Ultimates V2 #9 discussion (SPOILERS!!)

Entropy said:
Well, when you're up against a guy with an impenatrable shield as a weapon, it makes sense to come prepared ;). Anyways, from the sound of it, Millar is going with a very different characterization of The Red Skull than we're used to, and this pleases me. He sounds alot like, well, Cap. Not the evil, megalomanical, Nazi we're used to, not even as a hardcore commie or something, just a guy who basically seems to be in the same position and maybe even share the same principles as Cap. He's just working for the other side. Personally, I think if this bares out, it's a far better and more interesting route to pursue.

Very good points and should lead to some extremely interesting and poignant character dynamics between the two. Internal and external struggle, coming to grips, its got it all!
*Hums Duel of Fates* I guarantee that Thor and Hawkeye are going to kick major *** next issue.

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compound said:
It's not a Red Hood -- it's a Red Skull Cap ;)

Red Skull Cap. Classic. Heh, what if...

Millar made Red Skull Jewish?

NO possibility of it, but I just couldn't resist :D.

Anyways, I was wondering some more stuff. Is it explicitly stated that Hulk vs Wolverine takes place AFTER these events? Because I'm wondering if it doesn't take place earlier and we actually get to see Banner/The Hulk show up. You got to admit, helping thwart an enemy invasion and occupation of America would go a long ways towards getting a pardon. It's just a thought that's tickling my brain, but I'm just thinking that with the muscle being displayed here, the Ultimates are gonna need all the gun they can muster to stop this. Even IF all the other American supers and Union guys get mixed up in this, they still seem outgunned.
Entropy said:
Red Skull Cap. Classic. Heh, what if...

Millar made Red Skull Jewish?

NO possibility of it, but I just couldn't resist :D.

Anyways, I was wondering some more stuff. Is it explicitly stated that Hulk vs Wolverine takes place AFTER these events? Because I'm wondering if it doesn't take place earlier and we actually get to see Banner/The Hulk show up. You got to admit, helping thwart an enemy invasion and occupation of America would go a long ways towards getting a pardon. It's just a thought that's tickling my brain, but I'm just thinking that with the muscle being displayed here, the Ultimates are gonna need all the gun they can muster to stop this. Even IF all the other American supers and Union guys get mixed up in this, they still seem outgunned.
Again, and everyone read this:

BIG or not, thread is marked for spoilers. No need at all for the tag. If people dont want to be spoiled, they shouldn't be in this thread at all.
Entropy said:
Anyways, I was wondering some more stuff. Is it explicitly stated that Hulk vs Wolverine takes place AFTER these events? Because I'm wondering if it doesn't take place earlier and we actually get to see Banner/The Hulk show up. You got to admit, helping thwart an enemy invasion and occupation of America would go a long ways towards getting a pardon. It's just a thought that's tickling my brain, but I'm just thinking that with the muscle being displayed here, the Ultimates are gonna need all the gun they can muster to stop this. Even IF all the other American supers and Union guys get mixed up in this, they still seem outgunned.

That's why I like the Pym double cross theory. But I'm cool with Loki somewhat. I think it's totally out of his character to play the head honcho if he's a god he should just be sitting back and enjoying the chaos. Hulk would be overdoing it and he's supposed to be elsewhere.
icemastertron said:
Again, and everyone read this:

BIG or not, thread is marked for spoilers. No need at all for the tag. If people dont want to be spoiled, they shouldn't be in this thread at all.

I didn't tag it because it was a spoiler, I tagged it for a different reason.

Christ, I keep thinking of new stuff, thanks for giving me an excuse to post again Ice.

I was just thinking, I hope next issue we open with Widow having the gun to Tony's head and doing some of the usual bad-character bantering and saying how sorry she is she's going to have to dispose of Tony, and then Tony just saying "You seriously believe I didn't see this coming?" Then of course, it's revealed that he's been playing her for a dupe the whole time, and that he and Hank have been preparing for this. Just a random thought, but who thinks there stands a strong possibility for this scene to happen?

I mean, we know he's had plans in the works for advanced warplanes. We've been taking it as a mere reference to Ultimate Quinjets (which I'm sure they are) but I think they are going to be a large part of the counter attack. Meh, random thoughts. I'm gonna sit down and see if I can think out a cohesive theory for the way the rest of the story is gonna play out.
Entropy said:
I was just thinking, I hope next issue we open with Widow having the gun to Tony's head and doing some of the usual bad-character bantering and saying how sorry she is she's going to have to dispose of Tony, and then Tony just saying "You seriously believe I didn't see this coming?" Then of course, it's revealed that he's been playing her for a dupe the whole time, and that he and Hank have been preparing for this. Just a random thought, but who thinks there stands a strong possibility for this scene to happen?

If Tony really knew this was coming, I think the time to act upon this knowledge was a few hundred thousands of casualties ago.
E.Vi.L. said:
If Tony really knew this was coming, I think the time to act upon this knowledge was a few hundred thousands of casualties ago.

