Wizard World Philly Diary '07.

And like Remo Williams…the adventure begins…

Thursday –
I really wish I could say that there was a funny story or anecdote for my trip to Philly. But sadly…there is none. My trip there was pretty uneventful. Normally I'm all for exciting and stirring things up to break the monotony of life, but if there's one place Doom don't stir trouble---it's the airport. I've dealt with airport security before. That's one baby momma you don't want no drama with.

I got to Philly about mid-day and was met by my good friend Illy. She drove me to the hotel to check-in and from there it was time for our tour of Philly…Illy-style.

She first wanted to take me to this Vietnamese restaurant she was so fond of. While glancing over the menu she suggested that we get drunk in the middle of the afternoon and then do a tour of Philly. When has Doom ever really turned down the chance to get drunk and wander around an unfamiliar place? I'll answer that----New York. You really want to be sober when you walk around there. Trust me.

So anyways we get drunk (me drunk after 4 caraffes of sake, 2 Vietnamese brand beers, and some Vietnamese cocktail that tasted like the strongest Capri-Sun you'll ever have). Now I wasn't fully drunk….but I was well past the point of caring about any sort of inhibitions. Damn that was some strong sake. And thus begins our fabulous trek.

First stop was the giant game board pieces. There's something fraternally humorous about a giant bingo piece that says "O-69". And if you see a giant Iron from the game Monopoly---can you really resist putting your face up against it and act like you're being burnt? Didn't think so. Same with the giant Top Hat. You just have to strike a pose next to it.

From there, we continued our super-terrific-happy-fun-mega-ultra trip around the city of Brotherly Love. And speaking of love---why not take a pic in front of the giant Philly Love statue. Yes…the Doom pose is quite "fruity"….but I am the Jack to her Karen. Only I love the ladies. Sorry fellas. Plus I was still quite intoxicated….so I'm pretty sure I can't be held responsible for my actions.

From there we went up the Rocky stairs. Not as impressive as Rocky made it out to be. But I guess if you run all over Philly first---then run up the stairs, you could call it impressive. I was walking while impaired. Does that count? At the stairs I spotted like 6 people just working out on the stairs. Like it was a gym. WTF? There were also many statues of naked men. It seems that Philly loves the ****.

Afterwards, we could feel the buzz wear off so we decided to stop into a bar to refresh our spirits. Mmmm…vodka. After the bar we walked over to the Liberty Bell. I had full intentions on licking the Liberty Bell. It would've been LEGENDARY! Alas, the bell was behind a glass building with access. I was crushed. Illy then pointed out that across the Liberty Bell was some the building were the Declaration of Independence was signed. But that building---hell the whole side of the street---was chained off and anyone attempting to step over the chain would be arrested. What do you think I did next? That's right…my inebriated conscience mustered the courage to cross the street. Illy saw the security guards turn their attention to me and instantly grabbed me back onto her LEGAL side of the street.

At this point we decided that I'd seen enough and it was time to get me back to the hotel.

I get back to the hotel, and to be honest—I can't remember if TOG and Houde were already there when I got there or if they showed up later. Either way---I met my first UCers and introduced them to my black extending rod. I assure that it was a lot straighter than it sounds. Wait…I worded that wrong. What I meant to say is that it was heterosexual. Now for the life of me---I can't really recall why I packed my baton. I guess it's just a habit. Seeing as how everyone else showed up with a backpack or gym bag and I showed up with a giant suitcase and garment bag. It's just my nature to be prepared for whatever.

Anyways…after hanging out for a bit and finally getting TOG to be able to see where the hell he was staying (yes---TOG forgot the name of the hotel he was staying at), we finally go over to his hotel to meet up with Ice, Ice's Brother, and Ice's friend. We get to the hotel and they weren't there.
Now pause for a moment while I fill you in on some backstory. You see…we'd been calling Ice all evening but getting nothing but voicemail. At this point Doom was getting upset and left several nasty messages on Ice's voicemail. It was later on that we found out that Ice had left his phone at home because he got it wet. How did he get it wet you might ask? Well…Ice in his infinite modly wisdom decided that he was gonna leave it under the AC unit. I mean it's not like condensation exists right? :lol:

Back to the story---so we get to TOG's room and see that Ice's bags are there. We then see a purse (or what looked to be a purse) on the counter. So naturally we assume that Seldes is with them. We were left a note at the front desk that we were to meet them at a restaurant several blocks away. So we walk all over Philly to find this restaurant, only to find that once we get there that they not only aren't there…but never even went there in the first place.

