Ultimatization ideas

compound said:
I seriously do not want to see a 'gritty', 'realistic', and most of all 'adult' version of Whirlwind because I remember all too well what ahppened the last time they attempted it, in 616. *shudders*

Yeah but that's the 616 Avengers who should always have a lighter tone than the Ultimates, but let's face it the Ultimates are always grim and gritty, the psycho stalker version of Whirlwind is the only that would work in the Ultimates title. Besides the Ultimates need an off beat story, just to change the pace from international crisises and such, Wasp dealing with a psycho stalker would be a great off beat story.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Or Whirlwind doesn't have to be a pyscho stalker obsessed with Jan.

Hey, psycho stalkers are realstic, isn't that the purpose of the Ultimate Universe? besides do you have a better idea to ultimize Whirlwind?
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The Overlord said:
Hey, psycho stalkers are realstic, isn't that the purpose of the Ultimate Universe? besides do you have a better idea to ultimize Whirlwind?

No yet. But you guys aren't ultimizing the character your ultimizeing one of his subplots. The stalker thing could be done away with easily and no one would care. Yeah, it could happen but I don't see too much enjoyment out of "man gets powers and longs after celebrity superhero" When he's never met her and chaos shortly ensues... too ... meh for my tastes.
The Overlord said:
Hey, psycho stalkers are realstic, isn't that the purpose of the Ultimate Universe? besides do you have a better idea to ultimize Whirlwind?
'Psycho stalkers are realistic?'

I mean, by the logic you suggested the Whirlwind should be a ballet dancer, since ballet dancers are you know, 'realistic' too.

MWOF said:
Yeah, it could happen but I don't see too much enjoyment out of "man gets powers and longs after celebrity superhero" When he's never met her and chaos shortly ensues... too ... meh for my tastes.
Agreed. I wish there were less hypothetical Ultimatizations like this.
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If Ultimate Whirlwind HAD to appear, they could introduce him like those guys with the bombs on them in Ultimates 2 #4.

But no one wears a jacket with knifes in it...
TheManWithoutFear said:
No yet. But you guys aren't ultimizing the character your ultimizeing one of his subplots. The stalker thing could be done away with easily and no one would care. Yeah, it could happen but I don't see too much enjoyment out of "man gets powers and longs after celebrity superhero" When he's never met her and chaos shortly ensues... too ... meh for my tastes.

Ah, that subplot is only thing that prevents Whirlwind from being just another thug with a gimmick. Besides there tons nuts who stalk movie stars they have never met.
ourchair said:
'Psycho stalkers are realistic?'

I mean, by the logic you suggested the Whirlwind should be a ballet dancer, since ballet dancers are you know, 'realistic' too.

Agreed. I wish there were less hypothetical Ultimatizations like this.

This the speculation forum and I will speculate in any manner I please, thank you very much.
The Overlord said:
Ah, that subplot is only thing that prevents Whirlwind from being just another thug with a gimmick. Besides there tons nuts who stalk movie stars they have never met.
You don't get it. You're thinking to 616ish. Whirlwind can be reinventive any possible way. He could be given some other motive that makes him a major threat that wouldn't make him "just another thug". You just have to thinkin and not use the same storylines as 616.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You don't get it. You're thinking to 616ish. Whirlwind can be reinventive any possible way. He could be given some other motive that makes him a major threat that wouldn't make him "just another thug". You just have to thinkin and not use the same storylines as 616.

Alright, then how would you Ultimize Whirlwind then?
TheManWithoutFear said:
Why do you expect me to pull an ultimization out of my *** all the time? Would you really like the writers of the Ultimate Universe to just throw some garbage down to impress comic book fans? I already told you I don't know yet.

Alright, fine. Relax will ya.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I am you just asked me 3 times to ultimize him and I can't because I'm completely unfamiliar with the character. It'd be like asking someone to ultimize Stilt-Man if they didn't read Daredevil. Would you expect a good ultimization from that?

Fine, its just that when someone criticizes my ideas I like them to present alternatives. Besides Millar ultimized magneto with no prior knowledge of the character.
The Overlord said:
Fine, its just that when someone criticizes my ideas I like them to present alternatives. Besides Millar ultimized magneto with no prior knowledge of the character.

Why? I was directly critiquing your idea as much as the general idea that ultimization should carry over 616 subplots with them.

Millar had no prior knowledge of Magneto? Cmon... That's like saying I know nothing about Santa Clause. He's a comic book writer. Magneto's gonna be in your face. And he obviously did some research (Wanda and Pietro)
TheManWithoutFear said:
Why? I was directly critiquing your idea as much as the general idea that ultimization should carry over 616 subplots with them.

Millar had no prior knowledge of Magneto? Cmon... That's like saying I know nothing about Santa Clause. He's a comic book writer. Magneto's gonna be in your face. And he obviously did some research (Wanda and Pietro)

But as you noted the subplot with Magneto having Wanda and Pietro as his children was carried over from the 616, so I don't see why a subplot from the 616 universe should not be carried over to Ultimate Universe if it fits in the tone of the title in question. Frankly I bleieve the only way to make Whirlwind fit in with the grim and gritty Ultimates title is to exapnd on the psycho stalker angle.
The Overlord said:
But as you noted the subplot with Magneto having Wanda and Pietro as his children was carried over from the 616, so I don't see why a subplot from the 616 universe should not be carried over to Ultimate Universe if it fits in the tone of the title in question. Frankly I bleieve the only way to make Whirlwind fit in with the grim and gritty Ultimates title is to exapnd on the psycho stalker angle.

People see Wanda and Pietro not being related to Magneto and they're gonna be ticked off a bit. This is a more essential subplot/relation to the character. Magneto's a bigger character.

Whirlwind? Who cares?
I'm with MwoF on this one.

In fact, the whole "obsessive stalker takes on increasingly extreme behavior" WAS an attempt to "beef up" Whirlwind's character to tell a more "gritty" story within 616. And it turned out to be one of the most exploitative, sensationalized -- and worst of all -- uninteresting plots, in recent memory:


Some characters just don't need an immediate Ultimization.

Heck, I'm convinced that Bendis used so many fresh approaches to classic DD villains and plot elements during his run on Daredevil, I don't even feel the need for a well-developed version of Ultimate Daredevil -- what more a second-tier also-ran like the ****ing Whirlwind.

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