Wow, I didn't get to read the issue but checked out the penciled/inked pages on that link and cannot wait to actually read it with some dialogue. What an amazing issue. A Black Widow nipple shot (Doc Comic will be drooling, and probably worse, over this comic for months). Tony and Jarvis each getting a bullet in the head. Black Widow being the traitor (though I honestly saw that coming along with many others). The Triskelion getting destroyed. The Ultimates basically powerless against the onslaught. Nick Friggin' Fury losing an arm (that was very all he needs to do is lose a leg, a testicle, a nipple, and an ***-cheeck and everything he had two of to begin with is gone!). Then the adversaries (I don't know their "official" name yet, so I'll just call them the Commies

) the Commies push the Statue of Liberty into the frigging water! How symbolic is that?!?! We see massive destruction all throughout New York City, and even the Baxter Building appears to be on fire on page 26. The final page was great too, the full page spread of the Anti-Ultimates, er, Commies, complete with Loki there at the front. Man, I really can't wait to read this issue. My preliminary review is a 5/5, doesn't get better than that. While the traitor reveal wasn't necessarily a big surprise, everything else surely was. No one saw Tony or Jarvis getting knocked off. No one saw Loki being a major part of it (so many people thought Loki would have nothing to do with this portion of the story...just didn't understand that at all). No one saw the Statue of Liberty becoming a nicely sculpted piece of coral.
As for timeline placements, I'll be doing some re-arranging of the comics, as an event like this would have to be mentioned, even off-handed, in the other books, especially UFF, as Millar writes that also and he obviously chose to have Hitch show that shot of the Baxter Building on fire on page 26 for some reason, hopefully more than just as a nod. Anyway, check out the timeline for some pretty big changes in terms of placement (at least for the current arcs).