USM...after "The Clone Saga"

New Ultimate-related interview with Bendis and Loeb here, which includes this quote regarding upcoming USM arcs:

"BENDIS: [Artist] Mark Bagley's last arc is called "Ultimate Knights." It's a pretty big storyline where Daredevil gathers all these urban characters like Moon Knight, Iron Fist and Dr. Strange, and he makes a plan to take the Kingpin down together as opposed to [separately], which hasn't been working. Spider-Man has involvement in this. It also has a big chapter for Kitty and Peter that falls out of the "Clone Saga." They are not the happy couple that they were at the beginning of it. And then Stuart's first story is called "Death of a Goblin." Which Goblin? Is it Norman? Harry? Maybe the MJ Goblin? Who knows? But it's a very big story and involves all the major cast members."
Eh, the title probably just means that they'll cure Harry or Norman or both of the effects of Oz (they can do that now!) so there won't be anymore Goblins, but nobody will actually die.
Dr. Strange?!

On Ultimate Knights!?

Oh, gag me with a spoon please! Since when does Dr. Strange give a rats *** about the Kingpin?? I mean, I get that Strange would be/is a "Marvel Knight", but to have him on DD's team? Blah.

And it seems Death of a Goblin is still happening. I agree with Joe, they aren't going to die, they'll be cured. Plain and simple.
How does Daredevil know all these mother****ers?

He's like the ballroom belle of the vigilante hero circuit.
Yeah, I should hope so. :roll:

I think he means that Spidey is factored into Daredevil's plans, as opposed to him blundering into them like a big dumbass.

Does that mean we won't get Daredevil throwing Spider-Man out of windows while cursing at him anymore? Well, probably.

Will Spider-Man still deserve to be defenestrated? Probably.
I think he means that Spidey is factored into Daredevil's plans, as opposed to him blundering into them like a big dumbass.

I think you're giving him too much credit. He's covering himself.
So I was wondering what we could expect after the Clone Saga in USM, and did a little searching around on the internet. The only thing I found was an entry on Wikipedia for issue #105- to be titled "Death of the Goblin".
Ultimate Spider-Man Arc Summary @ Wikipedia

Now, I know its Wikipedia and it very often can be incorrent, but has anyone else heard anything about the title beyond the Clone Saga?

Yah, I heard a little something about that awhile ago at an other site I belong to. I think they said Bendis kind stole part of a Ideal for the Civil War plot, that may or may not be happening with the Spider-Man of the 616 universe... wasn't sure if they were joking or not. So I really didn't give it much thought.
lmfao well the clone saga is awesom one of the best arcs in a while SO FAR (were pretty early in). wat would usm be today without the current creative team? i dont think either should leave. bagley and bendis are awesom.

yes im a fan boy. and you are close, im 16. and i was just using internet slang im not really a terribly bad speller :( i hope.

but maybe the fact that im younger then you is why i love usm and you don't. i wasnt around during all the classic amazing spider-man stuff (or i was to young to appreciate it)ultimate spider-man was my first major exposion to spider-man since i started reading it when i was 11. so yah i love it a lot because when you guys see something and go it was way better in amazing spider-man i see it and go wow thats really cool, because in many cases thats the first time ive really gotten into a certain character even if its in the "not so good" ultimate form, i don't really notice it. as a fan of usm i say i hope bendis and bagley stay on. if we were to lose either bendis or bagley id say let bendis take a hike. im not a bendis hater but i love bagley's art. and i will admit the usm arcs are not always the best. in fact i really hate the silver sable one:p . so anyway thanks for the welcome :lol:

I remember these days. I still blame Ice.

I guess I could comment on how the book will be after the Clone Saga.....but I don't care. Not anymore. Call me when there's a new creative team.

****in' Ultimate Knights. :roll:
Down with that ***hole! Lynch him! Lynch him I say!

I got him Ice...

I have to imagine that at the very least, there's good news and that's that this book can't get any worse. But I should know better then to assume that.
yes im a fan boy. and you are close, im 16. and i was just using internet slang im not really a terribly bad speller :( i hope.

but maybe the fact that im younger then you is why i love usm and you don't. i wasnt around during all the classic amazing spider-man stuff (or i was to young to appreciate it)ultimate spider-man was my first major exposion to spider-man since i started reading it when i was 11. so yah i love it a lot because when you guys see something and go it was way better in amazing spider-man i see it and go wow thats really cool, because in many cases thats the first time ive really gotten into a certain character even if its in the "not so good" ultimate form, i don't really notice it. as a fan of usm i say i hope bendis and bagley stay on. if we were to lose either bendis or bagley id say let bendis take a hike. im not a bendis hater but i love bagley's art. and i will admit the usm arcs are not always the best. in fact i really hate the silver sable one:p . so anyway thanks for the welcome :lol:

Hmmm...well you are a terrible speller. And I'm 16 as well, but somehow, I manage to not be a fanboy of USM. I've also been reading it since I was around 10 or 11 years old, and I still hate the current arcs.

I'd respond to the rest of your post if any of it made sense.

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