At this point it's past 10pm and Doom, Houde and TOG are hungry. But with all the shops closed---it was looking like we were gonna eat sleep for dinner. And then we saw the flashing neon lights of Crown Fried Chicken. We stop in and grab some food to go and head back to the room. We get back to TOG's room and Ice and Co. are still missing. We decide to go ahead and eat and all of sudden Ice and the Gang walk in (san Seldes).

Greetings are exchanged, food is eaten, Ice shows off his SUITCASE of comics to be signed. Not shoebox or storage container of comics to be signed. Suitcase. Nobody cons like Ice. Nobody. We then find out that the purse that we thought was Seldes' turns out to be Ice's Friend's Insulin medicine bag. Doom teases him. And thus the running gag of "Doom's A Dick" is born.

This was only Thursday….and the con hadn't even started.

Details to follow.
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Day One

Sat next to a hot chick nurse on the plane, who reminded me of Sexybutt. Chatted for awhile, and found out her name was Jessica Jones. Odd indeed. We get off the plane, and she plays tonsil hockey with her boyfriend for a few minutes, I go and try to do the same with TGO, but first, I need to find the bastard

I wander to the baggage claim, and there he was, looking around dumbly. He doesn't turn when I yell Dean, but does turn when I yell THEE GREAT ONE! We get in a cab, and head over to the hotel to meet up with Doom.

I wasn't kidding earlier, Doom showed me his collapsible black rod right off the gate. It was made out of metal, and some sort of baton. Dean, meanwhile, was enjoying the first half of the Flash, but we decided we needed food, and went to his hotel to find Ice and the other.

Arriving at the hotel, we find out Ice already left for food (this will be a recurring theme throughout the weekend), Ice left a note of where to find them, so we scour Philly looking for this place, which we find, yet no ice. We move on, eat some fried food (Which I am now sick of), and we go back to the room to ambush Ice when he returns. Ice gets back, we make fun of him for not answering his cell phone (turns out he broke it), and mentioned we left several colorful messages on his phone. Doom and Houde go back to the hotel room, and being the nice people we are, we fall asleep and don't make the couch bed for Max. Didn't matter, Max woke us up when he slammed the door at three in the morning, and after some intros, we feel back asleep. I entertained thoughts of stealing my covers back, after giving it to Max in the first place, but don't as sleep finally overtaked the tired Houde.

Random Stats

Number of times TGO tried to talk to a crazy bum: 2
Number of times TGO missed seeing a hot girl: 1
Number of times Houde entertained the thought of killing TGO: 17
Number of times Doom swore in Ice's voice mail: 5
Damn...I forgot to mention that whole part about Max.

Yeah...the cool kids were in the know. The cool kids being Houde and Doom. Since our room had not one---but 2 flat panel widescreen TVs. Cool kids indeed.
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Ah, good times. Good times.

This just makes me want to take another vacation with the crew for an extended time.


Sounds awesome. Keep posting.
Friday –
The anticipation of going into my first big con was overwhelming. Even though we were only working off of like 5 hours of sleep and a wee bit of jetlag—we woke up and got ready. As we head out the room we decided to grab some breakfast before we met up with Ice and the Gang.

Big mistake. Even though the waffles were delicious and tasted like pancakes. And the eggs had the right amount of peppers mixed in and so forth---the experience was marred by the fact that our breakfast buffet at the hotel wasn't complimentary. But in fact it was $15. Each.

We finished eating and went to the con. It was there outside the doors of the Convention Center that we met the person who would make this trip a magical experience to remember. No…not the fat guy dressed as a member from Pokemon's Team Rocket. We met Seymour! How to describe Seymour? Ok…if Ice and Freddie Mercury from Queen had a love child and neglected to teach that child the importance of nutrition and exercise----that would be Seymour. Add that visual element to the fact that Seymour had a thick Boston/Philly accent swirled into the odd little nugget that his voice sounded like Dr.Girlfriend from Venture Bros. Got a good mental image? Good. Now take that awesome little image and multiply it's cool factor times eleventy-seventy billion and you've got a general idea as to how awesome Seymour was and how he easily stole our hearts.

It should also be noted that Seymour has no volume control. His voice is only set to 11. So the entire time he spoke it was him yelling instructions to everyone. Doom, being the dick he is, instantly began to mock him. My favorite line has to be when I kept imitating him screaming, "WHO STOLE MY EGG McMUFFIN!?!?!" This loud rant was of course peppered with expletives.

