Who Would You Like To See Ultimized??

ProjectX2 said:
Marvel do have plans for Ultimizing lots of 616 characters... I'm jsut saying I don't want to see everyone from 616 Ultimized. Keep it down to a few and do some good original stories and then intrdouce more characters.

Project what's the difference between what you just said and the way I posted who I wanted to see... your acting like I want everyone on my list to have and ongoing... the only ongoing's I'd like to see are DD, Punisher, and Hulk

The rest are appearances and minis
I don't think the Punisher could have an ongoing nor Hulk... Mini-series. Only if Bendis or someone writes DD good then he can have an ongoing. I'm just saying I'd rather they expand on the characters introduced instead of popping in more.
ProjectX2 said:
I don't think the Punisher could have an ongoing nor Hulk... Mini-series. Only if Bendis or someone writes DD good then he can have an ongoing. I'm just saying I'd rather they expand on the characters introduced instead of popping in more.

MMMMmmmm Bendis doing Ultimate Daredevil's Origins :drooling:
Just as long as it doesn't take a whole 7 issues to tell...
I've got two big ones I'd like to see, and I think they can be used to create some pretty major events: Xorn and Fin Fang Foom (what - you thought I was joking when I said it before?).
TheManWithoutFear said:
MMMMmmmm Bendis doing Ultimate Daredevil's Origins :drooling:

Wait, there's never been a UDD origin story? Alright, we need to have an origin... That's what I would like to see out of UDD right now.
UltimateE said:
I've got two big ones I'd like to see, and I think they can be used to create some pretty major events: Xorn and Fin Fang Foom (what - you thought I was joking when I said it before?).

E. I totally think that if Fing Fang Foom had an ultimate name change and was all sleeping dragon who wakes up and messes civilization up Godzilla style It would be cool

As for Xorn I thought he was actually Magneto or something and it sucked? I don't have enough info on him to want to see him ultimized
TheManWithoutFear said:
E. I totally think that if Fing Fang Foom had an ultimate name change and was all sleeping dragon who wakes up and messes civilization up Godzilla style It would be cool

Agreed on all accounts. Fin Fang Foom could be his name locally, like he is a local legend or something.

TheManWithoutFear said:
As for Xorn I thought he was actually Magneto or something and it sucked?

No it was cool - the sucky part didn't come until later when Claremont (I think) made Magneto alive, and that didn't have much to do with Xorn.

Keep Xorn as a real person (like they are saying he was now and Magneto was impersonating him). He would provide a cool dynamic with the rest of the team, who are for the most part very young.
He´s Wolverine and He´s a Zen monk with a star for a brain, no face and a kinky bondage helmet

They´´re Chillin in Paradise!
Hrmmmm.... Well, Ultimate Pryo for sure...... Ultimate Luke Cage, with a Hammer style origin, and Ultimate Chamber.

I still say just expand on who we've already got. Forge, Multile Man, and the hopefult not dropped Ultimate Ultron hinted at in Ultimates 1
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Ultimate Sentry though not for a couple of years, its too soon, though knowing his story as we do they could start giving us hints to him and his existence in the ultimate titles.He needs a BIG build up , and i mean like Bendis and Millar having a baby together and that baby writing an ongoing Ultimate Daredevil title BIG...... ahem :shock:
Tomar said:
Ultimate Sentry though not for a couple of years, its too soon, though knowing his story as we do they could start giving us hints to him and his existence in the ultimate titles.He needs a BIG build up , and i mean like Bendis and Millar having a baby together and that baby writing an ongoing Ultimate Daredevil title BIG...... ahem :shock:
Ultimate Vulture.
Although I don't remember too clearly now what the story was, there was an arc when I was a kid with the vulture that really caught my imagination. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I reckon the character could be done very well if done properly. I hope the quality of Ultimate Spiderman can really pull it off.
Ultimate Doc Samson (one of my favorite 616 characters. A superpowered Psychologist)

Ultimate Cable (as those who've visited the UXM section might have picked up on...)

Ultimate Vision (I was hoping that Ultron would start out on the Defenders as Vision, since The Ultron project would be still locked up top secret gov't stuff, and that the reason it goes insane is that Pym couldn't remember the exact schematics, leaving it an unbalanced personality. That'd be interesting, no? Vision as the crazy bad guy, and Ultron being the Ultimate capable of defeating it... eh? Eh?)

Ultimate Red Skull (Korean, Chinese, Cuban or Soviet. Not German. A modernized Red Skull would have made the mask red to symbolize it as a communist color, not a Nazi color)

Ultimate Ghost Rider (which i bet is coming to coincide with the Nick Cage film. I'd love to see an Ultimate Journeys into Mystery which had story arcs about Johnny Blaze, Dr. Strange, and Blade, and other mystical peoples)

Ultimate Deadpool (Nuff Said)
I had similar thoughts about a good Ultron and posted it in the Ultimate Ultron Thread. I like the idea of flipping their roles, Vision would be a very tough villan.
Anyone read The Authority Vol. 2? Milalr wrote an arc about a bad team of Avengers called the Americans, and they were all evil versions of existing members. There was a Vision that could move through different dimensions.

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