What was the voice in Blockbuster?

Uh oh... Make sure Ice doesn't hear the "C" word! "Change". ;)

You're totally right, I think it's entirely possible that the Phoenix could be different since there was a different origin as far as we know, but I'm hoping it's not being born into it's own physical person.
I'm only joking, Ice! :)

Really, though, I'm thinking more and more that voice was Emma Frost... There has to be a friendship between her, Jean, and Scott, there HAS to be!
Goodwill said:
Really, though, I'm thinking more and more that voice was Emma Frost...

As far as speculation I would agree that it is the most likely, but not having anything to do with friendships or anything. Ulterior motives, maybe...something along those lines.
Do you think she could have had a past with the Hellfire Club that we know and is trying to influence Jean by befriending her? It's entirely possible because they were able to coax Jean into "joining them" once... What if it happened again?
I believe the voice talking to Hank was either Emma Frost or someone recruiting for her, if you are refering to the time in the New Mutants arc
Well, that's a voice that's questionable, too, however, we're discussing the one in the same room as Jean at the end of Blockbuster.
Do you think this could be the dawn of secondary mutations UltimatE? Because, interesting enough for it to happenn in reverse, i'd prefer that secondary mutations be avoided. Plus, Emma Frost has no obvious motivation to try and mess with Jean's head. Or offer sympathy.
I personally don't think so. It seems kind of early to bring out Ultimate secondary mutations, especially considering that one of the points of the Ultimate books was to get rid of things like this from continuity.
Caduceus said:
Do you think this could be the dawn of secondary mutations UltimatE? Because, interesting enough for it to happenn in reverse, i'd prefer that secondary mutations be avoided. Plus, Emma Frost has no obvious motivation to try and mess with Jean's head. Or offer sympathy.

As I've speculated before, Emma may have ties with the Hellfire Club, like her 616 counterpart. It's as simple as that, really.

Also, I, too, think that it is too early for secondary mutations... Although, may they are already here because Emma, as far as we know can only cover herself in diamond. Where are her telepathy powers?
Goodwill said:
Also, I, too, think that it is too early for secondary mutations... Although, may they are already here because Emma, as far as we know can only cover herself in diamond. Where are her telepathy powers?

Just because Ultimate Emma Frost has two "powers" doesn't mean one was the result of a secondary mutation...
Goodwill said:
Where are her telepathy powers?

What are you talking about GW? She has them. Remember that when she was about to say it, her head was slammed to a table because she said she was a mutant first.
You don't know if she has them or not because she hasn't used them. She could have very well wanted to say that her favorite movie was 'A Bronx Tale' but she never got that oppurtunity to say something. There is no indication of her telepathy.
Right. She was going to tell the President of the United States what her favorite movie was when he asked what her powers were.

Besides, just because she didn't mention that she had telepathy, doesn't mean she doesn't have them.

Alright, I don't believe this, but this just came to my mind:
What if the voice that Jean was talking to is somehow connected to the voice that talked to Beast? Don't have to be the same person, but....I don't know.
That's what I'm saying, Ice. She didn't say anything about her telepathy. So, as far as we know now, the Ultimate version of Emma doesn't have those powers but there's always that window of oppurtunity.
Hello, new to this boards, been reading the Ultimate comics for two years already. I think the voice is Wolverine. Remember that Bendis uses a different style of using dialogues and word bubbles than Millar, and he probably used the word bubbles that way in fooling us into thinking she was talking to Cyclops. Bendis likes to fool and mislead people in his stories, and this scene could be no exception.

Wolverine would also want to comfort Jean after the traumatic experience she had with the Phoenix Force, since he has a pretty soft spot with her, and Cyclops also said the same thing to him "about Xavier/the X-Men are here to help us" during the ROTK arc.

That's why at the end when Scott enters the scene, the conversation is cut abruptly, and it pans to Jean Grey looking at Wolverine outside, with Logan looking back. They can't really talk with each other personally since Jean's with Cyclops, he might not be too comfortable seeing the two ex-lovebirds at the same place by themselves.

I may be wrong, but for now, I believe that Wolverine is the "voice".

Also, I don't think Ultimate Emma Frost has any telepathic powers. If she had, she would have shown it off to the President, and I think the writers wanted to make her powers unique since SHIELD already has an army of telepaths on their payroll.
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cmdrjanjalani said:
If she had, she would have shown it off to the President

Unless she has/had some ulterior motives.... :shock:

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