Ultimate X-Men #54 *SPOILERS*

TheManWithoutFear said:
Oh I don't even know what's going on... I don't think Xavier is ever messin' with his students heads... ever it's against his own telepath rules in'it?

Rules are made to be broken, right?

Also, you have to question whether or not Xavier is sane, if he does, in fact, control his students... Why would he have them come up with that idea and have them stick around?
Well, what difference would that make? I think it is when ever the Professor's character is questionable... Why is he pussyfooting around with this one when, in Blockbuster, he sent his students out to fight...
Goodwill said:
Well, what difference would that make? I think it is when ever the Professor's character is questionable... Why is he pussyfooting around with this one when, in Blockbuster, he sent his students out to fight...

Right there he had no choice man. If they didn't go, more people were going to die than just Hank.
It's cool, don't worry about it, man.

I think the writers all have their different interpretations of Xavier's characters. Millar introduced the darker Xavier, Bendis tried to clean up his act a little, and Vaughan is sort of in between, but leaning towards the Millar Xavier more and more.
Through my second time reading the issue, I noticed Mojo mentioned Doug Ramsey, otherwise known as Cypher. Cool, huh?