Who Would You Like To See Ultimized??

Exactly. The destruction however needs to be on a smaller scale. UU isn't ready for the end of Genosha yet. 616 was stagnant and overpopulated which is why, in a way, the destruction of Genosha was a good thing. UU however is not overpopulated and has no need for something so cataclysmic.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Let's see where to begin
...Urich (more indepth)

Urich's been pretty decently represented in the first few arcs of Ultimate Spider-Man. My only problem is that I'm not too sold on Mark Bagley's art (not to be confused with the actual character redesign) on him, as Bagley's kinetic body language seems a little too much for a character like Urich.

I guess in some ways, the Ultimate Urich feels too much of a reinvention that makes sense. Whereas the 616 Urich is a seasoned reporter whose worn out a hundred pairs of shoes working his beat and has developed a keen eye for social history, the Ultimate Urich feels more like a maverick writer out for blood, looking for the next scoop (and given his age, probably what Urich was like in his youth).

It's not that both characters are contradictory, they just seem so wildly incongruous that its hard to really see the latter as a "back to basics update". Personally, I would go for the compromise of melding the Ultimate Urich's motivations with the hard-edged style of Joe Pantoliano's Ben Urich from the Daredevil movie.
ourchair said:
Urich's been pretty decently represented in the first few arcs of Ultimate Spider-Man. My only problem is that I'm not too sold on Mark Bagley's art (not to be confused with the actual character redesign) on him, as Bagley's kinetic body language seems a little too much for a character like Urich.

I guess in some ways, the Ultimate Urich feels too much of a reinvention that makes sense. Whereas the 616 Urich is a seasoned reporter whose worn out a hundred pairs of shoes working his beat and has developed a keen eye for social history, the Ultimate Urich feels more like a maverick writer out for blood, looking for the next scoop (and given his age, probably what Urich was like in his youth).

It's not that both characters are contradictory, they just seem so wildly incongruous that its hard to really see the latter as a "back to basics update". Personally, I would go for the compromise of melding the Ultimate Urich's motivations with the hard-edged style of Joe Pantoliano's Ben Urich from the Daredevil movie.

Good thoughts, ourchair.
TheManWithoutFear said:
MMMMmmmm Bendis doing Ultimate Daredevil's Origins :drooling:

Honestly, as cool as Ultimate Daredevil would be, (and I'm saying this because I'm totally a slave to Daredevil), I'd rather have someone other than Bendis handle Matt Murdock's Ultimate origins. Bendis' skill as a writer lies more in alluding to the substance and circumstances, the actions that make a man a hero, and what it is that makes him heroic, rather than actually portraying them through events.

When you notice that Ultimate Peter Parker frequently alienates Mary Jane and Aunt May and Matt Murdock's personal brouhaha has caused problems for his peers, it seems like Bendis is more talented at showing how people do the wrong things and sometimes even unsympathetic things and yet still come across as heroic individuals. (ohmigod that's one long sentence!)

Bendis' concept of heroism seems built upon history and past and context, something that he can't explore in an origin story. If Bendis were to ever work on Ultimate Daredevil, it should be after there's a sufficient amount of history to build upon, something that can give him a foundation with which to play with.
Guijllons said:
I just poked my head into another thread, and saw Cloak and Dagger mentioned.
I had totally forgot about these two, would love to see them ultimised.
Though since they would target 'sinners', I think it would be cool if they were part of some militant right wing christian movement, really freakily religious minded.
This also adds that ambiguity of whether they are good guys or not too, doing whatever they need to in the name of god. I'd find that enjoyable to read.

Actually, the idea of Ultimate Cloak and Dagger is totally exciting. Whoever tackles it would be able to explore Hell's Kitchen and the other grim and gritty corners of the Ultimate Universe that haven't been tackled as of yet. And using characters like Cloak and Dagger means you can Ultimatize them without risk of fanboy ire.

Technically, what constitutes "grim and gritty" in the Ultimate Universe could be explored with an Ultimate Punisher, but that character has been sufficiently Ultimatized over the years that a title focused on an Ultimate Punisher would be moot.
ourchair said:
Technically, what constitutes "grim and gritty" in the Ultimate Universe could be explored with an Ultimate Punisher, but that character has been sufficiently Ultimatized over the years that a title focused on an Ultimate Punisher would be moot.

I personally agree with you about Punisher and that is one of the reasons (Or at least, I think so) that Daredevil is not a major part of UU. He's already raw and ultimized in 616 and he doesn't suffer from the huge backlog of continuity.

This said, I do think the UU needs to explore some of the darker areas, both character wise and scene wise. I mean, the worst thing we've seen happen in UU was probably Hank Pym's wife beating and that was hardly dealt with in a gritty mannor.
D E J A Vu???

i think its time for an ultimate rick jones, and an ultimate thanos....but then that would mean an ultimate silver surfer so it could go on and on....so many characters have been redone already that the ones that are left would require someone else to be redone. More character fleshing out and development are needed before making more characthers....
Caduceus said:
I personally agree with you about Punisher and that is one of the reasons (Or at least, I think so) that Daredevil is not a major part of UU. He's already raw and ultimized in 616 and he doesn't suffer from the huge backlog of continuity.

I think I posted a pretty long spiel on why Daredevil doesnt need to be Ultimatized, but I can't seem to find it. Could anyone send me a link?

I mean, the worst thing we've seen happen in UU was probably Hank Pym's wife beating and that was hardly dealt with in a gritty mannor.

