #203. Both Iceman and Cannonball are going to get the spotlight big-time at this point - along with a third mutant who isn't part of the X-Men team (and isn't Beast, before anyone asks…)
The scene with Mystique and Bobby was great. As was the one with Sabretooth.It was really really good.
The last few issues were good but seemed to drag, but this is shaping up to be awesome again.
No! "Iceman"! ONE WORD!!!Mystique's Betrayal comes forward in this issue, along with Lady Mastermind, two characters who have been hanging with the X-Men for a little while now... Mystique is really one of the best X-Villains, I don't care what anybody says). Ice Man can't access his powers, and Mystique shoots Rogue in the chest.
I have to agree on both accounts.I read #200. Cable rules. He is the best part of this series.
Gambit as a villain is sweet.
In that picture above, the girl with the green hair, are her breasts unbalanced or something? One looks much bigger. damn you ramos.