Wonder Woman's Future

I'll add this to the top

6. Who would you like to be writing Wonder Woman

Gail Simone. I think she's the only creator that would turn in a quality book, that would come out on time, and wouldn't dumb the character down.

Happily DC is doing just that.
Did you not like Rucka's run?

I didn't read it. I've heard good things, but I don't have enough investment into the character to want to pick up the TPBs. With the upcoming Simone run I'll be able to spend $2 after my discount to check it out on an issue by issue basis.
I've read the Hiketeia. It was average. The art was awesome though, which is why I think JG Jones should draw Wonder Woman. And have Brian K. Vaughan write it. And have Adam Hughes do covers.

Yes, that is what I want.
Is anyone reading Amazons attack...seems odd that even though this is marketed as an actual Event, it's less popular than Lightning saga which is just a crossover between 2 (albeit more popular) titles.
Is anyone reading Amazons attack...seems odd that even though this is marketed as an actual Event, it's less popular than Lightning saga which is just a crossover between 2 (albeit more popular) titles.

I'm not. It seems really out of place after where we left the Amazons at the end of IC. If anyone is I'd like to know if they've addressed that yet.
I picked up the first issue. The general gist of it is, Amazons Attack. It's pretty much mediocre in every single category.
This is from Circe's wiki article:
When Circe learned of Wonder Woman, she became fearful that her power could potentially end. This was because when Hecate transferred her soul she said the words: Upon the death of witch and the birth of witch, Hecate, by name and choice, shall repossess her soul. In Circe's mind, as Wonder Woman's name is Diana, this meant that she had the potential to take Hecate's power from her. This was because Hecate, in addition to being goddess of witchcraft, was also a goddess of the moon. As Diana's name is also a name of a moon goddess, Circe felt she must destroy her.

Once Diana learned this fact as well, she felt opposite, not wanting to destroy Circe as she didn't want the soul of Hecate possessing her body. This began the long love/hate relationship between Diana and Circe over several years.

So it seems maybe to get some closure from this ongoing story in a potential 'Whatever happened to Wonder woman' , we could have her killing circe for some reason and focus on the repercussions of that. I'll say again i'm not too familiar with the characters, but I'm thinking for set up you could have wonder woman and circe against cheetah, with ares working behind the scenes..and later find out circe is in on it and it's her chance to kill WW once and for all.....but ares really set this up so WW had to kill circe, so the soul of Hecate would possess WW..but maybe Athena steps in at the end and stops him. There are many logistics I'll have to work out. And this may end up being too much like WW stories that have already been told.

I like the idea that Ares somehow grants Circe the power to defy the lasoo of trruth so that WW mistakenly trusts circe with her life.
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I'm not. It seems really out of place after where we left the Amazons at the end of IC. If anyone is I'd like to know if they've addressed that yet.

I've been reading both WW and Amazons Attack. Amazons Attack is an "event fallout" from the pages of WW.

Let's see if I can summarize it before I get bored.....

In WW...Diana is doing the whole secret ID thing. She's investigating some recent thefts that revolve around WW artifacts. WW finds out that Circe is behnd it all. They fight....Circe retreats. In the midst of the battle---the Dept of MetaHuman Affairs show up and arrest WW for Lord's death. WW goes along peacefully.

Meanwhile Circe transports herself to another dimension---where she then transports herself to Themiscyra. She shows Hippolyta that the humans or even worse---men---have enslaved WW and treat her like some caged animal. This enrages Hippolyta and she tells the Amazons to prepare for battle since they're gonna rescue WW.

While all this is going on, Nemesis, camoflauges himself as Sgt Steel and breaks WW out of prison because he doesn't think she belongs there. During the rescue raid by Nemesis---the Amazons attack starting with DC. It turns from a rescue mission to a "take over the world and free it from men" mission.

Giant violent warrior women pillaging and slaughtering panels ensue. I take a 5 minute break and retreat to the bathroom. I have issues.

When we come back to the book---Nemesis and WW finally escape and exit the sewers they were hiding in. There they see all the damage the amazons did.

While WW confronts her mother---several amazons try to assasinate the President but are stopped by some military members and Black Lightning.

