Ultimates 2 #9 cover.

Well I think that Ultimate Yelena (Black Widow II) is one of the chicks in the picture. It's just a thought that's been itching at me. Red Skull, Ultron, Loki...... sounds a lot like the Ultimate Masters of Evil.
Hawkeye101 said:
Well I think that Ultimate Yelena (Black Widow II) is one of the chicks in the picture. It's just a thought that's been itching at me. Red Skull, Ultron, Loki...... sounds a lot like the Ultimate Masters of Evil.

Very possible...though I really hope they aren't called the Masters of Evil in the Ultimate universe (maybe as an aside by like a news reporter or something, but not seriously, that would just make me sick).
Again, I don't think Red Skull/Loki team-up is going to happen. Loki's mission was to destroy Thor and is looking to take over this realm possibly. He can do that without this petty war Fury's gotten them into. He doesn't care about what's going on.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Again, I don't think Red Skull/Loki team-up is going to happen. Loki's mission was to destroy Thor and is looking to take over this realm possibly. He can do that without this petty war Fury's gotten them into. He doesn't care about what's going on.

Then why would the traitor strike after Loki has gotten his way?
Hawkeye101 said:
Then why would the traitor strike after Loki has gotten his way?
? What...?

Dude, The traitor probably doesn't even know about Loki. Loki was going after Thor and the traitor was working on his own agenda. The traitor struck when he/she released the information about The Hulk to the public.

Seriously, What do you guys want a big splash page of the Ultimates on one side with and Loki/Red Skull/ Ultron on the other faceing off, flexing their muscles. So cheasy.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Seriously, What do you guys want a big splash page of the Ultimates on one side with and Loki/Red Skull/ Ultron on the other faceing off, flexing their muscles. So cheasy.

Ultimates 2 is definitely not that kind of book.

Ugh...bad flashbacks to Infinity War. *shudder*
UltimateE said:
Ultimates 2 is definitely not that kind of book.

Ugh...bad flashbacks to Infinity War. *shudder*

Well, tat's what I'm talkin' about. It seems like everyone wants a forced teamup. Does anyone consider that in real life their are bad guys with their own agendas who aren't in bed with one another? It's perfectly reasonable that a mortal enemy like Red Skull has nothing to do with Loki's plans that are probably beyond most of these character's comprehenstion.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Well, tat's what I'm talkin' about. It seems like everyone wants a forced teamup. Does anyone consider that in real life their are bad guys with their own agendas who aren't in bed with one another? It's perfectly reasonable that a mortal enemy like Red Skull has nothing to do with Loki's plans that are probably beyond most of these character's comprehenstion.
And it's possible of this forced team up as well. As I have said Before, Ultimate Masters of Evil and Ultimate Hydra just keeps knacking in hte back of my head, even though, yes, the completely separate threats is also likely.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Well, tat's what I'm talkin' about. It seems like everyone wants a forced teamup. Does anyone consider that in real life their are bad guys with their own agendas who aren't in bed with one another?

Well, it seems some people don't, because they thought Saddam Hussein was a friend to Osama Bin Laden. Now there's a forced teamup of villains for ya.
TheManWithoutFear said:
:lol: :lol:

There is no proff that they were, or that they weren't. Just because once we got in there there was no Osama to go with the Heussien.
Hawkeye101 said:
There is no proff that they were, or that they weren't. Just because once we got in there there was no Osama to go with the Heussien.

I think the proof is Bush said it was so to justify his internationally illegal invasion of Iraq (cuz it most definitly was that, despite the good in getting Hussein out...course, now that he's out we can't keep order over there so it could be argued Iraq was better off before we stepped in). To me, him believing in anything is good enough to make me not want to. Thats why I've recently been questioning the existence of God again for the first time since I was 12. Bastard.
icemastertron said:
No, the spots on the cover is not waffle syrup.

Yeah, who said the stains were blood, maybe Tony accidentally spilled his favorite drink all over his pictures of Natasha. And stumbled apon one of Natasha's old gums from before she had the Iron suit.


Thanks to Newsarama.