Well-Known Member
alan scott
Black Lightning?ProjectX2 said:Nope.
-I'm an enhanced human.
Wildstorm? Aw hell, it's Apollo, isn't it?ProjectX2 said:Nope.
-I'm in Wildstorm.
I hope they're still allowed... If not, I'll just tell you the answer. He's a fairly popular character.
Nope.Bass said:Resurrection Man?
Finaly. I keep chosing guys that I think should be real easy ,then stop up the game for 4 days.Ultimate Quicksilver said:esay one, but i dont know his name in english is that guy form JSA.
Obsidian?Ultimate Quicksilver said:- I am the son of someone that is on a very important team.
- I can fly.
- i was once in a team myself.
- I'm a male.