Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2 discussion (spoilers)

DIrishB said:
I'm sure it'll be collected in TPB form, just not for awhile. After all, we're only 2 issues into it, and its a six issue arc. The issues ship every other month, meaning we probably won't see this series finish until November of this year...the TPB will probably be out Spring of 2007, about a year from now.

And actually I think it's a pretty sure bet that it will come out as a Premiere HC first, with the TPB following several months later.

We probably wouldn't see a TPB of this until late 2007.
I just picked up the Directors Cut of UW/H, and I was pissed that they whited-out some of the plot outline…

I understand the whole spoiler thing, but this just looks like they are setting us up for more Directors Cut editions…

Goodwill said:
It feels like a year since we've discussed this... Tomorrow, we'll have something to chew on!
You haven't been to the shipping thread, have you?

It's been delayed until June 14th.
Damn. Well, I wasn't blaming anyone if that's what you thought... I was just real pumped for it. I even took a trip out to my comic shop to see if it was there and it wasn't.
So I went thru a bunch of old comics yesterday and forgot that I still had issue #1 and 2.

After rereading them I remembered how great this was shaping up to be and am slighty pissed that they can't get Lindelof to get off his *** and finish this.
So I went thru a bunch of old comics yesterday and forgot that I still had issue #1 and 2.

After rereading them I remembered how great this was shaping up to be and am slighty pissed that they can't get Lindelof to get off his *** and finish this.

I haven't read #2 since the day it came out. I should probably go back and reread that seeing as how that was just about 2 years ago now.
So I went thru a bunch of old comics yesterday and forgot that I still had issue #1 and 2.

After rereading them I remembered how great this was shaping up to be and am slighty pissed that they can't get Lindelof to get off his *** and finish this.

I can't believe there still isn't a firm ship date for #3 announced. I also can't believe Lindelof apparently hasn't handed in scripts for the last two issues (I'm pretty sure the scripts for #3 and #4 were done, but they were holding off until all six were completed). This series could be one of those "greatest things that never happened" type things.
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So I went thru a bunch of old comics yesterday and forgot that I still had issue #1 and 2.

After rereading them I remembered how great this was shaping up to be and am slighty pissed that they can't get Lindelof to get off his *** and finish this.

I never understood the people saying it wasn't worth the wait. Just two issues in it was shaping up to be one of the best Ultimate minis published.
I could've totally dealed with a 6-month delay between issue 2 and 3. And maybe even a 3 month delay between 3 and 4. And maybe a bi-monthly shipping of 5 and 6.

But over a year for one issue? Especially when it's been proven that Yu can crank out the art like a champ.

That is just so unaccpetable. Especially since the mini was shaping up to be so good, not to mention an integral addition to Millar's "Ultimates".

If I were EIC....I would've released Lindelof from his contract and ordered him to give his outline and any completed scripts to another writer. Like say Matt Fraction....he's pretty hot right now. Lindelof still would've got credit for co-writer, but he'd be off the project.

I totally understand and respect Marvel's intention to remain faithful to the creator and allow him to follow his vision all the way thru to the end.....but at some point you have to weight your options and make the decision to press on with the product sans creator.

Especially when you have ANOTHER Hulk mini gearing up to release in 2-3 months.

It's just bad business.

I mean why would I bother with getting excited and involved with your "Ultimate Human" mini if you can't even finish your first Hulk mini? I'm still getting Ultimate Human because it's Warren Ellis......but still.