Ultimate X-Men #76 Discussion *spoilers*

If there's not a way to go back to the future, and if Bishop's not a mole for Cable....it's possible.

(I do not believe Cable brought Jean to the future. His little light-energy wall blocked Xavier, Cable's mind is blocked to Xavier, Magician could block Xavier, Magneto's helmet could block Xavier. I think he's just in a room/building he knows or set up ahead of time to block him)
If there's not a way to go back to the future, and if Bishop's not a mole for Cable....it's possible.

(I do not believe Cable brought Jean to the future. His little light-energy wall blocked Xavier, Cable's mind is blocked to Xavier, Magician could block Xavier, Magneto's helmet could block Xavier. I think he's just in a room/building he knows or set up ahead of time to block him)

Not old Bishop, the young one. The one in New mutants.
AH! Young Bishop.

Well, I cannot say at all. We have no clue what the future Bishop sees. If future Bishop is an X-Man and if Cable really is Wolverine.

I'll answer you're question after we read Cable 4, and we'll have the answer after the next arc "Aftermath".
I didn't read the issue until a few days after it came out and missed a lot of the discussion which I don't feel like doing mroe than skimming over...but it seems I missed a pretty major debate. Can someone summarize for me?
I didn't read the issue until a few days after it came out and missed a lot of the discussion which I don't feel like doing mroe than skimming over...but it seems I missed a pretty major debate. Can someone summarize for me?

It was mostly about Kitty saying she didnt join to have to fight crazy people bursting into their homes, though when she first join she really wanted to go on missions
I didn't read the issue until a few days after it came out and missed a lot of the discussion which I don't feel like doing mroe than skimming over...but it seems I missed a pretty major debate. Can someone summarize for me?

Some people thought Kirkman screwed up the Kitty characterization by having her say she never wanted to go on missions.
Some people thought Kirkman wrote her in character during that scene.
Some people don't care.
I didn't read the issue until a few days after it came out and missed a lot of the discussion which I don't feel like doing mroe than skimming over...but it seems I missed a pretty major debate. Can someone summarize for me?
since six pack was only shown to have five members, speculation on the 6th member points to bishop being a mole to get close to xavier
oh yikes..oops! I just realized I started that Kitty thing!
But anyways, I'm still not sure that to think about that. It doesn't seem like the Kitty from USM. However, that's an excellent point about her being immature ( which she is ) and changing her mind because of a traumatic event. However, whatever was bothering her, was bothering her before the fight. So, if it's before the fight, I'd call it out of character.
I was worried about her moving to USM, however, from the cover to USM 105, unless it's a cruel ruse, it seems Kitty won't be packing up to move there soon. And Jessica Jones will be showing up before issue 110, ( Bendis' podcast ) so Kitty would be superfluous. AoT would be a better alternative, I actually noticed the similarities between Cypher and Peter Parker. So potential love interest there for her.
and ok, is Bishop on the same side as Cable? confused! and how do the others factor into it?
Ultimate Jessica Jones?

Bendis really loves that character huh? Wonder if she's a female clone, or the HYDRA Agent we know and sometimes like? Wonder if she's with Richard Parker against Fury (not a bad guy!).

Now, Bishop....no idea. I like the idea put forth that he's a mole sent by Cable to keep tabs on the X-Men.

The others, still no idea. We guess they're Six Pack, but there's only 5 of them (Bishop would make six).
Ultimate Jessica Jones?

Bendis really loves that character huh? Wonder if she's a female clone, or the HYDRA Agent we know and sometimes like?

...HYDRA? Um, Jessica Jones was an unsuccessful C-list heroine who retired to become a private detective after a traumatic experience and wound up married to Luke Cage. You're confusing her with Jessica Drew.
I'm certainly not cutting you down DSF. I'm just saying as good as your argument is, I'm unmoved by it and don't think others should be as easily. I'm pretty shaken up by board members being followers thanks to Bendis Boards and BKV's recent rant. I just don't trust anyone anymore.

Ok, i haven't been on lately and i'm sorry i'm late on this, but can someone explain to me what BKV's rant was about and why everyone started talking about him being God.... :???
This Cable story is becoming interesting to me, but this is the last straw on the camel's back... First MJ turns into a red Goblin and now Cable is actually Wolverine? This totally sucks... Kirkman better have something up his sleeve here.
This Cable story is becoming interesting to me, but this is the last straw on the camel's back... First MJ turns into a red Goblin and now Cable is actually Wolverine? This totally sucks... Kirkman better have something up his sleeve here.

Honestly I no longer have a problem with Wolverine being Cable.

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