Good setup issue, lots of great stuff happening and definitely putting me in the mood for #12. What I really love too is how Millar shows us
why The Ultimates are the Liberators main concern. Because they are composed of the
biggest badasses in the entire universe.
Cap utterly annihilating the Schizoid Man was great. So what does it matter if you can make hundreds of copies of yourself? Steve Rogers can crack a thousand heads just as easily as one. My favorite part of the scene though is how totally terrified the Super-Grunts were of Cap. These guys just helped smash a fleet of helicarriers and destroy the Triskelion, subdue New York City, and wipe out SHIELDS super-army. Yet at the mere sight of Cap they automatically resort to hiding behind the Wasp. Real tough

Hawkeye. No other words for it, his name has just become synonymous for me with the utter top-tier of people you don't want to **** with. That scene was just excellent, especially Wasp's reaction and his response. Almost broke my heart.
I can't wait too see Iron Man. I loved how pods 1 through 5 on the station were kinda tiny and pod 6 was just HUGE. What I really hope though is that it isn't some kind of massive War Machine but an armor that Stark has developed with the addition of technology taken from the various alien encounters, ie Chitauri, Kree, ect. Something really different and not what we're expecting too see. With a line while he's kicking the Crimson Dynamo and all his duplicates *** like, "It's amazing what tech salvaged from two alien invasions and an assault from another universe can do."
The Colonel was great. That "On your feet, sir--" line was the perfect setup for the throwdown which I am anxiously awaiting.
Hulk. So good to see him back. And you know what's really terrific? He's REALLY green

. Anyways, I'm looking forward to how he handles Abomination, probably a whole bunch of the footsoldiers, and the publics reaction after it's all done. I'm curious though as too how Banner's new control works. Is it like the Professor Hulk mentality, or maybe something more like Joe Fixit? Is it just Banner in control of the powers and his more basic emotions, or a separate persona? How fine is the control? I'm sure he's still going to go Savage, especially as he gets mad, but will it mean another rampage or will Banner's control reinstate after he calms down? I'm just looking forward to seeing how it's handled. Oh, and HULK SMASHING.
So, I'm wondering how the final square-offs will go. Cap will definitely fight the Colonel. Hulk ditto Abomination and Iron Man Dynamo. Will Wasp and maybe Wanda handle Swarm while Quicksilver finally comes back online and is able to help Hawkeye against Hurricane? Thor I'm sure will definitely deal with Perun, but I hope it's not even a fight just more like Thor "reclaiming" the lightning and dispensing of the false god. Then he can turn his sights on Loki. As it stands, I think Loki is going to either cut and run with the excuse that enough mischief has been caused or some such thing. I don't think he's going to get captured, but with any luck we will see some godly showdown.
Truth be told, I don't know where to put Pym in this and I have bad feelings for him. I get the sense that something is gonna push him to finally snap and send the Ultron's in against the heroes. My bet is this (and the mopping up of the rest of the invasion force) is where the rest of heroes and Captains and other surviving supers are gonna come into play. Just have to wait and see. 12 is gonna be double sized, right? I'm sure we're gonna get a major punch into the face, stomach and whatever other sensitive region that hurts the most by the sheer craziness of it. Here's hoping it DOES come out when they promise it
