Ultimates 2 #5 HIT ME! ( SPOILERS)

I couldn't agree more, I feel as though I have had the crap kicked out of me after reading this issue.

Loki as a snake coiling around a bound shaved Thor mocking him....chilling....hopeless :cry:

Thor getting his hair burned off reminds me of "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" (another allegory of the Christ story) when Aslan the lion is bound, shaved and eventually killed by the forces of evil while they revel and mock him.

Hopefully, as with Aslan, Thor will also make his comeback and when he does look out Loki you have will have mythical *** whuppin' comin your way :evil:

I hope the high we eventually get (hopefully) will justify this low.
Just a guess, but I will bet you Millar has read alot of Joeseff Campbell, he is really crafting some fine myth here.
Bass said:
The first hint that I would bawl like a baby was seeing Thor flamed. But the real kicker, for me, was when Thor plummets from the sky, calling out to his father... Poor guy.

Consider the possibility that his "father" is all in his head, and it becomes all the more sad.
TheManWithoutFear said:
The only think that made me think of him as possibly crazy was when he lost his power when the belt was removed but then jtg enlightened us so I'm going to say with 100% confidence that Thor is a god.

I'm surprised nobody else thought of it, especially with the "level of strength unseen even in the mutant community" comment in U2 #4.
Thanks for the welcome, ManWithoutFear. A couple of extra thoughts, if I may:

--Totally agree that the "hero shot" of the whole adrenalized issue was the half-dead Quicksilver getting up off the ground and going beserk after Wanda blames Thor for something tantamount to a broken fingernail. I love this pervy duo!

--This issue was meant to deepen the intrigue, not answer questions. Loki, if it is Loki, could even be lying about the traitor. Or Millar could be gearing up to drop the Ultimate bombshell: Cap is the traitor (cue the laugh track).

--Personally, if there is a mole, I think it's Hawkeye. After all, he started off as a villain in the first run of the original Avengers series. And his character is among the least fleshed-out. What we know best about him is he seems to like killing people and would have planted a pointy one right between the Thunder God's eyes if Captain America hadn't stopped him at the end of the Issue #5 battle.

--All the characters are extremely original and enormous fun -- the Hulk wolfing down people and constantly looking to get laid is just a hoot. Betty Ross is a dead-on satire of an amoral PR person. What I don't understand is why so many fans have aligned themselves with either Thor or with Cap, when it's clear that they (and now, probably, Stark) are the idealists in a comic full of nihilists and cynics. (Cap, far from being Fury's lackey, was the only Ultimate to complain about the Banner/Hulk coverup. Thor was silent in that same panel.) Those two guys have more in common than anybody.

--Personally, I just wonder what the impending arrival of Galactus from Ultimate Nightmare/Secret is going to have on the team's future. And rest assured that Thor will arrive at some point to save the day (hey: did it ever occur to anyone that he's the Ultimate version of Sentry, and vice versa? There are some pretty spooky parallels between Sentry's mental imbalance in New Avengers and Thor's dodgy perceptions in the Ultimates).

--I mentioned in an earlier post that the Wasp helped beat down Thor. OK, so she I guess she was swallowed en route to his brain. But she made him hurl! If all the other superpowers were taken, wouldn't the ability to make somebody barf on cue be a handy weapon to have?
Parthuman said:
--Personally, I just wonder what the impending arrival of Galactus from Ultimate Nightmare/Secret is going to have on the team's future. And rest assured that Thor will arrive at some point to save the day (hey: did it ever occur to anyone that he's the Ultimate version of Sentry, and vice versa? There are some pretty spooky parallels between Sentry's mental imbalance in New Avengers and Thor's dodgy perceptions in the Ultimates).
The team's past. UN/US/UE are all set between Ultimates and Ultimates 2. So it's already all happened by the beginning of the current series.
jtg3885 said:
The team's past. UN/US/UE are all set between Ultimates and Ultimates 2. So it's already all happened by the beginning of the current series.

Yeah, that bugs the hell out of me. Ultimate Galactus is supposed to be a huge deal but obviously the consequences mean nothing... that's crap it should be taking place after the events and let's see someone die and let's have Galactus arrival mean something.
Parthuman said:
--Personally, if there is a mole, I think it's Hawkeye. After all, he started off as a villain in the first run of the original Avengers series. And his character is among the least fleshed-out. What we know best about him is he seems to like killing people and would have planted a pointy one right between the Thunder God's eyes if Captain America hadn't stopped him at the end of the Issue #5 battle.

Good catch.

Parthuman said:
(hey: did it ever occur to anyone that he's the Ultimate version of Sentry, and vice versa? There are some pretty spooky parallels between Sentry's mental imbalance in New Avengers and Thor's dodgy perceptions in the Ultimates).

Another good catch. It's true - there are similar parallels.
How many ways can it "affect a member's life"? Hawkeye's kids, Tony's business....Those arethe only two things that spring to my admittedly sleep deprived mind.

All I've got to say about this issue. F'n wow.

Everyone was right - everyone was wrong - in speculation. Amazing.

After Loki's comments about the next few months being interesting, it's led me to think that Thor and Loki will have much to do with GTA.

The first Ultimates series came full circle - started and ended with the skrulls. I believe that GTA will summise with the deeper mysteries left behind in Gods & Monsters, tying it all together.

My vote for the traitor is still Hank Pym by association with Ultron. But Hawkeye seems plausible, too. I believe this is why they are doing an issue on Hank (issue 6). In issue 3, was Banner thanking him for something he did on the carrier or was it a sarcastic thank you? The beauty of comics.

Same pretense, differnt persons: in issue 1 when Volstagg dissapears - is Thor scratching his chin cos he's not sure what just happened or because the mundane human in him thought he was having a psychotic episode?

Millar is just a great writer, 'nuff said. Hitchy can draw like a mo-fo. They work together very well.


Holy Mother of God!!! I just read it for the third time, its the best fight scene (comic lol) I've seen this year!
I liked Quicksilver before but now i love him lol and Thor too, you fell sorry for him, when he falls calling his father.
But in the "Traitor" issue I think Loki is telling Thor the truth, Loki could lie, but he wouldnt have a reason for lie in this issue, Thor is out, so i guess Loki said the Truth to torment his brother that cant do nothing =/
Natasha is my pick for the traitor, she has an iron suit, and a millionaire crazy in love, it's all she needs, why bother saving the damn world when you can get cash for information?
Y'know - I just remembered something Hitllar said about Black Widow living up to her name.

The thing was something like, "Black Widow has been married to half a dozen wealthy men..."

If she is the traitor, then indeed, perhaps she has plans for Tony, once they get married, to steal all his money - she's got his Iron Man suit, and she's already got his heart...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hitllar! Of the Cosmos!

Oh man. Back to topic though, when has Hawkeye been seen as enjoying killing? To me, he's always been shown as a regular guy, a good soldier.
There have been numerous situations I can recall where Hawkeye seemed rather happy about killing people, such as the "matrix" sequence, and indeed, he seems quite eager to kill Thor in the most current issue, complaining that he could've done better if he'd been wearing an Iron Man costume instead of his poxy bow and arrow...