After standing in line for what seemed to be forever…we finally checked in and got our VIP passes. All the other people who didn't get VIP passes were sent back outside. So what do we do then? We take our badges and hold them up to the window and mock everyone outside. Childish? Yes. Funny? Yes. Called for? No. From there we stood in the VIP line as we awaited the doors to open. As we stood in line some scantily clad girl came up handing out fliers for her booth. Once she came to our group, Doom got a pic taken. Unfortunately, when the pic was taken it was a millisecond after I stopped staring at her breasts. Then we saw the other vixen of the con…The Baroness. Needless to say---she had the coolest costume there all weekend.

Once inside, the line for Michael Turner grew like the number of boybands in the 90s. It got long. Quick. We walked around the booths looking at the various collectibles the vendors had. I wasn't really impressed. Except for the drunk Tony Stark statue. It had to be one of the greatest statues I've ever seen. But soon enough it was time for the Mondo Marvel panel.

I won't bore you with the details of the panel as most of what transcribed is on Newsarama, Wizard, IGN, etc. But the UC Crew was in full effect. Sitting in the second row. Saying snarkish comments to a lot of stuff. When it was finally Q/A time, we repped in full force. When it was time for Doom to ask Joe Q a question—he asked something respectable. "How do they decide what creative teams work on what? There are times when a team is just magic and create the perfect synergy like Loners. And there's the books that fail to mesh like The Initaitive." Now obviously I went into more detail with the question---but what did follow before Q's answer was a lot of Cebulski ***-kissing and praise. Then the rest of the UC chimed in with applause. And thus the Loners Crew was born. Q's answer was acceptable. He said some of it is a dice toss…some of it is creators begging to work on a project…some of it's a mandated order in order to get a book out. The rest of the panel was pretty good. At the end of the panel we got some pics and then Joe Q tasked the UC to joke on Maleev at the Bendis panel. But more on that later….

And the rest of the day went on as such. I really can't remember much of what else happened at the con that day. Afterwards, we all gathered for dinner. While food itself was nothing to write home about---it was just the fact that we were all able to sit down and have a meal together. For a quick moment there at dinner, Doom made a small toast to everyone there and everyone on the UC for helping him get thru 2006. It was a rough one and I thank you all for being there. Then the joking continued. All was going well…until Maxwell chimed in with some random, off the wall, cat rape picture comment from the internet that made Seldes roll her eyes. The boy has no couth. :lol:

After dinner, it was a mad dash to the theaters in order to make our showing for Fantastic Four 2. Our group got to the theater fine. And during our ride is the famous Houde and TOG's earlobe story. But the others got lost and took a little longer to get there. But once they did we all sat together and watched the film. Me and Houde made snarking comments back and forth and laughed thru the entire film. The biggest running gag of the film was how they were able to traverse the world so fast. One minute they're in Siberia, the next in Germany, the next in China. Maybe it was because of the hemi in the Dodge Fantasticar? :lol: Once the credits started rolling---MWoF sat in his chair and refused to move until he saw a giant in purple pants.

Once the film ended, most of the crew went back to their respective rooms. A couple of us went out for drinks with MWoF at a local bar he frequents. I'm so glad there isn't a bar like that where I lie because I'd be there all the time. We finished the drinks and headed back to the room. Thus ending our day.
I would have loved to mock nerds through a window with my VIP pass.

And to have been there for the Marvel Q&As.

I hate when people have fun without me.
Day 2

Day two begins with an argument, you see, Max did a real stupid thing. He insulted all bald men everywhere, then to spice up the joke, he pulled out a plastic comb from his back pocket. After combing his hair, and saying he wanted a breeze to go through it, we went upstairs to eat in the hotel. Houde, trying to act like it was nothing, attempted to walk away, without paying the bill. But alas, the waiter was all over us like white on rice and charged it to our room. We walked over to the convention center, and got in line for the VIP tickets.

Here, we met Seymour, the likable security guard of the convention, who talked with his raspy voice, and if you weren't VIP you weren't worth a second of his time. There was a stairwell made up of stupid bowls and tea cups and those gigantic spoons they have a Chinese restaurants that said do not touch.

Houde touched.

It was glorious.

We got our VIP tickets and free stuff (****ING MICHEAL TURNER) and then from there, we rode the escalator to the top, only to find Ice already in line, and near the beginning. The bastard must have been ready to go so early. He had his suitcase of comics with him ready to get signed. We decided to go the Marvel Mondo panel first, then the doors opened, and we walked in.

We only did a quick sweep of the con, just taking it in, and deciding to wait until later to buy stuff. The first panel was within the hour, so after this quick perusal, we went downstairs to wait for the panel.

Enter Joe Kalicki.

He had a beard, glasses, and smelled like he was on a train for the last hour or so. Nice first impression.

