Ultimates 2 #5 HIT ME! ( SPOILERS)

Smells like war machine ! Omg ! Wow, that pic is so cool. Thx ! Where did you get it from ?
I knew but, scanned it ? Anyways, about this pym thing. Maybe Pym knew this was banners only way of escaping ? By letting him get the chance to get " outside "
TheManWithoutFear said:
Could be Pym but I still like to stick to my funs and say Pym's trying to right the wrongs. Besides he was Banner's best friend.
I wouldn't say that.

"Have you told Betsy Ross that you cry yourself to sleep every night, or are you too busy fantasizing about hurting the Pyms for stealing your old job?"

Being two outcasts in the same group does not a friendship make.
That was before ultimates 2, after ultimates it chanced
SeAcoW said:
Smells like war machine ! Omg ! Wow, that pic is so cool. Thx ! Where did you get it from ?
I'd scan more but it seems my scanner prefers negatives and slides to actual reflective scanning. Took me forever just to get that.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Usually that's how it works out?
They were both outcasts, and coworkers in a way. Doesn't mean they're friends, and it doesn't mean that Hank wouldn't have shafted Bruce to get ahead. Perhaps he thought that if he removed the only other major source of post-human development (Banner was still working with some of Pym's stuff even from inside the cell), then SHIELD would be forced to retain him.
slimjim said:
what exactly did Quick silver do????????

The main objective was to strip Thor of his harness. Quicksilver got up from his medical cot and tried again but got struck. He then tries a second time for the issue and get's struck again. Then at the end of the battle Scarlet Witch is over him begging him to try again and tells him he hurt her so then he gets up a third time and zooms at him hopping through trees to get to Thor because Thor's up in the air and he's dodging lightning and he takes a leap off a tall tree and grabs the belt off Thor, "defeating" him.

EDIT: BTW I don't think I welcomed you yet... Welcome Slimjim.
cant believe they did that to thor
i thought thor would kick thier ***

stupid cover
hmmm, what to say about this issue. Truthfully, I was a little disappointed in how it turned out, though it does set Thor up for a comeback, possibly later on next arc. Also, didn't like Thor's new bald look (due to the flamethrowers burning his hair off). It does make sense considering Loki is pulling the strings. I have no idea how this series is going to turn out.

My guess as to the traitor, I agree with MWoF...its Black Widow.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Yeah Man, congratulations. I'm always happy to see someone's favorite character kick ***... and Ultimate Quicksilver gets the MVP for this issue. IMO.

Yeah, i wasnt going to get this issue until tomorrow, but i got my girlfriend to get it for me....quicksilver was awesome!! bouncing of trees and stuff....im sorry to say, but thor got his *** kicked really bad....
I won't be able to get this issue until Saturday :(

Buuuuuut, after reading what happens I have developed a working theory. Thor is a god, and Gunnar is Loki, but Loki wasn't working alone. Loki was in cahoots with SHIELD so that they could eliminate Thor, who was possibly their only major obstacle in trying to bring the Ultimates into the middle east. The only problem with this theory is that it means that Fury is really a villain, and I would hate to see that happen.

well, this was intense. and yet, I get the feeling that Thor was holding back the whole time. yeah, the re were a lot of them and many are super powered(except Hawkeye), but dang it(pardon the strong language), Thor was not using his killer instinct. I don't care how tough iron man's armour is, you mean to tell me that Thor couldn't have peeled it open? the hulk was able to, and I know Thor must be at least equal to that brute's power.

surprised that the author is trying to leave open the Thor is delusional spin. after all, Loki(or gunthar) has been spotted when Thor is not around. (the briefing last issue), and on other occasions Thor has not even seen Loki(gunthar). the police riot in Italy for example.

oh well, maybe they just underestimated the ability of us rabid fans to notice all those appearances. :p
Wamu said:
well, this was intense. and yet, I get the feeling that Thor was holding back the whole time. yeah, the re were a lot of them and many are super powered(except Hawkeye), but dang it(pardon the strong language), Thor was not using his killer instinct. I don't care how tough iron man's armour is, you mean to tell me that Thor couldn't have peeled it open? the hulk was able to, and I know Thor must be at least equal to that brute's power.

I feel that. Everyone surprised that Thor didn't haul *** should keep in mind that he didn't want to kill anyone that he felt was innocent. He was definitely holding back.

I wonder what will happen to Thor's followers. I'm sure his groupies will be spending endless days and nights in front of the Trisk rallying.