That's about as far as they've gotten so far. I'm not sure how all this is gonna play out between issues---but the books it's supposed to affect are:

Teen Titans #47-49 (Vol.3)
Outsiders #49 (Vol. 3)
Wonder Woman #9-12 (Vol.3)
I liked the first Amazons Attack. My main problem with Wonder Woman is that the other characters from the last series just disapeared. I really liked the Minotaur that stayed at the embassy.
1. Wonder woman's rogues gallery. Who is her Lex Luthor or Joker..who is the anti-wonder woman.
Doctor Psycho is the anti-Wonder Woman, as far as I can see. Everything she is, he's the evil opposite of, starting with being male. Her body is divine, his is vile and inferior. She has a lasso of truth, he creates illusions. She's chaste, he's not, to put it politely. And so on.

2. Wonder woman's supporting cast. There's no Robin, no alfred, no Jimmy olsen or Lois Lane.
There used to be a minotaur chef and a bunch of people who had time put into building them up.

3. Ideas for a Dark Knight Returns/Whatever happened to man of tommorow for Wonder woman.
Have Wonder Woman win. One or more major nations voluntarily adopt the Amazon Way.

OK, now what? The trouble with this is, you then have to say what Wonder Woman stands for, and that's a secret that the audience apparently mustn't know, in case they don't agree with her. I don't know what you do with a heroine who's all about standing for things, and you refuse to tell the readers what those things are.

4. Ideas for a Year One/Man of Steel. What are her defining events in her past, like Bruce's parents, maybe this could be a story of the death of a childhood friend.
I see Wonder Woman's defining history as World War II, after she comes to "Man's world" to kick Nazi tailfeather and assure the triumph of American arms.

3 and 4 would be easier to think about once we had 1 and 2. And 1 and 2 would be easier to think about once we had
I'm with you...

5. What's Wonder Woman all about. should she be leader of armies or what? How should her values be different to batman/superman so that we stop seeing her as just a female superman? Comparing the trinity to Thor/Iron man/Cap ...what can we gain from having her as a female? I like the idea that batman was an orphan, superman was raised by country folk, wonder woman raised by a tribe.
I want the return of something much more like the original Wonder Woman, feminist Nazi crusher on about the power level of Ultimate Captain America, tops. And I want her to say what she believes, take some lumps, lose some fans, but stand for something. Wonder Woman, anti-chauvinist super-warrior, really is the one who should be taking on Al Qaeda. I mean, when America's enemies believe in female genital mutilation, preventing girls from being educated, and perpetual war for compulsory monotheism, what major DC hero just had their ultimate ideological nemesis show up for real? Get the Amazing Amazon off the sidelines!! Have her be the hero and cheerleader for us, and her own beliefs!

And stop this ridiculous tap-dancing about her other beliefs. She's pro-choice or pro-life. Say so, and move on. Likewise for other issues. (I assume that her writers would make her pro-choice, and as a pro-lifer I'd hate that. Never mind! Make the call! Have the decisive heroine make her decisive call, right or wrong, and move on!)

and Finally
6. Who would you like to see writing Wonder Woman?
I don't like the job anyone's done with her, but Greg Rucka's been the best in a long time. But I don't want him back. I think if you could get William Moulton Marston back, that would be ideal. Yes, even with the bondage issues. Go for it. Fine. Just have Wonder Woman be a somebody, not a bland merchandising property.

I think I'm right in saying Batman is athiest/agnostic, Superman is Christian(ish), and Wonder Woman believes (knows) all the Greek/Roman Gods.
Maybe the blur between wonder woman and superman comes, just because batman has no powers at all, (like a bigger distinction between atheism/theism than there is with monotheism/polytheism). But we don't need to go down that route for discussion.
We don't. For one thing, she has a much more direct interest in religious freedom, which is being challenged by terrorist violence in the real world.

I just don't want DC to get Joss Whedon to write a lesbian wonder woman, and exploit the Joedamn out of her.
Nor I.

Remember the pictures we should all have seen of women in the Islamic world in sacks, being executed for crimes like fighting back against being raped? I want Wonder Woman to get off the fence and take a side on that. Unless she does, I don't respect how she's being written.

Wonder Woman can be wrong, that goes with being radical, which she is. But of all heroes, she can't duck a fight like this. No other hero or heroine, including Captain America vs. Hitler, has ever had a more directly relevant real world enemy.

It's ridiculous, and it has been for years and years and years.

