I can only hope that someone at Marvel, and someone at DC, will wake up and realize they are not doing themselves any favors with these frequent lengthy delays and wildly inconsistent publication schedules. Yes, hard core fans will put up with a LOT of "abuse" and still keep buying, but I have got to believe that this sort of thing results in the loss of many less than hard-core fans, and that even hard-core fans will, over time, begin to lose interest. It can't be news to anyone that there is a LOT of competition for the entertainment dollar out there, and when you just make it too hard for the fan to follow a title, to stay engaged with a title, to ENJOY a title, you run the risk of having them move on.
Classic "old fogey", geezer type comment here... but why is it that modern artists and writers find it so @!#$@#$ hard to stay on anything approaching a schedule? Look at the runs "old school" artists had on many titles, way back when. Month after month, year after year... these modern guys can't even churn out a couple of issues in a minseries in anything resembling a reasonable period of time. What am I missing here? I have got to believe that at least part of it is a result of either a real lack of discipline, and/or an underlying contempt for the fan base ("Ah, they'll buy it whether I get it out next month or six months from now... @#$@#$ 'em...")...
Am I wrong? *S*