Random said:
Yeah I hate how they do that in the UU. I would prefer it like they did in UXM by having his face hidden. Seeing Bush just kinda take the fun out of it for me and doesnt sit right. With an original character as the president you can make the policies/persaonalites whatever they want. I also hate how they had actual celebrities in Ultimates VOl 1. it seemed really forced and took some quality out of it.
Gotta disagree. I really enjoy it, as it adds that much more realism to the story. Especially since Bush has been making appearances since the end of Ultimates #3. Besides, I can understand a European wanting to poke jabs at Bush through his work...it just makes sense. Its like them liking soccer...don't think about it too much, just accept it.
Point is, it makes this world that much more of a parallel to our own by adding in real-world personas.
E said:
I just figured at the point he (Banner) shows up America had only been under attack for a few hours at most - not enough time to get back to America wherever he was (and he wasn't already in America - he explicitly says "the second I got back to my own damn country"). I can't imagine that there are any airplanes landing in Washington DC at this point. It would have to be a heck of a coincidence that he shows up at ground zero, so to speak, and in a battle-ready mindset. Seems to me like he was brought back. I just hope the reason and method makes sense.
Well, we know he can jump huge distances...how long do you think it would take him to leap 5000 miles?
UltimateJedi said:
Seeing Hawkeye almost made me wet myself a little.
I wonder what the the Europeans are planning... unless it was them who imported Bruce Banner, that would make sense, they have motive and means.
Good point. That could be what Captain Britain was referring to, a little foreshadowing before Hulk/Bruce actually shows up later in the issue. After all, if SHIELD can keep track of the Hulk, I'm sure the European Union can as well, or just get the info directly from SHIELD.
No, just unconcious it seems. Scarlet Witch said he was being resucitated and should be fine in a couple of minutes, so I assume he was only knocked out instead of actually dead and attempting to be resucitated that way.
Anyway, really enjoyed the issue, as most everyone else did. It gets a 5/5 on my rating scale.