Who am I? game (DC)


-I'm in Wildstorm.

I hope they're still allowed... If not, I'll just tell you the answer. He's a fairly popular character.
ProjectX2 said:

-I'm in Wildstorm.

I hope they're still allowed... If not, I'll just tell you the answer. He's a fairly popular character.
Wildstorm? Aw hell, it's Apollo, isn't it?
- I was one of the people to train Bruce Wayne.
- I am a member of a team.
- I sent a man to the death penalty for a crime he didn't commit, and knew it.
- I've been shot several times.

I think this is another easy one, but that might just be me.
I've got a nack at hurting this game.

- Grant Morrison changed me quite signifigantly a few years ago, mainly based off my name and giving me my first real power.
For the live of Pete...

- I brag about an on-again, off-again relationship with Selena Kyle, but its never been mentioned by her.
Ultimate Quicksilver said:
esay one, but i dont know his name in english is that guy form JSA.

Finaly. I keep chosing guys that I think should be real easy ,then stop up the game for 4 days.

Your turn boss.