Women in comics

See, I disagree. I think the inclusion of Huntress makes it ludicrous enough to not be taken seriously. Hal's boring (to me at least) but he always seems to be portrayed as something of a lady killer. Yeah, if it was intended to be truth, sure, that's stupid, and fairly sexist. If it's just Hal and Ollie horsing around, then it's sexist on their part, sure, but generally indicative of who those two guys are.
I think we're both saying the same thing, but wording it differently. As a joke, it works for them both. As reality, kinda sexist and dumb. Yeah?

Also, Hal's status as a ladies man boggles my mind. You couldn't name a more boring whitebread hero if you tried, but he seems to do pretty well for himself. Sure he's manpretty, but what Superhero isn't? At least Ollie is funny.
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I think we're both saying the same thing, but wording it differently. As a joke, it works for them both. As reality, kinda sexist and dumb. Yeah?

Also, Hal's status as a ladies man boggles my mind. You couldn't name a more boring whitebread hero if you tried, but he seems to do pretty well for himself. Sure he's manpretty, but what Superhero isn't? At least Ollie is funny.

Agreed, on both counts. I guess he has the whole "daredevil ace" thing going for him, which is part of the reason I think him and Zinda would be a decent match for each other. They're both competitive daredevil aces, and I think they'd both see it as conquest.

I partly feel like they steer towards "Hal Jordan as playboy" because he doesn't really have much else going for him.

Ollie seems like a charmer. Hal, not so much.
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Agreed, on both counts. I guess he has the whole "daredevil ace" thing going for him, which is part of the reason I think him and Zinda would be a decent match for each other. They're both competitive daredevil aces, and I think they'd both see it as conquest.
I'm with you. I could totally see the two of them hooking up. It was the inclusion of Helena that threw me.
I partly feel like they steer towards "Hal Jordan as playboy" because he doesn't really have much else going for him.

Ollie seems like a charmer. Hal, not so much.
That makes a lot of sense. I don't think playboy counts as proper characterization on its own, but I could see plenty of writers thinking it does.
Gail Simone said on Twitter that Hal/Zinda makes sense but Hal/Zinda/Helena was ridiculous. I agree.

It's a shame Robinson can't write these characters in Cry for Justice (well, everyone except Congorilla, Mikaal and Prometheus, I guess) because I really want to read a Justice League comic that doesn't suck.