Ultimatum series discussion [spoilers]

the key to the whole thing is going to be Liz Allen, save the cheerleader...

(actually, if Loeb ever cared about what the other writers had done before he came along, that could have been interesting. Blob turns against Magneto for his daughter...alas, he ate the Wasp instead).
Would it really surprise you?

... No.

the key to the whole thing is going to be Liz Allen, save the cheerleader...

(actually, if Loeb ever cared about what the other writers had done before he came along, that could have been interesting. Blob turns against Magneto for his daughter...alas, he ate the Wasp instead).


GAH LAK TUS - Warren Ellis is a big *****. Gah Lak Tus was hyped by three super-delayed mini-series with terrific artists and he never even got to Earth. Well, Ellis detailed how GLT eats planets and its awesome. So he actually gets to Earth this time. His inherent gravity is what causes the tidal waves and environmental shifts. He drives people insane, so LOTS of regualr people are eating Wasp (or just Blob - but at least it makes sense now). It's GAH LAK TUS properly about to eat the world.

THE GENETIC WAR - That thing Bendis has been gabbing on about since the early days of USM but will never pay off (y'know, like Skrulls, and 'the connections of the ultimate universe' and all the other storylines he claims he plans years in advance but end up having no cohesive plot). Each issue focuses on the most important part of a single year of this 'genetic war'. Consider that WW2 was 6 years long, this could work. The first issue details the start of the war, the second issue jumps a year ahead and details the most important part of that year (like the Somme or the Battle of Britain or the discovery of the Enigma code or the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima or the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Bay of Pigs... just some momentous war event), culminating in the last issue demonstrating the end of this 'genetic war'.

616 CROSSOVER - It hasn't happened yet, and it's something that is still potentially cool. It was originally never going to happen to preserve the integrity of the two universes... considering that 616 has spent the last 8 years copying the ultimate universe and the ultimate universe has become poor, integrity shouldn't really matter anymore.

GIVE THE ULTIMATE TREATMENT TO A COOL 616 DYSTOPIA - Days of Future Past. Age of Apocalypse. Earth X. On of these actually happens and we see it play out in the slow, decompressed, boring pace the ultimate universe is known for. The crossover is really just the catalyst, afterwards, the Ultimate universe really becomes this different kind of world. Unfortunately, this lacks the 'reset button' required to keep USM as it is, so no doubt, this would have to be addressed.

KANG - Because he's like, the only cool 616 villain who hasn't been ultimized yet. Have him suddenly appear and conquer the past because he can... or, dare I say... because he... KANG!!!
so ive been reading Squadron Supreme to see whats happening with Fury, (and i am most likely gonna cancel it soon). and my main question is, if they bring fury back in ultimatum, how can he be in the supreme verse 6 years from now? (the SS book is taking place 6 years after the Ultimates War)

and yeah, i know.. its not worth an answer cuz there is no logical one..

because the six years from now in SS verse is now in the ultimate universe.

Yeah, maybe time works differently between the two universes?

I'm just assuming that when they do bring Fury back, either they'll ignore the time difference of 5-6 years occuring in the Supreme verse, but only 1 or 2 in the Ultimate verse; OR they'll explain the time difference with time travel brought on by the interdimensional travel required to bring Fury back to the Ultimate universe.
what is it with Loeb and trying to be shocking?
why in the world would Blob eat Jan? How does his mind work that he made that connection? There is a giant flood and all of a sudden Blob shows up and just starts eating heroes?

There is no story to this, a couple of cool ideas (Thor fighting the Norse keeper of the dead along with a probably dead Cap has potential, and Magneto killing Prof X was pretty sweet, but besides that Reed is ranting to an unconcious Namor, zarda reappears out of nowhere alongside Doom (who reappeared out of nowhere during Ultimate Power) and the best thing the two of them can think of is, "If Nick Fury were here, he'd know what to do!"

I wasn't aware that Tony Stark and Carol Danvers were on a first name basis, but then again, Tony Stark is probably on a first name basis with a lot of women at SHIELD.

and we haven't seen the Giant Men since they were all killed in Ultimates 2.
what is it with Loeb and trying to be shocking?
why in the world would Blob eat Jan? How does his mind work that he made that connection? There is a giant flood and all of a sudden Blob shows up and just starts eating heroes?

