Ultimate Spiderman #94 (Spoilers)

Victor Von Doom said:
It was a joke ubermensch. :wink:
Oh I know, I was just saying that cause its confused the hell out of me since sixth grade, I don't get it multiple people asked me I turned to my friends and asked if I looked jewish (cause I was pretty sure I didn't) and they wouldnt give me an answer, things like that buggs the hell out of me. Someone tell me WHY!!!!

Note: I've actually learn why last year apparently my last name (of german origin) is user quite a bit by members of the jewish community, its just funnier this way.
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This issue was crap.

1) The X-Men were purposely written stupid to make Spidey look good. Colossus was the one who recognized that they were facing a shape shifter, and yet he says "Professor, your legs are working?" Oh my god, shut up. Stupid, stupid writing.

2) Rogue was still punching **** and flying. Bad writing.

3) Spidey should have never been hit by that beam. He would have dodged that way before it got close. Like he said "I have Spider Sense! You got to learn to trust the Spider sense!" Yeah, no ****. Lazy writing.

4) Kitty would have jumped through and short circuited the reavers in the first 5 minutes they were on the island.

This issue pretty much killed the whole arc for me. Except for the last three pages when Kitty and Peter are being cute together, this whole arc was crap. Pure crap. 1 out of 5.
gondee said:
This issue was crap.

1) The X-Men were purposely written stupid to make Spidey look good. Colossus was the one who recognized that they were facing a shape shifter, and yet he says "Professor, your legs are working?" Oh my god, shut up. Stupid, stupid writing.

2) Rogue was still punching **** and flying. Bad writing.

3) Spidey should have never been hit by that beam. He would have dodged that way before it got close. Like he said "I have Spider Sense! You got to learn to trust the Spider sense!" Yeah, no ****. Lazy writing.

4) Kitty would have jumped through and short circuited the reavers in the first 5 minutes they were on the island.

This issue pretty much killed the whole arc for me. Except for the last three pages when Kitty and Peter are being cute together, this whole arc was crap. Pure crap. 1 out of 5.

There's a lot of turth in that. All of it. Except for The X-Men being downplayed. Bendis made Cyclops look Millar badass again. So points for that and Kitty and Peter looking cute is not a good thing as I've pointed out before.
Cyclops reappeared out of nowhere. Remember, he got abducted last issue. We don't see anything of him and then he appears out of nowhere and suddenly his beam is killing everything in site? BS.

No explanation of how Professor X broke free. Or even how he was abducted in the first place. He was there simply to give Peter his props on "saving" the X-Men. Which Peter didn't do. He just was in the same battle they were.

Deadpool says that the reason they're losing is because they "didn't plan on Spider-Man." Ummm...what does Spider-Man have that Nightcrawler doesn't? Outside of webs, they're both extremely agile and hard to hit. Spider-Man is strong, but so is Colossus (and Rogue, for this arc. :roll: ) They should have no problem dealing with Spider-Man.

Stupid, lazy writing.

To me, Kitty and Peter are great. I'd rather read a whole arc of them in Peter's personal life (remember when we had scenes like that in USM?)
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gondee said:
Ummm...what does Spider-Man have that Nightcrawler doesn't? Outside of webs, they're both extremely agile and hard to hit. Spider-Man is strong, but so is Colossus (and Rogue, for this arc. :roll: )

If Spider-Man was an X-Men, he'd be second strongest, fastest, second toughest (or toughest if Colossus is surprised in human form), hardest to hit and he has Spider-Sense, wall-crawling and webbing to boot. In fact, he'd be annoying as a full-time X-men for the same reason that a Phoenix influenced Jean is annoying ; too powerful (overall). X-Men should have very defined niche, with obvious strenght and weaknesses. In the context of an X-Men story, Spider-Man's only real weakness are mental powers.

So yeah, he can be a pain to handle in physical conflict, as proven by the fact that his nemesis are usually physical powerhouses.

Oh, and yeah, Rogue was very :roll: this arc. I edited her out of the arc in my mind. Still had fun that way! ;)
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I don't know if the same rules apply to the Ultimate Universe but I remember reading that Spider-Man had an advantage physically over X-Men because Mutants weren't necessarily born with all of the advantages that Peter Parkers accident bestowed upon him. I don't know if that makes sense...