The panel happened, and the word of the day was "San Diego". Jim McClann is a dick, completely and utterly. Hated the guy, After this panel we met up with Random, and me and him checked out weaponary upstairs.

More con stuff, nothing to exciting. Except when Joe Kalicki came back, sans beard and glasses, but still that smell. We didn't recognize him at first. In the Bendis panel, Ice had an orgasm when Ultimate Spiderman and his Amazing friends was announced.

We then went to dinner and a movie. During the entire movie, Me, Doom and MWoF made fun of the film. When Dr Doom got his *** kicked again and sank like a stone, MWoF said "Now Doc Ock and Dr. Doom can be in the sequel!"

Doom and Max went out drinking with MWoF, while Houde went to sleep.

The next day was the day from hell

Random Stats

Number of times Houde said MWoF instead of the much easier Tom: 1
Number of times Doom said MWoF instead of the much easier Tom: 1
Number of times we would lose sight of TGO, only to have him ninja appear behind us randomly: 8
Number of times Seldes read a book instead of listen to the panel going on: 3
Number of times Houde thought to himself the Baroness wasn't really that sexy: 4
More con stuff, nothing to exciting. Except when Joe Kalicki came back, sans beard and glasses, but still that smell.

I just want to point out Houde specifically told me I didn't smell anymore at dinner that night.

I'm pretty sure I've never been more clean in life, in fact. After 27 hours on a bus I wasn't taking any shortcuts in the cleanliness department.
It's too bad that for the series 7 Soldiers of Victory, I only found the TPB #3. I would have bought #1 since it'd been cheap, but there was only #3 around. And like, 50 books of it. Oh well.
Now I'm wondering when the Bendis interviews that he did with Oeming/Mack & Quesada are supposed to be up. I want to see them!

You know, I'd really love to, but not entirely sure if it's possible. Especially since my uncle from New London already wants me and my brothers to spend a week over there with him.
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It's too bad that for the series 7 Soldiers of Victory, I only found the TPB #3. I would have bought #1 since it'd been cheap, but there was only #3 around. And like, 50 books of it. Oh well.

Did you get it? Or you didn't bother?

You should check the UC Store and see if anyone is selling them used.

You know, I'd really love to, but not entirely sure if it's possible. Especially since my uncle from New London already wants me and my brothers to spend a week over there with him.

I didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but I heard that your uncle doesn't even really like you very much. I also heard that he might only be looking to sell you on the black market for slave labor.

Oh, and I heard that New London lies on a fault line and will likely fall into the ground sometime this summer; they aren't sure when. Could go any time.
Day Three

It began for me at five o'clock in the morning. I woke up to the chorus of Max snoring (also a recurring theme for this trip). I got up and got ready for the con, since Ice told us to meet him at the hotel at seven. Doom was next, and we both pratically had to drag Max to the shower to get him ready. We arrive at Ice's hotel at ten past seven.

Now, no one cons like Ice, and Ice waits for no man. He had already eaten, and was nowhere to be found when we walked in. His friend and brother were both in the lobby, asleep. Shrugging, we went to go eat anyways, wolfing down some food, and then Ice shows up, his suitcase of comics ready to get signed, and asking what took us so long. We headed over to wait for to enter and when we finally did get to enter, we waited in line for two whole hours, before we were allowed entrance into the con.

The day passed with some stories you already heard, Doom pissing off Maleev, Max falling asleep all over the place, and whatnot, I won't bore you with the details. But I did see a hot Jedi chick, which caused me to wonder about life for a while, considering I hate Star Wars and all. But I decided it was okay, I was enjoying the midriff.

Then, we went to go eat. To anyone who hangs around Joe Kalicki be warned, you may get stabbed by a bum. The guy talks to them, in a disparaging way, and he doesn't care. I have a feeling he would get stabbed and be more pissed off about the fact the knife was rusty than the fact he was just stabbed. Never walk next to him on a street, hell, walk on the other side of the street if you can. We ate dinner at a strange Chinese restaurant, which seemed confused that Joe Kalicki actually wanted a spicy dish, and then we went hottubbing.

Going back to the room, I was surprised to see Doom there, as he went out on the town with Illy. But we watched the Loop, which season one is funny, but I'm not sold on Season 2 yet, then we went to sleep.

Random Stats

Total times this far Houde touched to Do Not Touch stairs: 2
Total times Joe Kalicki almost got us killed: 2
Total times TGO had no idea what was actually going on: 5
Number of times that Ice embarrassed the UC by shouting 'I Love You Bendis!': 6

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