Ultimates 2 #9 cover.

Hawkeye101 said:
Card has screwed nothing up. The doctors don't know that he is a living brain. Therefore thinking that Iron Man is an average Joe said "Yep a brain tumor like this is gonna kill ya." And Tony then believes he is dying. Un aware of the fact that the rest of his body can sustain itself, so he assumes he's dying.

Yeah that makes sense. This doctor, possibly one of the best in the world knowing Tony, looks at the x rays and CAT scans, decides to ignore all the brain matter covering the rest of his insides because it sounds like a dumb plot device, and concludes that Tony has a perfectly normal physique.
Back on topic please. I would hate for a good thread to be ruined by Card and his crap series.
Fuzzy Birds said:
Yeah that makes sense. This doctor, possibly one of the best in the world knowing Tony, looks at the x rays and CAT scans, decides to ignore all the brain matter covering the rest of his insides because it sounds like a dumb plot device, and concludes that Tony has a perfectly normal physique.

No every other cell 'acts' like a brain cell. It isn't an actual braincell. It does it's regular job, as well as being a brain cell.
UltimateE said:
Back on topic please. I would hate for a good thread to be ruined by Card and his crap series.
Ultimate Tony Stark was so cool before that series came around.

In any case, you are a stronger man than I am. If I ran my own Ultimate board, I'd forbid any discussion of Card's work without my approval. And I'd excuse that brand of mild oppression by making it a lovable character quirk of mine.
ourchair said:
In any case, you are a stronger man than I am. If I ran my own Ultimate board, I'd forbid any discussion of Card's work without my approval. And I'd excuse that brand of mild oppression by making it a lovable character quirk of mine.

You give me too much credit. I'm about 2 seconds from doing just that. :D
Hawkeye101 said:
No every other cell 'acts' like a brain cell. It isn't an actual braincell. It does it's regular job, as well as being a brain cell.

Not to go off topic, but seriously dude, its virtually impossible to assume ANY doctor, short of a witch doctor from the Louisiana bayou, could overlook the fact that Tony's brain tissue is all over his body. And whether or not it acts like a brain cell or not, it would still have at least some defining characteristics of brain cells. And Tony would know his unique physiology, so he would know he wouldn't be dying of the brain tumor unless it managed to take up his entire body. Card DID in fact screw up quite a lot with his first three issues, basically doing everything he could to make his version of Ultimate Iron Man's origin completely different and at odds with everything that came before it. Whether he's an egomaniac or just doesn't know how to research his subjects is still up in the air, but either one is inexcusable.
You don't think it's the editor's fault for not going, "Er... Card... this just doesn't make sense when applied to Ultimate Iron Man's current status in the Ultimate Universe." Shouldn't the editor be responsible too?
Bass said:
You don't think it's the editor's fault for not going, "Er... Card... this just doesn't make sense when applied to Ultimate Iron Man's current status in the Ultimate Universe." Shouldn't the editor be responsible too?

A point I would like to point out. Card would have had to discuss this with the other Ultimate authors and editors. I'm sure Millar re-thought his decision about Tony's brain tumor, or something. By Ultimates 4 #1 I don't want to have to worry about loosing Tony Stark to a brain tumor. However, I have asked a neurosurgeon, and she said that it would be impossible to die from a brain tumor if the rest of the body was a brain as well. It would also be impossible to tell if every cell body was acting like a brain cell through CAT scans and so fourth. In order to tell that the cell was functioning as a brain cell along with it's other duties, would be to look at it with an electron microscope.
Bass said:
You don't think it's the editor's fault for not going, "Er... Card... this just doesn't make sense when applied to Ultimate Iron Man's current status in the Ultimate Universe." Shouldn't the editor be responsible too?


Trouble is they wet their pants with excitement after getting a "big" name like Card to write a comic for them...they'll bend over and take whatever he gives them so they don't alienate him.
Bass said:
You don't think it's the editor's fault for not going, "Er... Card... this just doesn't make sense when applied to Ultimate Iron Man's current status in the Ultimate Universe." Shouldn't the editor be responsible too?
This is a big part of the editor's fault, too. And E makes a point because why they don't say nothing. They're not THAT obliovious....are they? :shock:
TheManWithoutFear said:
There's a gun and a wedding picture and pictures of girls on the Ultimates, possibly other girls in Tony's past.
Could possibly be. "Hauntings of his past" or something.
Bass said:
You don't think it's the editor's fault for not going, "Er... Card... this just doesn't make sense when applied to Ultimate Iron Man's current status in the Ultimate Universe." Shouldn't the editor be responsible too?

To some degree, but I thought it was obvious what I thought about the Ultimate editors.

