Re: Ultimate X-Men #95 discussion (spoilers) Preview included.
First off...this issue shows quite a few warning signs. Number one is how many people are involved in it.
We have Coleite writing, Mark Brooks drawing pgs 7-16 and 19-22 Jaime Mendoza inking 7-16, 19-22 and Brandon Peterson drawing 1-6 and 17-18.
We start with Cyclops six years ago (I don't buy it's six years ago since Scott has so little muscle mass). He's in a foster home and is bullied at school. He pisses his pants and while his foster father tries to cheer him up....his eyes go red and he kills both parents.
Cyke's being a 'double agent' with Colossus's team. Colossus scores some drugs and Cyke tells Jean to get on finding them. Jean and Xavier are seeing who's all taken MGH over the years. Most people are clean....except for Wolverine who acts like he was just told he killed everyone he ever loved. Seriously, for a big bad mass murderer he takes the news that he'd taken drugs in the past really badly that it's almost comical. Jean tells Wolverine to track them down and shut them down.
She's either stupid or she' changed drastically over this or the Phoenix thing, because Wolverine will kill them and she was so against his killing anyone for forever.
We go to Alpha Flight and Jubilee is our reader surrogate asking questions we need to know so other characters can explain it to us. (setting up Jubilee being a good guy?)
And we get that...Sasquach is really Wolfbane on MGH.
Just then out of no-**** where Nightcrawler teleports a wall away and the X-Men charge into Department H. Fight starts...X-Men are drugged up their eyes and start tearing Alpha Flight apart.
Except for Cyclops who didn't take it and for some stupid reason decided that he should fight Vindicator, the guy with a gallon of MGH hanging off of his body. Yeah.
Rogue touches Vindicator and goes "No it couldn't be!" Then Vinny toasts her with a purple beam of energy before she could say who it was which I took as a hint that he's Gambit.
Colossus beats Sunfire until he tells him where Northstar is and he leaves the battle. Cyke gets scared and shoots up in the middle of the battle the X-Men were winning. He breaks his visor and flashes back to when Jean and Xavier met him in his ruined foster house.
Cyke then becomes Hyperion. His eyes glow, he shoots beams, he flies, and he can punch out Vindicator in one hit. Cyke proceeds to tear Alpha Flight apart with a smile on his face screaming about the power.
Colossus finds Northstar...Northstar is shaking so fast and can't stop. He's OD'ing on MGH and dies in Colossus's hands.
The end.
Sadly, this guy has a good handle on the's just this thing is so cramped that all we're getting is pure plot dumping and fighting because they have to fight not because they would.
Does that make anysense?
Better than Kirkman though. 2 more issues left in this arc and I see Colossus tearing everyone apart and someone has to put these guys in detox. I don't see why Cyke took the drug since his beams can level mountains anyway and he's always been more tactical than that.
BUT he is being written like he's a teenager instead of the leader of the X-Men, which is perfectly sound and fine for Ultimate X-Men.
It's alright, just...far too fast moving and plot heavy after a year and a half of rushed stories that were so plot heavy that characters disappeared completely.