USM...after "The Clone Saga"

Victor Von Doom said:
Worse. Even worse than a noob. A fanboy. I say......hmmmm.....14?
lay off the guy u were a fanboy once too or were u born with an intricate knowledge of the ultimate universe?
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gemini-mk said:
lay off the guy u were a fanboy once too or were u born with an intricate knowledge of the ultimate universe?

No. I was never a fanboy. Do I prefer Marvel over DC? Yes. But I recoginize when something is crappy and when something is good.

I also recognize sarcasm as well. Apparently you do not. Good day sir. :p
Victor Von Doom said:
No. I was never a fanboy. Do I prefer Marvel over DC? Yes. But I recoginize when something is crappy and when something is good.

I also recognize sarcasm as well. Apparently you do not. Good day sir. :p
whatever get's u to sleep at nite
gemini-mk said:
they'll probably ultimize the demogoblin just to kill him off i hate when they promise a death and kill of a new guy

I would like to Ultimate Demogoblin.

How about after clone saga

You guessed my idea allready i know you all have

Bring back venom then give venom his own series Ultimate Venom the comic series I garantee would sell like hot cakes. And when Spider-man 3 comes out it would sell Like one of William Shatner's used toupees at a star trek convention!

but you guys don't like venom Idea then how about Ultimat Mutation saga where he turns into man-spider. Think of it Ultimate punisher hunting spider-man as the good guy in an entire arc!!!!!!!! just weird and cool enough to work.
a god damned lunatic said:
I would like to Ultimate Demogoblin.

I would also like to Ultimate Demogoblin. Why don't we Ultimate Demogoblin together?
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Victor Von Doom said:
I don't even wanna know what that means. :?

He talked about in another thread, one of the USM discussion threads I think, something like "Sue me. No, I think it's suit, because my aunt is called Sue." :lol:
ProjectX2 said:
He talked about in another thread, one of the USM discussion threads I think, something like "Sue me. No, I think it's suit, because my aunt is called Sue." :lol:

Oh ok. That makes sense. I read that post too.

As long as it wasn't gay. Doom don't do gay. :lol:
My theory is that Harry is behind the entire Clone Saga and, for that, he must die, so...

This makes complete sense to me. :)
Victor Von Doom said:
Worse. Even worse than a noob. A fanboy. I say......hmmmm.....14?

But seriously......the series needs a new creative team. It's a fact that's more well known than the fact that OJ did it.

Oh yeah....welcome.

yes im a fan boy. and you are close, im 16. and i was just using internet slang im not really a terribly bad speller :( i hope.

but maybe the fact that im younger then you is why i love usm and you don't. i wasnt around during all the classic amazing spider-man stuff (or i was to young to appreciate it)ultimate spider-man was my first major exposion to spider-man since i started reading it when i was 11. so yah i love it a lot because when you guys see something and go it was way better in amazing spider-man i see it and go wow thats really cool, because in many cases thats the first time ive really gotten into a certain character even if its in the "not so good" ultimate form, i don't really notice it. as a fan of usm i say i hope bendis and bagley stay on. if we were to lose either bendis or bagley id say let bendis take a hike. im not a bendis hater but i love bagley's art. and i will admit the usm arcs are not always the best. in fact i really hate the silver sable one:p . so anyway thanks for the welcome :lol:
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Say they put in Ultimate Goblin Queen. Then that would make another Spider-man/X-men arc, right after Deadpool?? The only sense it makes is thay they want to strengthen peter and kitty's relationship or end it. And with the ways things are looking, i'd say end it.
darkspider16 said:
Say they put in Ultimate Goblin Queen. Then that would make another Spider-man/X-men arc, right after Deadpool?? The only sense it makes is thay they want to strengthen peter and kitty's relationship or end it. And with the ways things are looking, i'd say end it.
Hypothetically (sp?), if that was to happen, she wouldn't be the main focus of the arc, as Bendis has already said what he has planned for after the Clone Saga (back then whe he had the arc issues as "?????"). He has changed it once, but only in the order of when the arcs occur. It might have changed again (occurence) or maybe he has changed it completely of what he had before, but I doubt it.
If it really will be called Death of a Goblin, then, in my opinion, I'd like to see Green Goblin and Hobgoblin fight each other. Harry has a few good reasons to hate his father and getting revenge on him sounds like an osborn thing ( though usually they always want revenge on spider-man).
Hey, hey! I like the Clone Saga!

Don't stone me, though... I liked the original Clone Saga, too.

The best thing they could do is kill off Harry Osborn.

You only need the original hanging around, anyway.
i think after the saga theres gonna be one or two light hearted one-offs, and then well be right back into the gritty stuff again. whats next 'ultimate secret wars' ? i hope the gwen clone doesnt do the whole 'i may biologically be gwen, have her emeories etc, but im a completely different person' thing and disappear like the 616 did. i hope she reasserts herself as a character (even for a little bit) before anything happens to her. hopefully she will be the only ressurect-ee (thats presupposing it was her that was actually dead? :? :(

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