Yeah, good point ;). Still, I just can't totally swallow that EVERYONE was unprepared and not expecting this. Fury stated that Asia had a super soldier program in the works in the annual. He knew about that, though apparently not the extent to which they had developed it or what it was going to be turned towards. And there are just certain things about Tony that are bugging me. I think in some way he's prepared for this, I just don't know.
Entropy said:
I was just thinking, I hope next issue we open with Widow having the gun to Tony's head and doing some of the usual bad-character bantering and saying how sorry she is she's going to have to dispose of Tony, and then Tony just saying "You seriously believe I didn't see this coming?" Then of course, it's revealed that he's been playing her for a dupe the whole time, and that he and Hank have been preparing for this. Just a random thought, but who thinks there stands a strong possibility for this scene to happen?

I mean, we know he's had plans in the works for advanced warplanes. We've been taking it as a mere reference to Ultimate Quinjets (which I'm sure they are) but I think they are going to be a large part of the counter attack. Meh, random thoughts. I'm gonna sit down and see if I can think out a cohesive theory for the way the rest of the story is gonna play out.
Excellent point, Tony is the brains after all. And what if he did heed Thor's warning?
Yeah, I'm buying that.

E.Vi.L. said:
If Tony really knew this was coming, I think the time to act upon this knowledge was a few hundred thousands of casualties ago.
He'd rat his wife to be out on a suspicion? I don't think so, I think he just has a contingency plan, just in case. Tony Stark is a businessman, he has to be one step of the game always.
Entropy said:
Anyways, I was wondering some more stuff. Is it explicitly stated that Hulk vs Wolverine takes place AFTER these events? Because I'm wondering if it doesn't take place earlier and we actually get to see Banner/The Hulk show up. You got to admit, helping thwart an enemy invasion and occupation of America would go a long ways towards getting a pardon. It's just a thought that's tickling my brain, but I'm just thinking that with the muscle being displayed here, the Ultimates are gonna need all the gun they can muster to stop this. Even IF all the other American supers and Union guys get mixed up in this, they still seem outgunned.

Well, Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine has been specifically stated as picking up 6 months after the Trial of the Hulk, which took place in Ultimates 2 #2-3. There was a relatively large break in time between the first and second arcs of the title (#6 and #7), but if I remember correctly it was only six weeks. So that would mean that Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine takes place at least several months after Ultimates 2 ends. So I wouldn't expect the Hulk to be the quasi-Dues Ex Machina type savior in this story, but who knows? Its entirely possible he does show up, kick some ***, and dissappears again, which is when Fury sends Wolverine after him and we pick up into the storyline of that mini.

I was just thinking, I hope next issue we open with Widow having the gun to Tony's head and doing some of the usual bad-character bantering and saying how sorry she is she's going to have to dispose of Tony, and then Tony just saying "You seriously believe I didn't see this coming?" Then of course, it's revealed that he's been playing her for a dupe the whole time, and that he and Hank have been preparing for this. Just a random thought, but who thinks there stands a strong possibility for this scene to happen?

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to me to introduce the Ultimate Tony Stark Life Model Decoy. The LMDs were androids/robots created in 616 to protect the lives of the person they replicated, basically as a smokescreen for an assassination attempt or any other general attack. The LMD was what was actually out in public, while the real Tony was in the shadows pulling the strings. Could very well be the case here and explain the differing eye colors.
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What if quicksilver only got wounded, just like in # 6 where thor kept hitting him with lightning. Then some deja vu happens and Quickie gets a hold of the belt. Then I see a way for thor to get back in action.
Well, Tony had been discussing "The Plan" since Volume 1, right? Think it was defense-related? Or something more personal altogether?

E.Vi.L. said:
If Tony really knew this was coming, I think the time to act upon this knowledge was a few hundred thousands of casualties ago.
Not while he was coming! ;)
(Mods, delete this line only if it's inappropriate -- please retain my comments below.)

But seriously, it's the same thing as 9/11 really. You just can't account for precise dates. Realistically, it's not about averting disaster altogether, it's about minimizing the destruction. Fact.
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DIrishB said:
Well, Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine has been specifically stated as picking up 6 months after the Trial of the Hulk, which took place in Ultimates #2-3. There was a relatively large break in time between the first and second arcs of the title (#6 and #7), but if I remember correctly it was only six weeks. So that would mean that Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine takes place at least several months after Ultimates 2 ends. So I wouldn't expect the Hulk to be the quasi-Dues Ex Machina type savior in this story, but who knows? Its entirely possible he does show up, kick some ***, and dissappears again, which is when Fury sends Wolverine after him and we pick up into the storyline of that mini.

So Banner comes in saves the day and the American Public still hates him enough that Fury is forced to chase after him? Let's just leave Hulk for the mini.