Hawkeye101 said:
A point I would like to point out. Card would have had to discuss this with the other Ultimate authors and editors. I'm sure Millar re-thought his decision about Tony's brain tumor, or something. By Ultimates 4 #1 I don't want to have to worry about loosing Tony Stark to a brain tumor. However, I have asked a neurosurgeon, and she said that it would be impossible to die from a brain tumor if the rest of the body was a brain as well. It would also be impossible to tell if every cell body was acting like a brain cell through CAT scans and so fourth. In order to tell that the cell was functioning as a brain cell along with it's other duties, would be to look at it with an electron microscope.

Yeah, it would be impossible to tell through CAT scans, as those are used not for individual cell examination, but for larger-scale examination. Trust me, we've reached the point in our technology to tell the difference between brain cells and other body cells. How do you think we're able to detect cancer at all? Either way, Millar wrote Iron Man/Tony Stark first, Card pulled his origin out of his *** and poo-pooed all over other writer's previous stories involving Tony, so Card (and the editors, that one's for you Bass) are to blame for not doing their research or just not giving a ****. Card sucks. End of story.
ourchair said:
Ultimate Tony Stark was so cool before that series came around.

What series? I'm under the impression that it does not exist if you ignore it in the comics world. :wink:
I wanna say I give up, but none of you are using imagination here. Card has 'pooped' on nothing as of yet. He has made a story that 'can' work with the Ultimates line if you look at it right. You are all "Oooh, this sucks. Period." You all claim that Card has screwed up with continuity, when the entirety of the Ultimate Fantastic Four has you all baffled (Or Ultimate Team-Up, however you look at it), and yet you don't B**** about Millar, Bendis, and the others for screwing that up. None of you complain about Vaughn, when he screwed with the Fenris suit on Rogue and Gambit. Or how about what comes First: 'Cats & Kings' or 'Ultimate Six'? CAK is vol. 8 for USM and US is Vol. 9. Yet in US, Electro sayd that the Kingpin has been pinched and is out of the country, and the rest of them have no reason to worry about taking the kingpin's stuff at his condo, yet clearly in the previous volume, Fisk has returned to the country? All of these continuity glitches can be explained. And you all 'go with it'. So why do you single out UIM? The story isn't horrible, it's no Ultimates, I'll give you that, but it isn't something completely retarded Like Ultimate Howard Duck would be.
Hawkeye101 said:
I wanna say I give up, but none of you are using imagination here. Card has 'pooped' on nothing as of yet. He has made a story that 'can' work with the Ultimates line if you look at it right. You are all "Oooh, this sucks. Period." You all claim that Card has screwed up with continuity, when the entirety of the Ultimate Fantastic Four has you all baffled (Or Ultimate Team-Up, however you look at it), and yet you don't B**** about Millar, Bendis, and the others for screwing that up. None of you complain about Vaughn, when he screwed with the Fenris suit on Rogue and Gambit. Or how about what comes First: 'Cats & Kings' or 'Ultimate Six'? CAK is vol. 8 for USM and US is Vol. 9. Yet in US, Electro sayd that the Kingpin has been pinched and is out of the country, and the rest of them have no reason to worry about taking the kingpin's stuff at his condo, yet clearly in the previous volume, Fisk has returned to the country? All of these continuity glitches can be explained. And you all 'go with it'. So why do you single out UIM? The story isn't horrible, it's no Ultimates, I'll give you that, but it isn't something completely retarded Like Ultimate Howard Duck would be.

No, I just don't like Card on UIM because he's made it ridiculous.
ProjectX2 said:
No, I just don't like Card on UIM because he's made it ridiculous.

It's no more rediculous than Black Widow with super-abilities, or how frikin' destructo-powered Scarlet Witch has become. Or Spider-Man having a healing factor, or Reed just being a huge Ameba. You all claim OSC is horrible because he paid no attension to continuity and he sucks because of it. Fine. All I'm sayin' is whay Doen't Millar or Bendis, or Vaughn, suck when they screw up continuity. Hell the only Continuity that has everyone completly baffle with NO explination is UFF. And yet none of you complain about that. I have given you explinations on how UIM,can coencide with UTU and Ultimates.
Hawkeye101 said:
It's no more rediculous than Black Widow with super-abilities, or how frikin' destructo-powered Scarlet Witch has become. Or Spider-Man having a healing factor, or Reed just being a huge Ameba. You all claim OSC is horrible because he paid no attension to continuity and he sucks because of it. Fine. All I'm sayin' is whay Doen't Millar or Bendis, or Vaughn, suck when they screw up continuity. Hell the only Continuity that has everyone completly baffle with NO explination is UFF. And yet none of you complain about that. I have given you explinations on how UIM,can coencide with UTU and Ultimates.

You're one of the dumbest people I've ever met on this site. I don't think I've ever seen any one *****ing about how UIM fits into with continuity for a while now. There are no problems with UIM and continuity that are major.