Which Ultimate X Character Is In Dire Need of Change?

Russian Tank said:
I'd also love to see a change in Angel. I know I've only read up to New Mutants, but for such a big deal about his arrival, he seemed far to reserved and scared. I mean Piotr's enough shy hunks for the team, Angel should be trying to pick up all the girls. Except Ororo. That'd be in very poor taste.
He has a girl. Dazzler. Who I'm not sure... she might smack him around for flirting with other girls, or invite them to join in. You can never be too sure with her.
jtg3885 said:
He has a girl. Dazzler. Who I'm not sure... she might smack him around for flirting with other girls, or invite them to join in. You can never be too sure with her.
Well those two seem to be made for each other. :roll: I really should be caught up. Maybe Apoc'll get a hold of him. It'd be interesting to see an altered Angel (preferably altered differently than the 616 one) and a resurrected Beast as two of the Horsemen.
Russian Tank said:
Well those two seem to be made for each other. :roll: I really should be caught up. Maybe Apoc'll get a hold of him. It'd be interesting to see an altered Angel (preferably altered differently than the 616 one) and a resurrected Beast as two of the Horsemen.
Unless something got revealed that I missed, we're not even sure Apocalypse exists at this point. He could really just be a figment of Essex's fractured mind. And until we see otherwise, I'm operating under that assumption.

After all, the poor boy is "crazier than a bag of ferrets". *blinks* Has anyone ever tried to see how crazy a bag of ferrets actually is? Is it really crazy?
jtg3885 said:
Unless something got revealed that I missed, we're not even sure Apocalypse exists at this point. He could really just be a figment of Essex's fractured mind. And until we see otherwise, I'm operating under that assumption.

After all, the poor boy is "crazier than a bag of ferrets". *blinks* Has anyone ever tried to see how crazy a bag of ferrets actually is? Is it really crazy?
Hah I didn't even know Apocalypse had been mentioned at all. I just thought it'd be cool.
They can't be worse than squirrels.

Right? :roll:
Russian Tank said:
Hah I didn't even know Apocalypse had been mentioned at all. I just thought it'd be cool.

It was probably, in my most humble of opinions, the best UXM arc yet. Vol. 9 I believe - check it out.
Cyclops has always been one of my favourite characters, all the way back to the 1995 cartoon (I think that's the right date?), although as my understanding of 616 continuity grew, the baggage he built up began ruining the character. And then came the Ultimate Universe, and a chance for Cyclops to get away from a son twice his age and a wife who has died at least three times (although his new relationship with Frost is quite refreshing), and for a while he was cool, especially all the way back in "The Tomorrow People," but as per usual he is sufering from under exposure and under development due to, who else, Wolverine.
If the writers can get Cyke into the spotlight and pay him his dues I would be all for it, but with Singer co-writing, I have little faith, in fact I expect Wolverine to become even bigger, I expect him to take cheap shots at Cyke, and I expect Cyclops to have at most, a throw away line an issue. I hope I am wrong, but there you go.
Also I like the fact that in Ultimate Universe, Scott is the younger brother (I did read that right, right?), because my younger brother is called Scott, and my name is Alex... It's kind of cool in a very geeky way.
Nightcrawler, Shadowcat and Emma Frost could do with some more face time as well!
It's funny you should bring up Cyclops because he's the one character I thought could use change, which was why I opened this discussion up. I've noticed that, in Vaughan's run, you can't have a scene with Scott without having Jean at his side and, not only that, but his leadership skills are not as strong as we may have expected, which, in my opinion puts him in a more vulnerable spot for Singer's run, which you mentioned would most likely be overrun by Wolverine. Despite these obvious hindrances to Cyclops' growth as a character, it appears to me that Vaughan is beefing him up for a very difficult arc, which means we'll likely see him at his worst AND best. I have full confidence that, after Magnetic North is over, Cyclops will be up to par as a significant character in the Ultimate Universe.
I kind of like Scott as the somewhat uncertain leader right now. He's still supposed to be pretty young (17, I think), plus it matches pretty well with how the character was in the early days of the X-Men.