On another note. No one has mentioned Fury and SHIELD. Obviously Fury is a victim as much as the rest. Do we think Ultimates will still split from SHIELD on bad terms?

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to me to introduce the Ultimate Tony Stark Life Model Decoy. The LMDs were androids/robots created in 616 to protect the lives of the person they replicated, basically as a smokescreen for an assassination attempt or any other general attack. The LMD was what was actually out in public, while the real Tony was in the shadows pulling the strings. Could very well be the case here and explain the differing eye colors.[/QUOTE]NOt pickin on you DIrishB but continuing the discussion

What the hell ever happened to good old fashioned turning the tables? Tony pulls a quick move on Widow and she doesn't get a shot off and Tony ends up holding her down. Ok, yeah she's a superspy but Tony's not all that inexperienced. And please leave Card out of this.
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DIrishB said:
Well, Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine has been specifically stated as picking up 6 months after the Trial of the Hulk, which took place in Ultimates 2 #2-3. There was a relatively large break in time between the first and second arcs of the title (#6 and #7), but if I remember correctly it was only six weeks. So that would mean that Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine takes place at least several months after Ultimates 2 ends. So I wouldn't expect the Hulk to be the quasi-Dues Ex Machina type savior in this story, but who knows? Its entirely possible he does show up, kick some ***, and dissappears again, which is when Fury sends Wolverine after him and we pick up into the storyline of that mini.

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to me to introduce the Ultimate Tony Stark Life Model Decoy. The LMDs were androids/robots created in 616 to protect the lives of the person they replicated, basically as a smokescreen for an assassination attempt or any other general attack. The LMD was what was actually out in public, while the real Tony was in the shadows pulling the strings. Could very well be the case here and explain the differing eye colors.

I just think we should get to see a LITTLE Hulk here, maybe combating some of the invasion in a different part of the country. Their holding LA and Chicago as well as NY and Washinton, and god knows what else. Who knows, just have to see.

I'm not to up on 616 Iron-Man. Fan of the character, but never got much into collecting his series outside of some of the early ones. Did he seriously have those? Kinda like Doombots. This could make sense in a way. Tony's eyes were brown this entire issue. Hey, somebody help me do some referencing, lets see if there's a notable color changes in Jarvis's eye color as well ;).
slimjim said:
What if quicksilver only got wounded, just like in # 6 where thor kept hitting him with lightning. Then some deja vu happens and Quickie gets a hold of the belt. Then I see a way for thor to get back in action.

Well he's not dead. But in most cases I would hate for the same thing to happen but if Quicksilver pulls the same thing off in a city setting screaming "You're no Thor, Pal." I think it would be sweet.
TheManWithoutFear said:
So Banner comes in saves the day and the American Public still hates him enough that Fury is forced to chase after him? Let's just leave Hulk for the mini.

I agree, which is why I said I doubted it would happen, but it could. If you recall, Hulk also saved the world from the Chitauri at the end of Ultimates Vol. 1, but that didn't stop them from putting his big green *** on trial at the beginning of Vol. 2. He's still a danger, still a threat, no matter how many good deeds he performs. Thats always been an underlying characteristic of the Hulk, 616 or Ultimate.

On another note. No one has mentioned Fury and SHIELD. Obviously Fury is a victim as much as the rest. Do we think Ultimates will still split from SHIELD on bad terms?

Yes, because SHIELD turned on a good portion of the Ultimates in the process. Remember, they tried to execute Hulk, imprison Thor, then Cap. Hank Pym most likely won't be returning, and neither will Wasp I imagine if her rekindled romance with Hank continues. Even if she is a media attention-whore. We'll see.

NOt pickin on you DIrishB but continuing the discussion

What the hell ever happened to good old fashioned turning the tables? Tony pulls a quick move on Widow and she doesn't get a shot off and Tony ends up holding her down. Ok, yeah she's a superspy but Tony's not all that inexperienced. And please leave Card out of this.

I think it has more to do with an unexpected, somewhat more original, less 1960's Star Trek plot-point type tone Millar is trying to give the title.

Entropy said:
I just think we should get to see a LITTLE Hulk here, maybe combating some of the invasion in a different part of the country. Their holding LA and Chicago as well as NY and Washinton, and god knows what else. Who knows, just have to see.

Like I said, its entirely possible.

I'm not to up on 616 Iron-Man. Fan of the character, but never got much into collecting his series outside of some of the early ones. Did he seriously have those? Kinda like Doombots. This could make sense in a way. Tony's eyes were brown this entire issue. Hey, somebody help me do some referencing, lets see if there's a notable color changes in Jarvis's eye color as well .

Yup, he did indeed have them. Matter of fact, they were just converted into Heroclix form in the newest expansion set in the form of Bystander Tokens, which are like pogs with really wussy stats (or normal human abilities anyway...but for a game involving super-heroes, thats wussy).