I'm not trying to resort to namecalling, only pointing our your argument seems flawed. I understand what you're saying and don't completely disagree, but as I said I believe there are other characters/teams which deserve an ongoing first. However, I would love to see another DD mini, and have been one of the most vocal supporters of more of them.
Good point, but I still think it can be done well. The Godhood and the magic things are two totally different animals. The only thing they have in common are neither really fits in a "real-world" type setting, but lets face it, however hard the Ultimate universe tries, its far from "real-world" or normal. We've got super-humans and mutant galore, at least a dozen alien races, and a huge galaxy threatening force in the form of Gah Lak Tus. Thats the thing I think you're either missing or ignoring. So to bring magic into the fold, at least in a limited and sensical way, is by no means a bad idea, at least at this point.
I actually agree on most of those points.
That's how I feel about Daredevil. I just think it would get too repetitive and end up quickly trudging along, losing readers' interest. More DD minis, I'm down. A DD ongoing? Not so much. I'll definitly buy it, don't get me wrong (I'll buy all Ultimate titles, even ones that are terrible like UIM, merely to appease my completist nature), but would just much rather see a new avenue explored, which Daredevil really isn't. Sure, it could be an urban, gritty crime drama, but how different would that be from the 616 DD title(s)? As others have said, it would really just be the same thing, whether you change the villains origins/powers/personalities or not. While this also applies to Strange, I think the fact that he uses magic, etc, is a new and really unexplored facet of the Ultimate universe.
You don't. I'm not saying keep the 616 Strange villains the same, obviously things should and would have to be changed. But they can still retain a mystical influence, much as was showcased in the UMTU #12-13 issues.
He could make an Ultimate Howard the Duck title work.
I went, your turn to roll Ourchair.