Well, maybe it isn't gritty from an aesthetics perspective: no chiaroscuro work or grimy texture work, but it sure is thematically. I mean how much more hardcore can you get than spraying your naked wife with insecticide and siccing ants on her?
I still stick with Ultimizing Daredevil/Punisher for the sake of Ultimizing them and establishing them in the UU is needed. I know they're good in 616 and "don't need to be ultimized to clean the mythologies up but I think they need to be ultimized because they're needed characters in the UU, referring to the dark corners and grimm and gritty that you're referring too.
ourchair said:
Well, maybe it isn't gritty from an aesthetics perspective: no chiaroscuro work or grimy texture work, but it sure is thematically. I mean how much more hardcore can you get than spraying your naked wife with insecticide and siccing ants on her?

See thats part of what I mean. He did something so terrible to someone who's the friend of a number of people on the team and what happens to him? He gets a new job. Cap breaks his jaw. It was hardly serious, gritty nastiness in the way it was shown. Nor in the reactions of the other characters except Cap who can be forgiven. He's a preprogrammed boy-scout.
ourchair said:
Honestly, as cool as Ultimate Daredevil would be, (and I'm saying this because I'm totally a slave to Daredevil), I'd rather have someone other than Bendis handle Matt Murdock's Ultimate origins. Bendis' skill as a writer lies more in alluding to the substance and circumstances, the actions that make a man a hero, and what it is that makes him heroic, rather than actually portraying them through events.

Interesting thoughts, especially considering criticism on Bendis for the 1st UFF story.
Caduceus said:
See thats part of what I mean. He did something so terrible to someone who's the friend of a number of people on the team and what happens to him? He gets a new job. Cap breaks his jaw. It was hardly serious, gritty nastiness in the way it was shown. Nor in the reactions of the other characters except Cap who can be forgiven. He's a preprogrammed boy-scout.

Well, this is not to call you naive, but hey, you'd be surprised how many people get away with great misdeeds and little consequence. In the "out of nowhere" department, you should take a look at Philippine politics for good examples of that.
Ultimate Quicksilver said:
I want a Ultimate Cable
And if they do an Ultimate Beta Ray Bill i shoot myself
..... I would love to see Ultimate Beta Ray Bill. But we must remove the cosmic influences, Galactus of no Galactus.

....hrmmm... .... mmm...

Once we know Thor's diffinitive Ultimate beginings I'll get back to you.
What 616 X-Men Character Would You Like Ultimized?

The list is too long to make a poll...but which one......and HOW would you introduce 'em?

Good or bad...doesn't matter.

Please.....no one word answers just stating who you'd like to see "ultimized".

My 2 choices:

Backstory: Under the guidance of Fabian Cortez, longtime believer of Magneto's vision, a new group has vowed to continue Magneto's mission. Unaware of his recent escape--they attack and kidnap Nick Fury in hopes of using him as a bargaining chip in Magneto's release. With Fury gone...S.H.I.E.L.D can barely function with all the "suits" clawing to get to the top and seize control. With legal red tape binding S.H.I.E.L.D from launching an extradition mission--Prof. X sees this as a golden opportunity to help out and possibly get back in S.H.I.E.L.D and Fury's good graces. His X-Men learn of Fury's location and help out.

During the arc, we find out that The Acolytes were the elite guards of Magneto's Savage Land nation. After his defeat at the hand of the X-Men, many of the mutants went into hiding. But the Acolytes stayed, rebuilt the island and began recruiting new members in hopes of replenishing the army Magneto built.

This leads to the obligatory big battle and Fury's rescue. In the end we learn that though the Acolytes might've been defeated...all is prepared for Magneto's return and when he does...the X-Men need to prepare for a reckoning (but as we all know...Mags ain't thinking about that---so the option is left open for Mags to return and claim his throne or move onto something else like BKV hinted).

Of course Fury is rescued and decides to squash all beef with the X-Men......provided Xavier do Fury one favor: help Fury's mutant nephew control his powers. At the bottom of the last page/panel--we read: "Up next---Bishop".

This leads me into my next pick....

Backstory: Fury learn's that his nephew has just turned 18 and wants to enlist into SH.I.E.L.D......the only problem is that during boot camp, young recruit Bishop was accidentally shot by a plasma blast during an training course and absorbed the blast---too bad he expelled all the energy and caused the death of another recruit and injury of several other recruits. At least that's the backstory Fury gives Xavier.

During the arc we learn that Bishop is in fact Fury's nephew but is also a spy for Fury. Fury is using him to spy on Xavier's actions in light of their new "truce". Of course all this comes out to light. What we learn is that Bishop was being used unknowingly. He then changes his mind about joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and he begs to stay on the X-team in order to prove himself to the others.

Now with the addition of The Magician and return of Rogue...I know the team is getting pretty big. But I have also worked in a scenario for a future arc where the Magician turns evil and Rogue learns that Gambit may not be dead and she leaves again to find him. This frees up Bobby to pursue Kitty in the aftermath of the inevitable break-up of Kitty/Spidey.

Do I have all the details worked out? No. But all this seems pretty cool to me. So nyah...:p
Re: What 616 X-Men Character Would You Like Ultimized?

I was looking for one but couldn't find it. I think my wording/phrasing might be off.
Re: What 616 X-Men Character Would You Like Ultimized?

I would just like a character that's important. No more of these funny cameos. Do you remember when new ultimizations were fun? Like, I remember hearing about Sabertooth being introduced and I totally creamed my pants... When Venom was introduced? Forget about it... Now, we've got a new character every episode and, by the end, they were dead or captured by SHIELD. Let's make the next few ultimizations count.

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