Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2 discussion (spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2005
Ok, so this might easily become the best Ultimate Mini ever.

Basically, this issue is a flash back showing us what happened to bruce after he survived his execution up to the point where Wolverine confront him (last panel of issue 1).

So this is not very straight forward storytelling.

But it's very interesting. We see Bruce trying to deal with his anger in various ways. And we see that this Hulk always kill when he goes on a rampage (as oppose to 616 Hulk who probably toppled more building than he killed people AFAIK, which is idiotic). But toward the end, it seems that Hulk is taking over bruce, of that they are fusioning somehow. We'll see.

They also acknowledge the Gray/Green issue. It seems it changes and Bruce is aware of it. Perhaps Hulk's emotional state dictate his color.

Art was OK. Hulk looks a little like Gorilla with his belly. Final panel was great and shocking. Logan says 'Hello Bruce' and Hulk answers with perfectly sound grammatical sentence. No more 'Hulk smash' in the coming issues, it seem, even though that's how he talked up until this point in this very issue. This will be interesting.



Story 5/5
Art 3.5/5
Re: Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk #2

Can't wait for this to get out here in denmark. :D
Re: Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk #2

I am not a huge fan of this "pencily" looking art...

I liked the touch on the green/grey issue. The next issue will definately have the fighting like we all want to see. Can't wait.

I just hope this mini isn't plauge with delays on every issue.
Re: Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk #2

icemastertron said:

Great nod to the Hulk show. Remember there he was "David Banner".
Bruce name in Ireland, Bixby. :lol:

And I end my post with one of the best lines in the issue. Hulk: "OOOH! FISHIE!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk #2

Ultimate Warrior said:
Bruce name in Ireland, Bixby. :lol:

This was a great issue all around. We knew there wasn't going to be any action since in a previous (of many) interviews, Lindelof has said that #1 was Wolverines 'POV', as #2 was Hulk's, and #3 is where the fun was really going to begin, though honestly, these issues have still been fun for me to read.


Art- still top nocth. Love Yu.

Re: Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk #2

E.Vi.L. said:
Ok, so this might easily become the best Ultimate Mini ever.

Totally agree.

They also acknowledge the Gray/Green issue. It seems it changes and Bruce is aware of it. Perhaps Hulk's emotional state dictate his color.

I loved that! That alone makes this mini rock harder than a hurricane! Or I could be too easy to please, on of the two.

icemastertron said:

Great nod to the Hulk show. Remember there he was "David Banner".

Also loved that. Also notice they were calling him Bixby when he was in Ireland, after Bill Bixby, the actor who played David Bruce Banner in the old Incredible Hulk tv show. Great little easter eggs.

Ultimate Warrior said:
Bruce name in Ireland, Bixby. :lol:

You beat me.

Anyway, another great issue. Lindelof has blown me away so far with only the first two issues. Great characterization, great story, nice underlying tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, and great action (even the little bit we've seen so far, mostly in this issue). I really like Yu's art style, or more appropriately think it fits this mini very well and lends it the perfect tone. Really looking forward to the rest of this arc, and my only complaint is that it doesn't ship monthly, but I can live with that. Great stuff!

This is fantastic... Possibly the best Ultimate Mini yet.

I love the last line in the issue.

The issue starts as a flashback, with Banner on the aircraft carrier where he was to be executed for his crimes as The Hulk. We see that before it blows, he transforms to Hulk and manages to escape.

The issue shifts to one month later, where Banner is talking to a psychiatrist in Europe under the name 'David'. Apparently, Banner has been trying to call Betty Ross, but every time she answers, he hangs up. The psychiatrist and Banner are talking about his unwillingness to accept his feelings toward Betty. The psychiatrist remarks that maybe 'David' is afraid that Betty might say he's impotent. This is a mistake. Banner loses it and becomes the Hulk, where he proceeds to kill the psychiatrist and destroy the building.

We shift ahead another month, where Banner is now in Ireland. He makes an attempt to call Betty again, but winds up hanging up again. He is then shown in a cow pasture where a bunch of guys are making fun of him for being a vegetarian. Banner becomes the Hulk, kills the guys, and slaughters every cow in the pasture.

One month later, Banner is in a phone booth in an arabian looking city. He decides he's not going to hang up again, and calls Betty one more time, only to have a man's voice answer Betty's phone. Banner Hulk's out and.....well.....you know what comes next.

We shift ahead one more month. Banner is climbing the Himilayas in search of the Panchen Lama, who is supposed to be the greatest scholar in Buddhism. He is invited in by a monk named Steve (no, seriously) and offered some hot cocoa. Banner meets the Panchen Lama, who turns out to be a kid. The kid reveals that he knows who Banner is, and they begin to talk about the analogy of 'The chicken and the egg'. They then talk about the Hulk, and what he represents to Bruce, who responds that the Hulk is a murderer. The Lama wonders why Bruce talks about the Hulk as if it weren't him, which Bruce says "He's not.". The Lama then proposes an interesting question, "What if it is not you who changes into the Hulk, but the Hulk who changes into you?". Bruce seems taken back by this thought, and the Lama replies "Chickens and Eggs Bruce.".

We now come to the present, where Wolverine is face to face with the Hulk as we left them at the end of issue #1. Wolverine pops out his claws and says "Hello Bruce". And to Wolverine's shock, the Hulk replies "Hello yourself Logan. Would you like a hot cocoa?"

VERDICT: Very interesting. This issue pretty much shows us what Banner has been up too up till this point. It's also pretty clear that Banner has control over the Hulk, which is very interesting.

The art of the book is decent. It's no Bagley or Hitch, but it serves it's purpose of conveying the story.

The only action in this issue was of Hulk commiting acts of violence, which is still entertaining. Obviously, this issue serves it's purpose of showing what leads up to Wolverine vs the Hulk. So next issue, WE HAVE THE FIGHT!

Score: 7/10
icemastertron said:
Well isnt that funny. USM gets a perfect score, but not this one. Surprise, surprise. :wink:

It was the art, I swear to god.:mrgreen:

Seriously, this was good, but it was a filler issue. We all know #3 is gonna git a grand slam, so chill brotha!
Loved the nods to the show. Appreciated the acknowledgement of green/grey Hulk.

Kind of a filler issue....but not really. I mean we all want the fight to get under way...but it's important to delve into what Hulk's been doing since the carrier.

so, character development/explanations... pretty good!


o yeah now i remember.

i think bruce banner's real name was ALWAYS David Bruce Banner??
marvelman said:
so, character development/explanations... pretty good!


o yeah now i remember.

i think bruce banner's real name was ALWAYS David Bruce Banner??

You sure? I remember hearing they changed his first name from Bruce to David for the TV show because the producers felt "Bruce" sounded too gay...swear to God. So they changed it to David (my name, by the way), but kept Bruce as his middle name...I guess its less homo-like if its in the middle...or not...
Hulk's real name in 616 is Robert Bruce Banner. So Bruce was always a middle name but for some reason they wanted to change Robert to David for the show.
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vintsukka said:
Hulk's real name in 616 is Robert Bruce Banner. So Bruce was always a middle name but for some reason they wanted to change Robert to David for the show.

Ok, but I know it was because the producers thought Bruce sounded "too gay"...God how times change...now you can't even get on TV if you don't sound gay enough...