I think the biggest problem is that some of the writers (Millar in particular) overrely on what we already know about the 616 X-Men for characterization. That's why we get silly things like Rogue and Gambit falling instantly in love for no discernable reason. At least Vaughn is slowly developing the characters in other directions, like the Logan/Storm relationship, or Kitty and Bobby. And I'm glad to see Dazzler hanging around, as she might just be my favorite Ultimized character.

Who needs development? I gotta go with Iceman. The character's often been boring as hell in the 616-verse, and he's on the verge of being the same here. I'd kind of like it if maybe he decided to try to be a superhero like Spider-Man, and went off and had some adventures on his own. Oh, and lost the goofy head-ker-chief.

Matt Linton
I agree that Vaughan has certainly made the best of the UXM. Not sure about the whole iceman solo and having some spiderman and his amazing friends style adventures. But the character does need a little more development.
Yeah, Vaughan rocks. He's getting a little characterization for all, even in minor details (Ororo leading a squad of already formidable fighters in the Danger room).

Here's what I'd like from every character:

Cyclops: Not too much, really. The current brother thing is enough to flesh him out as much as anyone else save a few.

Jean: I want to know how more about those voices in her head, though I'm sure they're going to touch on that soon enough.

Storm: She's fine. She's had enough in the last few arcs. Have her stay punk for a while, and I like the new costume a lot. Have her step up to a leadership role if Cyclops can't lead bc of Havok.

Colossus: Come out of the closet, see which characters are actually surprised. Have Wolverine say, "I-I showered with you! You stared at me bum!" Have him get a boyfriend so he isn't so sad. Jean-Paul mayhaps. Have him dabble in art.

Iceman: Stay with Shadowcat, but keep on fighting all the time. Not about big stuff like cheating, but small stuff, like his choice in costume. It'd be cute and funny. Also, dabble in power-control more. I never understand why people don't play with his powers and/or his psychological take of his powers.

Wolverine: Start talking about beer more. Astonishing Wolverine is funny.

Beast: Stay dead.

Kitty: Stay with Iceman, for reasons stated above. I like her supplementary role. Maybe have her appear in Spider-man, and try to help him, but fail misearably bc she is star-struck.

Nightcrawler: Be more badass, you were extremely well-trained by Weapon X. Show a little bit of a badass/scarred/vicious side. Be like Sean Connery in Bond, you already had a chase scene in an Audi.

Angel: Don't get Archangeled. Stay in a supporting role, learn how to fight in the meantime. I like how he is one of the freakish mutants that can't go outside, despite his good-looks. Have him get edgy with Dazzler. Maybe give him a Speedy drug-addiction (kidding.)

Dazzler: Stay comic relief.

Prof. X: Enough freaking hinting at what he's done. I want to know some of his secrets.
iceman said:
Yeah, Vaughan rocks. He's getting a little characterization for all, even in minor details (Ororo leading a squad of already formidable fighters in the Danger room).

Here's what I'd like from every character:

Cyclops: Not too much, really. The current brother thing is enough to flesh him out as much as anyone else save a few.

Jean: I want to know how more about those voices in her head, though I'm sure they're going to touch on that soon enough.

Storm: She's fine. She's had enough in the last few arcs. Have her stay punk for a while, and I like the new costume a lot. Have her step up to a leadership role if Cyclops can't lead bc of Havok.

Colossus: Come out of the closet, see which characters are actually surprised. Have Wolverine say, "I-I showered with you! You stared at me bum!" Have him get a boyfriend so he isn't so sad. Jean-Paul mayhaps. Have him dabble in art.

Iceman: Stay with Shadowcat, but keep on fighting all the time. Not about big stuff like cheating, but small stuff, like his choice in costume. It'd be cute and funny. Also, dabble in power-control more. I never understand why people don't play with his powers and/or his psychological take of his powers.

