
A trip to Canada would be pretty great. All those girls with no men who want to have sex with them...

How do you people procreate, anyways?
And the obvious joke award goes to.... *bites fingernails*...

Oh my god, oh my god. I just want to thank my parents, my manager, God, and my wife and son back home, this is for you guys! And everyone should know that, y'know, sometimes dreams do come true. Thank you very much.
clearly he would call snuffelupagus and grover over to his nest for a spelling party.

I think you deserve a prize for using snuffelupagus.

Oh my god, oh my god. I just want to thank my parents, my manager, God, and my wife and son back home, this is for you guys! And everyone should know that, y'know, sometimes dreams do come true. Thank you very much.

*orchestra cuts mooney's speech off*

Now let's all have another chorus of "STFU".

I don't want to start something, so I'll just say this:



You can put away your rulers now.

Calgary is the Toronto that just didn't try hard enough.
I don't want to start something, so I'll just say this:



You can put away your rulers now.

Calgary is the Toronto that just didn't try hard enough.
atleast we didn't try to compensate with a gigantic spike on top

it's the equivalent of putting a cucumber in your pants
If we're comparing the two, it's the equivelent of doing that when you already have a ten-inch wang.

Face it, we're the Barad-Dur to your Orthanc.

Atleast we don't kid ourselves into thinking we need an MLB team and an NBA team

New York Wannabe's

Plus the Calgary Tower was made along time ago, comparing the two is like you comparing your wang to your grandfathers.
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Silly canucks.

Being the best city in Canada is like being the best turd in the bowl. It doesn't matter how nice it is, it's still ****.