Wolverine's the dad
Colossus is the mom.
Or Doc Ock...He can control the METTALLLL!!!
Wolverine's the dad
Colossus is the mom.
Or Doc Ock...He can control the METTALLLL!!!
im interested to see where this goes, it looks promising. some of the artwork looks cool in its own little way
I take it back, it sucked.......what happened to the ultimate universe?
So, basically Ultimate X is Ultimate X-Men except even more ****ty?
nigma said:im interested to see where this goes, it looks promising. some of the artwork looks cool in its own little way
I take it back, it sucked.......what happened to the ultimate universe?
Granted, some of the dialogue is wince-inducing, but its minimal.
The Ultimate universe is now finally accomplishing what it should've been doing from the start: telling DIFFERENT stories in a universe which is drastically (more or less) different than the 616 universe. Granted, so far those stories over all haven't been that great (Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Enemy have been disappointing, but USM and Ultimate X I enjoy), but there's room to work with.
Not understanding the hate for this book...its like the ONLY decent Ultimate work Loeb has done, but it is decent, if nothing more. It certainly doesn't deserve the harsh criticisms being thrown at it by some of you.
Um...what? You liked it, then all of a sudden didn't? Why, because others on the board didn't like it?
It's not BAD, it's just really really mediocre, and even when he manages to write some good stuff some other part of the book brings it down and makes the good stuff look like he's just trying to sound cool
1st issue was ok, 2nd issue was overdramatic and I don't think he portrayed Jean that well. That said, maybe she changed a lot since Ultimatum and Scott's death...
Still, the only lasting impact Ultimatum really had was killing off some of the main heroes from 616 and the mutant hate-parade getting worse.
This is what I think just sucks me out of the whole experience and makes the comic just seem dumb. Loeb has an amazing ability to write the most unnatural lines of dialogue a human being can think of sometimes
I disagree. I always saw the Ultimate Universe as a way to show these characters in a new light while respecting their core concepts. They should just be using original stories not to retell but as a jumping point to something great. I came to the UU to see the character I like in a modern setting in fact that's the purpose of the universe. If you want to make original stories than just make an original story, you don't have to kill off half a universe, many interesting characters, and drop a ton of story lines to do so. I'd rather be reading Ultimate X-men than have it completely kill for this, we had much more potential from great stories before ultimatum than we do now.
the 1st quote was based on the preview which mostly show cased Jean having a meltdown, which was cool'ish
the 2nd quote was based on after reading the whole issue, which just rubbed me the wrong way, mostly with Mystic and Sabertooth, they looked like children. when there supposed to be some of the baddest of the bad. along with the narrative from the rent-a-cop, i didn't know what the hell was going on till the end including how much actual time had passed since Ultimatum.
While Sabertooth certainly acted weird, as if he was mentally reconditionned or something, I thought Mystic was just the same, if a little purdy because of Adams' art. She didn't come to kill or destroy, but to make an offer. She's the continuation of what we've last seen of her in the Requiem issue of Ultimate X-Men.
I actually agree that the writing in this is surprisingly solid. I'm even prepared to say it's good, and MAN have I ever not forgiven Loeb for Ultimatum and Ultimates 3 yet. However, it does have some phenomenally stupid ideas encased within (really? he can cover his claws in adamantium at will? REALLY, Loeb?), he's still trying to pass off old characters with new names and looks as new characters, and Sabertooth looking really effing stupid....so it's a pretty mediocre comic, all told.
I love how you are all going, "It's not as bad as his previous work."
Fair enough, but I like where the universe is headed as a concept, in execution I doubt much will be accomplished, but I can hope.
Beyond "being different from the mainstream universe", where do you think it's headed as a concept?
This is a bi-monthly ongoing.Is this a four issue mini?