Wolverine: Start talking about beer more. Astonishing Wolverine is funny.

Beast: Stay dead.

Kitty: Stay with Iceman, for reasons stated above. I like her supplementary role. Maybe have her appear in Spider-man, and try to help him, but fail misearably bc she is star-struck.

Nightcrawler: Be more badass, you were extremely well-trained by Weapon X. Show a little bit of a badass/scarred/vicious side. Be like Sean Connery in Bond, you already had a chase scene in an Audi.

Angel: Don't get Archangeled. Stay in a supporting role, learn how to fight in the meantime. I like how he is one of the freakish mutants that can't go outside, despite his good-looks. Have him get edgy with Dazzler. Maybe give him a Speedy drug-addiction (kidding.)

Dazzler: Stay comic relief.

Prof. X: Enough freaking hinting at what he's done. I want to know some of his secrets.

Wow. We must have the same mind or something because I share the same views with you on every single character. :shock:
i think they need to change wolverine abit, as much as i love all things wolverine, im getting tired of him solving everything with his claws going beserker. maybe have him play a little mind games w/his enemies. like the cap does, i mean the guys gotta be like what at least over 100 by now. show some knowledge and wisdom. id also like to see if he really has a family and see how that plays out with him. wolverine, a family man. hard to imagine. also, i agree, talk about beer more :wink:
ultimatedjf said:
Wow. We must have the same mind or something because I share the same views with you on every single character. :shock:

Good. Good.

Well, Wolverine has had enough. I was actually kind of glad when he left the x-men, only to have him come back? C'mon, seriously. He could have been the traitor in Ultimates 2 if he'd moved on to that team. :lol:

But, I think Dazzler needs more. Yes, she can be comic sometimes, but thats seems to be all she is. She's the punk version of Green Lantern!!! She could great if they let her move it up a notch.

Next, Angel. I like angel. I've always liked him. He's one of my old favorites, right up there with mimic and iceman. His powers are pretty simple, so it leaves room to develop his character. But, with Most Dangerous Game, I don't think he's going to be seeing too much action. An interesting idea though, would be to have Angel, Dazzler, and two other mutants make a band called the Four Horsemen. I personally think that Angels transition will be brought on by Dazzler, not Apocalypse.

As for Nigthcrawler, I agree. More stuff for him. Didn't somebody mention somewhere that they should have something like Ultimate Heroes? Have an arc for a background on each character and introduce some new ones that way? It'd be better than the horror team-up turned out to be (from what I've heard.) Maybe they could bring in the real Mystique to help out with his character.

So in conclusion, kick out wolverine for some more downtime, turn angel into dazzler's guitarist, turn dazzler into magneto's superior, and make nightcrawler as cool as he should be.
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up was a fun book. The biggest problem ended up being the continuity issues with Iron Man, Hulk and Fantastic Four. The Punisher arcs is one of the best Punisher stories I've read.

Plus: Mike Allred, Oeming, Rick Mays, Bill Seinkeivich, Frank Cho, and Matt Wagner. Very good stuff.

Matt Linton
Yeah, next to Cyclops, I say that Dazz, Angel, and Nightcrawler needs to be fleshed out... That seems like the only three characters that haven't had a part of the story focus on them.
Goodwill said:
Yeah, next to Cyclops, I say that Dazz, Angel, and Nightcrawler needs to be fleshed out... That seems like the only three characters that haven't had a part of the story focus on them.
I think Dazzler has had a fair bit of character attention, though I'm all for her being fleshed out, as with all characters (except wolverine, like who gives a ****).

Nightcrawler definitely needs more fleshing out though, he's the kooky happy blue guy, and little more than that right now.

I would say Juggernaut, I was really frustrated with his nothingy entrance to the series, but thankfully he's getting the attention he deserves. But I wonder if they can top the redemptive Juggs of the 616, I love that.