Wolverine - series discussion (spoilers)

Two things.

1. What did you think of who was killed? I know who it was and I'm just wondering what everyone else thought of it

2. For some related speculation on my part, can you describe how Rachel broke Cerebra

Oh and yeah, Xaviers actually does have students in it all the time now. Has had for a good while
Was it noted in the solicitations that there would be a death or was it just a rumor that ended up being truth? If it was in the solicitations, then [blank]'s death was a huge disappointment, unless Hydra uses him. I don't think that will happen though. Sure was a cop-out way to get the only homosexual out of the mansion.
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It was in the solicits and its also confirmed, the same way I belíeve, that *spoiler* Northstar will be returning in the same situation as Elektra and Wolverine were- brainwashed and ninja-ed up and crazy*end spoiler*.
Caduceus said:
Two things.

1. What did you think of who was killed? I know who it was and I'm just wondering what everyone else thought of it

2. For some related speculation on my part, can you describe how Rachel broke Cerebra

Oh and yeah, Xaviers actually does have students in it all the time now. Has had for a good while

Question? Do we really need spoilers? It has already been announced earlier and this is a spoiler's thread. Plus I edited my last post three times before I realized that it's pretty obvious. So I'll say it anyway.

1. see my last post

2. Rachel didn't break cerebra. Logan had on hand an explosive device (I think he stole it from Reed) that would destroy the mansion and beyond, unless Rachel cooperated. Rachel destroyed that and Logan ran away like a little --
IcyFlames said:
Question? Do we really need spoilers? It has already been announced earlier and this is a spoiler's thread. Plus I edited my last post three times before I realized that it's pretty obvious. So I'll say it anyway.

If you want to put something in your message that hasn't happened yet, inviso text it. Its not like it takes a lot of effort to post or read.

IcyFlames said:
2. Rachel didn't break cerebra. Logan had on hand an explosive device (I think he stole it from Reed) that would destroy the mansion and beyond, unless Rachel cooperated. Rachel destroyed that and Logan ran away like a little --

Ok thanks. Doesn't pan out. Anyway.
Wolverine #33 (House of M)

Not much in this issue. A recap of a mission, a party being attacked in which Logan was tacken down first with acid. We also get to know that Logan has been abusing drugs and alcohol for a time and that he and Mystique is a couple. The one thing that I think was interesting was that the one that was responsible for the attack (and was implaid that was also working with Logan) was the same one that I have been wondering where he has been in House of M, namely...
Nick Fury
I dropped Wolverine after Millar left. Not at all interested in any of the HoM crossovers.

But Millar's last issue was excellent. One of the best issues of his entire run.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Tell us about Fury
Not much to say. Shaw shows Mystique a picture and she tells him that that is the man responsible for the attack (I should write that the point of the attack was to get a Sentinel, which succeded so now the resistent has a Sentinel on their side) and then Shaw tells her to look further down on the picture and on the same picture is Wolverine. Mystique gets angry and tells Shaw that Logan had nothing to do with the attack and points to the picture

See link for picture.

That is all, including the cliffhanger.
You don't need a spoiler mark in a spoiler thread. :)

But that banner says "Fury's Hellions".

Hellions?! Why not "Howling Commandos"? Emma should sue! :p
icemastertron said:
You don't need a spoiler mark in a spoiler thread. :)
Yeah, I know. But this has connections to House of M so I don't wanna ruin the experience for those that has not yet read House of M but wants to read about Wolverine. Might seem stupid but I rather be safe than sorry.
Ultimate Warrior said:
Yeah, I know. But this has connections to House of M so I don't wanna ruin the experience for those that has not yet read House of M but wants to read about Wolverine. Might seem stupid but I rather be safe than sorry.
Makes sense.

I need to go read this issue. I haven't yet.
Enemy of the State was a fun read. Agent of SHIELD sucked. Millar made Sue make people's optic nerves invisible just like in UFF and I felt ripped off...
Well they kidnapped her again, killed her, brought her back to life, and brainwashed her again. Wolverine goes to the Hand's headcourters and they sick Elektra on him saying she is the new boss. But Elektra was justing playing possum and her and Wolverine kill everyone. I don't know anything about her stillbeing in charge.
thee great one said:
Well they kidnapped her again, killed her, brought her back to life, and brainwashed her again. Wolverine goes to the Hand's headcourters and they sick Elektra on him saying she is the new boss. But Elektra was justing playing possum and her and Wolverine kill everyone. I don't know anything about her stillbeing in charge.
Ok so it's just Natasha poking at her "ninja" history. Thanks TGO.
TheManWithoutFear said:
So I mean this title's big now right? Post-HoM. He remembers everything. We're gonna get a lot of answers? This is what has made the Marvel World go round ever since Wolverine became as big as he was.
I'm willing to bet that the "past" he remembers is mixe dup with the altered history of HoM that never happened, as a result of the second reality warp. Daniel Way doesn't want his elaborately-plotted back-story for HoM Wolvie to go to waste, so now he's saddling him with even more fake memories than before, by adding ideas about a past that never took place in this timeline.
compound said:
I'm willing to bet that the "past" he remembers is mixe dup with the altered history of HoM that never happened, as a result of the second reality warp. Daniel Way doesn't want his elaborately-plotted back-story for HoM Wolvie to go to waste, so now he's saddling him with even more fake memories than before, by adding ideas about a past that never took place in this timeline.
Well that just sucks.

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