Well-Known Member
Re: Ultimatum discussion (Spoilers & Stuff)
Doc Stranger looks like he's going to own this ****.
Doc Stranger looks like he's going to own this ****.
My guy only charged me $3.
anyway, full Ultimatum poster. I am actually tempted to get this, as it reminds me of all the characters I love from the Universe:
Remember it's a cover. Just because someone died in some issue doesn't mean they can't appear in a latter issue's cover. What's on the cover doesn't mean that's what you'll see in the issue.This post is the covers all together - which begs the question: did no one think that if Beast and Nightcrawler are dead in #1, they probably shouldn't be on the cover to #5?
So you've read #5 then? You know for 100% they will not appear?There's a certain difference between 'dramatic license' for a cover and bull****.
Thor holding Cap's shield and Iron Man's helmet on the cover shows that there is a TOUGH battle in this issue and no one's going out easy. The issue reflects that. It's like when a cover shows heroes and villains fighting in costume, yet inside, for some reason, they're in civvies.
It's another thing entirely to put a character on a cover and then not have them appear. If that was the case, people would stick Wolverine on the cover of Punisher MAX issues just so they'd sell.
So is it better or worse then Ultimates 3?
Is worse even possible?
So is it better or worse then Ultimates 3?
So is it better or worse then Ultimates 3?
:shock:I mean, Magneto could turn out to be a rabbit.
I can't wait to see where this goes... I'm actually eager to see if Loeb can make you guys eat your words.
it's hard to tell, nothing really happened
(Well NYC was flooded and a bunch of people died and just about everyone in Latveria except Doom froze to death)
If you're gonna have team covers like that you should put everyone on them
Kitty, MoonKnight, Iron Fist, Shang Chi, and Black Cat should be on the cover with Spidey (whether or not they are in the story)
and Liz, Iceman, Dazzler, and Angel should be on the cover with the X-Men
other questions, don't you think Prof X would be careful enough to NOT send his telepathy to Magneto to let them know they were coming?
were Spidey and Kitty actually flirting? it really seemed like it.
Reed left his dying girlfriend to try and beat up Namor?!? really?!?!
how tall is the L track? because it looked like that tsunami was at least 15 stories high...but the L was apparently above water
Kitty with her phasing abilities and inability to get hurt, and the fact that she can fly decides to stay in the train, and send Pete off to fight a tsunami with his webs and spider-sense?
Tony Stark is telling Cap to not be thinking about another man's wife?
(there are so many more for the ultimates, but they have been ruined, so we'll just leave it alone)
the X-Men are fighting about who blends in better?!? really? again?
How is Doom back?
Why are they letting Loeb ignore everything that Kirkman was setting up for Magneto?...Matermind in the Triskelion, Magneto planning something big, Longshot was with him, actually, he had a LOT of mutants with him, not just his brotherhood. (well maybe they scatered and were killed during the attack on the savage land...there were a bunch of mutants fighting alongside Magneto there...okay, we'll give him that one)
i'm sure there's more but i'm tired
And Thor is still talking like a retard! What - the man finally realizes his heritage and starts talking like that on a whim?