Ultimates #11 & 12, Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3 delayed

That the third or fourth delay for Ultimates 11?

Either way, sweet! It's almost there!
thats just sad!!!!! oh yep the issue is on its way to printer, but we'll delay it another week.
Ultimates 3 must be so ahead, like issue 1 must be all ready to go (if not 2, and 3 as well), just waiting for Ultimates 2 to finish up, which no doubt will be next year
Shihad said:
thats just sad!!!!! oh yep the issue is on its way to printer, but we'll delay it another week.
Ultimates 3 must be so ahead, like issue 1 must be all ready to go (if not 2, and 3 as well), just waiting for Ultimates 2 to finish up, which no doubt will be next year

Actually, it's not Millar and Hitch's fault. They're just covering for Loeb and Mad, who don't expect to have issue 1 of U3 out until early 2011. Ultimates 2 is already done, and they're just spanning out the release schedule for it so U3 doesn't seem such a long time from now.
Zombipanda said:
Actually, it's not Millar and Hitch's fault. They're just covering for Loeb and Mad, who don't expect to have issue 1 of U3 out until early 2011. Ultimates 2 is already done, and they're just spanning out the release schedule for it so U3 doesn't seem such a long time from now.


Good one....

Could it be that the "delay" of ultimates v2 #11 is due too sensureship..?

After all, the US was "liberated" by a bunch of Iraqis last issue...
that can't sitt to well with the white house's propaganda minestry...
ultimatedjf said:
You must be crazy if you think Damon's not going to finish Ult. Wolverine Vs. Hulk.

6 months later, I can see someone reviving this thread just to prove how wrong I was.

Oh, it will be finished.

After the fifth season of Lost.
I have to ask. If Millar has been sick, how was he able to finish the other books he's on.
Ultimates nr. 10 came out in march, how can they possibly need 3 to 4 months to make a 32 page comic book??
If Hitch needs this long to draw one comic book, i don't understand how that guy can make a living. Sure he can draw some great pictures, but there are a lot of people that are just as good IMHO(in their own style of course) and can finish the job on time(Barry Kitson, Mark Bagley etc...)
ultimatedjf said:
6 months later, I can see someone reviving this thread just to prove how wrong I was.

Probably Proj.
Asharak said:
Ultimates nr. 10 came out in march, how can they possibly need 3 to 4 months to make a 32 page comic book??
If Hitch needs this long to draw one comic book, i don't understand how that guy can make a living. Sure he can draw some great pictures, but there are a lot of people that are just as good IMHO(in their own style of course) and can finish the job on time(Barry Kitson, Mark Bagley etc...)

Never.....ever.......EVER--compare Hitch to Bagely. Ever.

Or so help me Doom---I will personally start a petition to have you banned from the internet.

Just kidding. But seriously....I will. :neutral:
DIrishB said:
I propose a petition to get Hitch addicted to speed...at least then he'll have the proper motivation to get his work done on time...and squander all of his income on drugs. :)

i second this motion, do we have a third :wink:
Victor Von Doom said:
Never.....ever.......EVER--compare Hitch to Bagely. Ever.

Or so help me Doom---I will personally start a petition to have you banned from the internet.

Just kidding. But seriously....I will. :neutral:

Should we lynch 'im, boss?

About the drugs, hell yeah. Let's give him some proper motivation to make that income.

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