Wonder woman, your hour has come! The challenge that calls for you and nobody else has sounded. What will you do, Wonder Woman? Will you fight? Will you inspire people? Will you speak? Will you do nothing?

Year after year, a weak sister copy of Superman has stood around in effect answering:

Never mind whatever happened to the man of tomorrow. Whatever happened to Wonder Woman?
Remember the pictures we should all have seen of women in the Islamic world in sacks, being executed for crimes like fighting back against being raped? I want Wonder Woman to get off the fence and take a side on that. Unless she does, I don't respect how she's being written.

You'll want to check out Paul Dini's Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth, illustrated by Alex Ross then. Its in the Worlds Greatest Super-Heros hardcover. The whole thing is great.

...the Shazam story made me cry.
David Blue said:
Wonder Woman can be wrong, that goes with being radical, which she is. But of all heroes, she can't duck a fight like this. No other hero or heroine, including Captain America vs. Hitler, has ever had a more directly relevant real world enemy.

It's ridiculous, and it has been for years and years and years.

Wonder woman, your hour has come! The challenge that calls for you and nobody else has sounded. What will you do, Wonder Woman? Will you fight? Will you inspire people? Will you speak? Will you do nothing?

Year after year, a weak sister copy of Superman has stood around in effect answering:

Never mind whatever happened to the man of tomorrow. Whatever happened to Wonder Woman?
Sounds like a manifesto to me! :thumbsup:

Have Wonder Woman win. One or more major nations voluntarily adopt the Amazon Way.

OK, now what? The trouble with this is, you then have to say what Wonder Woman stands for, and that's a secret that the audience apparently mustn't know, in case they don't agree with her. I don't know what you do with a heroine who's all about standing for things, and you refuse to tell the readers what those things are.
I agree.

The other big problem with superheroes is that almost all of them have come to a point where they stand for no ideology whatsoever. That's fine when you're talking about Spider-Man who's about doing the right thing and then neurotically obsessing over whether it was right or not, simply because he's an Everyman who hasn't and may never decide what his politics and ideologies are.

But of course, Marvel and DC are dealing with mass market properties in a manner that they cannot stand the notion of having to defend the possible 'wrongness' in setting a socio-political tone of their characters. And by 'wrongness' I mean 'wrong' to those who disagree. So instead Warren Ellis does it in Planetary and Authority.

(I felt like these were the paths that Ultimates was going to go under Millar, and UFF under Ellis (and to a lesser extent Bendis) but no such luck now that the imprint no longer has the balls of Bill Jemas, a man who would easily approve of taking a character like Wonder Woman and doing what you suggest.)

David Blue said:
And stop this ridiculous tap-dancing about her other beliefs. She's pro-choice or pro-life. Say so, and move on. Likewise for other issues. (I assume that her writers would make her pro-choice, and as a pro-lifer I'd hate that. Never mind! Make the call! Have the decisive heroine make her decisive call, right or wrong, and move on!)
I think a pro-life Wonder Woman would be ****ing genius. And I say that as a pro-choicer.

David Blue said:
I think to me the most fascinating aspect of the character is that she comes from an invisible society that is supposed to be light years ahead in wisdom and prosperity and moral principle than the World of Man, and I think that's something that should be explored, but must be done without over-emphasizing the gender aspect of her. The fact that this civilization happens to be all-female is merely incidental. Sure, some people might read that as a commentary on how a man-driven society as fundamentally flawed, but that's their bag.
You guys are pretty much describing Winged Victory from Astro City.
Yes, but the difference between Winged Victory and a 'better' Wonder Woman is that Busiek uses his creation to tell stories within a larger context, and doesn't feature her in her own book.

I know that sounds like a really insignificant distinguishing point but it's not. The fact that Wonder Woman has to carry her own book matters, because she's doing this largely on the shoulders of her own inconsequential characterization and an ideology that is muted to point of being almost absent.
People want to see Olivia Munn from G4tv's Attack of the Show play Wonder Woman in a movie-the was even a petition for it.

Does anyone agree?
People want to see Olivia Munn from G4tv's Attack of the Show play Wonder Woman in a movie-the was even a petition for it.

Does anyone agree?

This is not the thread for Wonder Woman movie talk. This is for the character in comic form.

If you wanna ask the Olivia Munn question----ask it in THIS thread.

And for the record.....no. Olivia Munn should NOT play WW. If you wanna reply or debate this....reply to the WW movie thread.

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