Regardless I'm with Gondee on that point. Just because one "Spider-Man" is there doesn't mean the tides should've been turned. Though from the looks of what happened (Spidey gettin' blasted what? Twice?) it didn't help their odds.
I didn't see anything from the Reavers that would mean that they would be able to stop the X-Men to begin with, to be honest. Jean should have just wiped them out with some mental blasts, since they didn't have any protection against that. Of course, she was conveniently gone for most of the arc.

It looks like the Reavers had protection in some form against energy blasts, but were equally susceptible to the powers of the rest of the X-Men. The fact that kitty pryde wiped them all out was stupid writing. If they were serious about taking down the X-Men they would have had to take that into account as well.

Regardless, Spider-Man is strong, but he's doesn't have any power any of the X-Men don't. Enhanced Agility and wall-crawling is Nightcrawler. Strength is colossus. The only thing he's got is webs, and we saw they didn't do much good against that Reaver from the first issue of this arc. Spider-Sense is not an offensive power, so it doesn't affect the reavers, it just makes Spider-Man harder to hit (though not in this arc, it seems.)

Yeah, the Reavers hit Spidey a few times with their blasts and it didn't do Jack Squat. The second time he got right back up. I don't see how they had a hard time with them except, once again, lazy writing.

Bendis is really starting to piss me off with this title. It'd better change or I'll be hoping he passes it off to someone else once he sets the record.
I think Kitty didnt just phaze through all the guys cause she needs to concetrate and would probably be afraid to run head first into gunfire just incase she slips.

Jean was probably absent because she was saving Cyclops, and I think the Professor used telekinesis
Wow. Rogue can fly and be strong.

Bendis is stupid.
I agree with gondee, there were gaping plotholes throughout the arc. I guess Bendis is just psyched about a) his clone saga and/or b) breaking the record. That's all he can concentrate on and he just has to get these few issues in between over and done with.
The Rogue flight/super-strength thing... could it be Bagley's mistake? Does anyone refer to her flying and using super-strength in dialogue? Is it the focal point of any panel or just a random background bit? Cos it seems to me that Bendis could have just written "X-Men fight Reavers" or "Rogue fights Reavers" as background detail, and Bagley might have just drawn it that way. Bags isn't necessarily completely up on Ultimate X-Men continuity.

Obviously, the editors really should have caught it. But I just throw this out there, since the personal abuse against Bendis for this is really getting slung around.
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Ice said:
It would've been better for an explanation if that was shown in a quick small panel.

rogues powers stopped working after she absorbed gambit's.
Goodwill said:
What if Rogue took Colossus' strength and Storm's flying ability?
Then she would be metal. But I just view it as an honest mistake, nothing to cry about
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TheManWithoutFear said:
Honest mistake? :noway:
Ooh look at me I'm MWoF, Something didnt add up right in a comic book. What the hell shouldnt they all be done perfectly like every other creation of man? Its impossible for a comic illistrator to make a mistake, so if something wrong happened they must of done it just to spite my, the center of the universe, OOoooOooOOO I'm a ghost... what am I talking about?
Random said:
Ooh look at me I'm MWoF, Something didnt add up right in a comic book. What the hell shouldnt they all be done perfectly like every other creation of man? Its impossible for a comic illistrator to make a mistake, so if something wrong happened they must of done it just to spite my, the center of the universe, OOoooOooOOO I'm a ghost... what am I talking about?

A "mistake" is Rogue useing her left hand when she's a righty. Giving her the wrong powers is a **** up.
TheManWithoutFear said:
A "mistake" is Rogue useing her left hand when she's a righty. Giving her the wrong powers is a **** up.
Oh you mean the powers she used in other comics for the past 20+ years?
TheManWithoutFear said:
A "mistake" is Rogue useing her left hand when she's a righty. Giving her the wrong powers is a **** up.

And allowing Michael Jackson to baby-sit your children is an Ultimate **** up.

Anyway, perhaps in an upcoming arc of UXM Rogue "magically" gets powers more akin to her 616 version. Who knows? Or someone just ****ed up. One of the two.
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