Ultimate X-Men #54 *SPOILERS*

Just saw it right now. And Immonen can't say it's the way he's standing, because you should be able to see his wings the way he's standing.
Lol. Error, error, error...
I mean, if you have to remember anything about a character like Warren is his wings, and Stewie forgot them! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
XTFLyons said:
I thought the art was awful... I gave the issue up already to my little cousin... so I can't go back right now and see it...

I'm starting to think DD is the ONLY thing you like from your recent posts on the site.

And if you don't like the art, we'll what are you going to do? He's going to be on the book until issue #65...
icemastertron said:
I'm starting to think DD is the ONLY thing you like from your recent posts on the site.

And if you don't like the art, we'll what are you going to do? He's going to be on the book until issue #65...

Ice I bought the issue just to look through it... and then i gave it to my cousin like i did with the Ultimates 2 ... I'll get the TPB like i have the TPB of all the US, UXM, UFF, and the Ultimates... I just didn't prefer the art in this one... doesn't mean the story wasn't good and doesn't mean im not looking forward to the arc as a whole...
You're just like me, collects a universe in trades. Lol.
Great issue, great beginning, and great Ultimizations. I have a few questions since I'm not exactly the X-expert...

Longshot's "real" name - Arthur Centino - is that from anywhere in 616, or is it completely made up for this story?

Major Domo (Mojo's assistant) - who is that? Is that a 616 character?
Longshot's name here was made up. His real name was never revealed in the 616. As for Mojo's assistant, I believe he's made up as well.
icemastertron said:
Longshot's name here was made up. His real name was never revealed in the 616.

I know - my question is whether that name was taken from some other character in 616 or totally made up for this specific story.
What's the cover for issue 70?
UltimateE said:
Major Domo (Mojo's assistant) - who is that? Is that a 616 character?

Major Domo is an established 616 character, as is the apparetly unseen Minor Domo. They just work for Mojo as sort of errand runners
Well, when I read 'Mojo Adams' I laughed... I'm sure that Adams wasn't tagged after his name in the 616 universe, but it works, you know?

Arthur Centino DOES sound familiar, but I don't seem to remember who it is. Let's hope, though, that it is just Ultimate Longshot and not a 616 character's name because that would mean that character couldn't appear under his own name, you know? That would be a mess in my opinion.

When does the next issue come out? I'm really waiting on the edge of my seat for it!
20 days and counting. #55 is coming out on 1/26/05.

Also, the cover for USM #70 had Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. That's the cover that was on Kitty's computer.

And what I noticed too, is that Vaughan used something else from Kitty that the other writters didn't use (at least not Bendis). Her computer skills. Notice how she said she hacked to get to watch the show. Hopefully we'll see more of her computer knowledge more often.
Goodwill said:
When does the next issue come out? I'm really waiting on the edge of my seat for it!

January 26th I believe.
icemastertron said:
And what I noticed too, is that Vaughan used something else from Kitty that the other writters didn't use (at least not Bendis). Her computer skills. Notice how she said she hacked to get to watch the show. Hopefully we'll see more of her computer knowledge more often.

good eyes Ice.. I forgot abou that