It's obviously part of Magneto's plan. We are simply too stupid to see it.

There is no story to this, a couple of cool ideas (Thor fighting the Norse keeper of the dead along with a probably dead Cap has potential, and Magneto killing Prof X was pretty sweet, but besides that Reed is ranting to an unconcious Namor, zarda reappears out of nowhere alongside Doom (who reappeared out of nowhere during Ultimate Power) and the best thing the two of them can think of is, "If Nick Fury were here, he'd know what to do!"

Because that's the best a super smart Doom can come up with.

I wasn't aware that Tony Stark and Carol Danvers were on a first name basis, but then again, Tony Stark is probably on a first name basis with a lot of women at SHIELD.

Since Tony bought her the breast implants.
what is it with Loeb and trying to be shocking?
why in the world would Blob eat Jan? How does his mind work that he made that connection? There is a giant flood and all of a sudden Blob shows up and just starts eating heroes?

There is no story to this, a couple of cool ideas (Thor fighting the Norse keeper of the dead along with a probably dead Cap has potential, and Magneto killing Prof X was pretty sweet, but besides that Reed is ranting to an unconcious Namor, zarda reappears out of nowhere alongside Doom (who reappeared out of nowhere during Ultimate Power) and the best thing the two of them can think of is, "If Nick Fury were here, he'd know what to do!"

I wasn't aware that Tony Stark and Carol Danvers were on a first name basis, but then again, Tony Stark is probably on a first name basis with a lot of women at SHIELD.

and we haven't seen the Giant Men since they were all killed in Ultimates 2.

WOW! I couldn't be happier about not buying this.
Since Tony bought her the breast implants.

yeah, what a ridiculous shot of Carol Danvers.

That panel sums up why guys read comic books more than girls do.

Just everything about it was as stereotypical as you can get.

The way she was standing, the skin-tight leather body suit, The HUGE bustline, the fact that she had three handguns strapped to her and that she was carrying an assault rifle AND and sub-machine gun.
It made me laugh.
yeah, what a ridiculous shot of Carol Danvers.

That panel sums up why guys read comic books more than girls do.

Just everything about it was as stereotypical as you can get.

The way she was standing, the skin-tight leather body suit, The HUGE bustline, the fact that she had three handguns strapped to her and that she was carrying an assault rifle AND and sub-machine gun.
It made me laugh.

It's 90's Image crap all over again. Awesome.
(I originally posted this question in the Ultimates 3 thread, then realized I posted it in the wrong thread entirely. Stupid me.)

There's something about the Triskelion scene that's been bugging me.

The Triskelion is on an island, seeing as a massive tdal wave just hit, the Triskelion should be in pieces.

(I can't remember if the place has force fields. I think they mentioned them during the Liberators invasion back in Miller times*?)

*Heh heh, I made a funny.
This is probably the most active post right now so i'll post it here.

So back to Parkers parents dying in two differing explnations. I just re-read the clone saga and this is something i stumbled upon.

Your father died in a plane crash peter. Wow, you really deluded yourself if you thought that man was your father

That was a quote from doc ock. Now it seems that he is talking about peters cloned father. But what if it has a double meaning. What if the person who died in the plane crash wasn't Parkers dad. Or am i just tring to find an answer to the **** up by Bendis.
This is probably the most active post right now so i'll post it here.

So back to Parkers parents dying in two differing explnations. I just re-read the clone saga and this is something i stumbled upon.

That was a quote from doc ock. Now it seems that he is talking about peters cloned father. But what if it has a double meaning. What if the person who died in the plane crash wasn't Parkers dad. Or am i just tring to find an answer to the **** up by Bendis.

you're trying to find an answer to the **** up by Bendis. Because I recalled in the game Peter reading a file about his parent's death apparently being cause by the symbiote, though I'm not sure how canon that is
I do not belive the game to be canon anymore. I belive it was once canon but i dont now since Bendis has sort of re-written the story.

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