Which Ultimate X Character Is In Dire Need of Change?

Juggernaut is too butch to be hot... And his head is too wide.

Colossus stikes the nice balance between great body, and sensitive mind.

I would like to see Colossus' massive crush on Wolverine explored a little more, but as a gay reader, I have to say that I'd be disapointed if they went back to Colossus just being hopelessly in love with a heterosexual rather than exploring his relationship with Northstar.

Wait.. I have read all the UXM issues, but I cant remember this "massive crush" on Logan... Can anybody post/PM me details or the storyarc?
From what I can remember:

-When Jean is trying to get Colossus back into the X-Men during World Tour, she asks "Don't you mean you want the person you love so much to maybe love you back a little, Peter?" Peter promptly and stenrly answers with "Get out of my head and out of my house, Marvel Girl. I have nothing left to say to either of you."

-In the arc's epilogue, Peter and Logan are showering together. The dialogue isn't really that shippy, especially since it's mainly about the Acolytes and Logan having a date that night. Peter with a smile says, "It is good to be back you know, Logan." Logan, also smiling, says, "Good to have you back, you big, ugly freak." It just reeks of love somehow, don't ask me how so.

-In the Return of the King arc, there's a two-page scene where Colossus says he doubts Logan tried to kill Scott. He then tries to say something and mentions how they may not be alive for more than a few days, then saying "I do not want to die with any regrets, Wolverine. Likewise, I think it is healthier just to air our little secrets than to keep them bottled up inside. Don't you agree?" to which Logan (who clearly know what Peter is talking about and wants him not to say it out loud) replies with a smirk, "No, it's healthier to keep them bottled up inside. A lot healthier." Then Colossus says "Well, I am supposing now would not be a good time to mention this 'fastball special' move I thought up last night either, eh?" Sure, you can say he's joking because they had already taken out their opponents. But in my dirty mind, the phrase means something a bit more dirty. ;)

-When Magneto has everyone pinned down at the end, he begins to torture Wolverine. Colossus somehow resists Magneto's hold and beats the living crap out of him, yelling "Nobody lays a hand on Wolverine, you hear me!? Nobody!" Everyone's shocked at his sudden turn of violence.
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From what I can remember:

-When Jean is trying to get Colossus back into the X-Men during World Tour, she asks "Don't you mean you want the person you love so much to maybe love you back a little, Peter?" Peter promptly and stenrly answers with "Get out of my head and out of my house, Marvel Girl. I have nothing left to say to either of you."

-In the arc's epilogue, Peter and Logan are showering together. The dialogue isn't really that shippy, especially since it's mainly about the Acolytes and Logan having a date that night. Peter with a smile says, "It is good to be back you know, Logan." Logan, also smiling, says, "Good to have you back, you big, ugly freak." It just reeks of love somehow, don't ask me how so.

-In the Return of the King arc, there's a two-page scene where Colossus says he doubts Logan tried to kill Scott. He then tries to say something and mentions how they may not be alive for more than a few days, then saying "I do not want to die with any regrets, Wolverine. Likewise, I think it is healthier just to air our little secrets than to keep them bottled up inside. Don't you agree?" to which Logan (who clearly know what Peter is talking about and wants him not to say it out loud) replies with a smirk, "No, it's healthier to keep them bottled up inside. A lot healthier." Then Colossus says "Well, I am supposing now would not be a good time to mention this 'fastball special' move I thought up last night either, eh?" Sure, you can say he's joking because they had already taken out their opponents. But in my dirty mind, the phrase means something a bit more dirty. ;)

-When Magneto has everyone pinned down at the end, he begins to torture Wolverine. Colossus somehow resists Magneto's hold and beats the living crap out of him, yelling "Nobody lays a hand on Wolverine, you hear me!? Nobody!" Everyone's shocked at his sudden turn of violence.

Sounds like Betty loves Fury, but okay.
Sounds like Betty loves Fury, but okay.

Especially the dialogue leading up to the Fastball Special, but when you read these bits its more than a little obvious that Colossus likes Logan...

And Lil Brother, Point me to an issue where Juggernaut is hot... Because I just don't see it... But I respect your oppinion. Maybe you just prefer the massive mountain-sized guys who have more muscles than brains... :p

But I agree that he should at least mention to Jean Paul that he has unresolved feelings for Logan, or that he's over him... Because Millar has confirmed that he was supposed to be gay from the beginning, and those were the only points where it was REALLY obvious.

(and you rock for being the only other person on the boards who is a m/m shipper in the Ultimate Universe)
Betty and Fury never showered together. :eek:


I admit Cain's head could use a retooling and he needs to shrink a bit. But I'm a sucker for the shirtless-with-jeans look. :p

M/M ships rock hard. :D
I have to agree, how does this sound like Betty Loves Fury?

Betty Loves Fury is stupid

Colossus Loving Wolverine was fresh and smart. And how many characters ion the X-men have loved Wolverine, I mean really?

Now, he has a male on the list

All I'm saying
I have to agree, how does this sound like Betty Loves Fury?

Betty Loves Fury is stupid

Colossus Loving Wolverine was fresh and smart. And how many characters ion the X-men have loved Wolverine, I mean really?

Now, he has a male on the list

All I'm saying

From what Lil Brother typed, it seems like a stretch to me. It hasn't been explicitly stated, and you are inferring it from subtle character moments. Thus the betty loves fury reference.

From the evidence provided, I'm not convinced. But I have yet to actually go back and reread the comics, so maybe my opinion will change.
From what Lil Brother typed, it seems like a stretch to me. It hasn't been explicitly stated, and you are inferring it from subtle character moments. Thus the betty loves fury reference.

From the evidence provided, I'm not convinced. But I have yet to actually go back and reread the comics, so maybe my opinion will change.

Millar has said it was intentional.

And I want Cyke to be the bad *** team leader he was under Millar too.

Damnit, why is it that Millar's the best writer that's ever graced any Ultimate Book?

Vaughan did great, but Millar managed to do big, big action and have great character moments...even if time seemed to jump around like crazy between pages and issues.

And I want Cyke to be the bad *** team leader he was under Millar too.

Damnit, why is it that Millar's the best writer that's ever graced any Ultimate Book?

Vaughan did great, but Millar managed to do big, big action and have great character moments...even if time seemed to jump around like crazy between pages and issues.

Maybe Millar should have a turn with USM. That would be an odd twist now wouldn't it? :D