I'm briefly "back" after "leaving" to discuss.
Wall-E and Eve themselves are great characters and basically carry an otherwise decent movie. Other than them, can somebody tell me what the hype is actually about?
The movie had almost no story, or actually, a thin story with a few shallow obstacles that get overcome quickly and without much effort or explaination. Take the villains. After a non-stop assault of some of the greatest movie villains ever, Wall-E doesn't really focus on that. That's fine, but you've got to have something to replace it. The HAL-like computer's motivation? "The president said not to. I am computer!". Okay, plausible, but it's a boring old idea that's been done to death. He's then defeated after a five-second battle that ends in him being turned off....:|
Okay, well that wasn't much, so let's make the REAL villain of the story human sedentariness and fear of change! Yeah, great idea, Pixar! This'll be what all those critic's are talking about who say the movie's practically a religion! Wait.... after centuries of obeseity, no physical strain and constant gratification in a totally safe environment, everybody on the ship is just completely gung-ho about going back to an all-but-forgotten planet and doing farm work all day?! There's ZERO conflict for this or motivation to overcome it. EVERYBODY on the ship is exactly life John, Mary and the Captain and just can't wait to stop being served all the food they can eat without having to do anything bad ever? NOBODY is remotely against the idea of leaving their space-station pleasuredome to go back to Earth and put effort into things, even though the movie already TOLD us that lower gravity and their lifestyle had led to frailty and shocking amounts of bone-loss? This isn't an obstacle that needs to be fought against AT ALL after being set up as pretty much the biggest problem in the movie?
And finally, after having his hard-drive wiped, the solution to Wall-E's memory coming back is just.... love. Again, you have to attempt SOMETHING here so it's still a miracle without being a shortcut because you can't have the movie end on a downer. You can't tell me it wouldn't have been better if they'd had the moment that Eve lit the lighter be emphasized as a huge thing where Wall-E sees her illuminated and realizes that Eve's great because after him simply marveling at things for centuries, she brings them to life. This was sort of hinted at and then didn't really come up again, when it would've been perfect if she'd lit it again and jogged his memory as at least an ATTEMPT to explain that. Or if you'd seen an "Auxillary Memory Activated" thing appear on his screen, or ANYTHING to explain him magically coming back other than "the movie needed it, and you guys all like love, right?".
Finally, and this has been bothering me about a bunch of movies lately, the movie had little semblance of a muscial score. Scenes were scored according to what's going on in them, but the lack of any memorable or hummable music from the film, not even an original "Wall-E" theme, is depressing. Even just throwing Phillip Glass in the screening room with a piano throughout the thing would've improved it by a whole half-point. A proper score like the Toy Story movies or The Incredibles would've bumped it even higher. But, they barely seemed to think about that sort of thing.
Bottom line, it's a 7.5/10 from me, and I don't understand why people are giving it so much more. This now has a raiting of 9.2 on IMDb, making it tied for HIGHEST MOVIE EVER with The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption. I'm very opening to explaination here. Please!
Also, live-action president Fred Willard?:?
Also, if a mod could de-spoilerize this an put it in some sort of "Wall-E discussion (*spoilers*)" thread that'd be fine.