Sounds like he's got a good grasp on WW. Is he a good writer, though? I've only seen his beautiful artwork.
One of the comics I adore is GEN 13. However, only two people actually wrote good stories for GEN 13. GEN 13 was a very popular comic in its time, the sexy, younger version of X-Men, I suppose. Adam Warren wrote some great stories, as did Adam Hughes. (Adam + Gen13 = Greatness apparently)
Adam (Hughes) did loads of pin-ups and what not, but he did three stories for GEN 13:
GEN 13: ORDINARY HEROES is a two-issue mini he wrote and drew. It, in his own words, "doesn't suck". It doesn't at all, I like it muchly, and am very fond of it.
SUPERMAN/GEN 13 is a three-issue mini which he wrote, and was meant to draw, but a huge SNAFU on DC's end meant someone else drew it. The artist, Lee Bermejo is really good and does a great job. Regardless, the story is really funny.
GEN13: WHAM! A TALE is an 11-page short story which is just really funny, about Caitlin's origin told by Roxy.
I love all three. You can pick them up, the ORDINARY HEROES tpb has WHAM!, some pin-ups, and (annoyingly) some stupid-*** Alan Davis Gen13 comic. (Remember - Adam + Gen13 = Greatness, otherwise, avoid. It needs an Adam people!)
That's not all! He was going to do a TOMB RAIDER comic, but it fell through. And others.
I'm fortunate enough to have talked to the guy several times - he's told me a bunch of stories and honestly; he's ****ing good. His fixes for THE PHANTOM MENACE and REVENGE OF THE SITH (hell, RETURN OF THE JEDI too) are just brilliant.
His real writing talent, in my opinion, is his ability to make you love what he loves.
I bring this up because for those of us who think "Wonder Woman is Superman with boobs" he's the best writer we could hope for.
I know the plot to his Wonder Woman story, and I think it's terrific. You guys may know me as someone who goes, "Already, at a conceptual level, this comic fails". Yeah, I couldn't find anything in his comic I'd go, "That needs changing". It's a gem of a story.
I really think it's going to be a big success that one.
Well I'm certainly intrigued.
I don't want to make a big thing out of it because I don't expect anyone to love the little moment I'm talking about like I do. It's just something I thought was awesome, something that resonated
for me, but I don't expect everyone else to go "OMG!" or anything.