Ultimate Spiderman #94 (Spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Ultimate Norman Osborne has SHIELD and the rest of the world by the balls. Just wait.

I'd love to see Norman back and behind all of this.

I'd make up for all the crappy arcs since Hollywood.

It'd basically make USM into two major story arcs: Spidey's dealings with the Norman Osborn conspiracy and Spidey's dealing with the Kingpin.

I love it.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Man, I totally agree with you guys. Norman Osborne should have his hands completely **** covered in this clone saga garbage. If he doesn't, it's just not worth it.

Totally. I really don't see how he couldn't be involved, and its a definite direct involvement. According to the comics, Osborn/Green Goblin was put on Ice after the Ultimate Six arc. But then, in the USM video game, he was released by Beetle, so he could still be on the loose...course its interesting his escape was never mentioned...maybe it will be in the Clone Saga...

Spade said:
as to wat someone said earlier about smelling an ultimate jackel for the clone saga i just want to add my two cents..... It is not a clone saga unless it hav some form of jackel, i dont care wat hospital you were born in

Am I excluded from that statement seeing as I was born in a mud hut? Though I do expect the Jackal/Miles Warren to play a role in the arc.
I hated deadpool's look. Overall, I think this was a terrible arc. I didn't think Bendis was this strange of a writer. It seems perfectly true that this arc was more of a X-Men story than a Spider-man story. The only thing I liked was seeing Kitty attacking the reavers so ruthlessly. I wanted to see them do something more to permanent stop Mojo.

Does anyone agree with me that this was the worst Ultimate Spider-Man arc yet? Just wondering.
E said:
Does anyone agree with me that this was the worst Ultimate Spider-Man arc yet? Just wondering.

Not the worst but certainly not in the top half of the better ones. I liked it as a crossover story but I'm really let down by the ultimization. Deadpool is a hardcore villain in the UU now. I don't even think his 616 counterpart would like him.

It should've been solicited as a crossover too. Just a weak attempt to please the fans with Kitty/Peter. Hey, you guys asked for it. It's a hero dating a hero story and since Peter wants the superpowered g/f, this is what you're gonna get.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Hey, you guys asked for it. It's a hero dating a hero story and since Peter wants the superpowered g/f, this is what you're gonna get.

Good gravy, you're right.

Bring back Mary Jane!
E said:
Does anyone agree with me that this was the worst Ultimate Spider-Man arc yet? Just wondering.

*raises hand*

Carnage and Hobgoblin were better.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Not the worst but certainly not in the top half of the better ones. I liked it as a crossover story but I'm really let down by the ultimization. Deadpool is a hardcore villain in the UU now. I don't even think his 616 counterpart would like him.

It should've been solicited as a crossover too. Just a weak attempt to please the fans with Kitty/Peter. Hey, you guys asked for it. It's a hero dating a hero story and since Peter wants the superpowered g/f, this is what you're gonna get.

All valid points. So its safe to say that this is USM's UX4. So UXS? :?
TheManWithoutFear said:
*Waits for someone to argue with me*

Yeah....they asked for it....and they got it. A new relationship dynamic was great at first....but now it's just producing garbage crossovers.

Bring back MJ and lets get back on track with some good stories.
I liked the arc as a whole. I also enjoyed the character of Ultimate Deadpool, as it was unnerving to see such hatred come out of one person. Ultimate Deadpool was ok, but therein lies the problem.....


The only thing that Ultimate and 616 Deadpool had in common was the name, and the kickass costume. (Yes, I liked the cuffs, thank you very much) Deadpool has always been one of my favorite characters. Why? Because he's a lunatic that'll stab you in the face, then start doing the electric slide while humming the theme to Gilligan's Island. THAT's why I love Deadpool!

This Ultimate version of Deadpool isn't a funny lunatic with a sick sense of humor. He's a sadistic ***hole with a dry sense of humor. And despite what other's say, I did see the Vince Vaughn humor. And guess what? I don't find Vince Vaughn funny. Yes, Ultimate Deadpool did have a legitamately funny one-liner or two, but that's about frickin it. Bendis basically took 'The Merc with a Mouth', and took away the mouth. That sucks.

I am a Bendis loyalist, I'm not shy to admit it. I love Bendis to death, regardless of what others say, I think he's one of the best comic writers today. Which is why I'm so mad, because he could've done better. He took arguably one of the funniest, coolest anti-heroes in 616 and made him a sadist, watered down villain that resorts to a Charlie Brown gag for humor. CHARLIE FRICKIN BROWN??!!! Seriously, I coulda kicked Bendis in the nuts for that "Lucy with the football." line, God help me!:cry:

Bottom line: Bendis has taken an extremely popular 616 character, a character that I've loved forever, and trashed him in a wasted craptastic Ultimization. Just like he did with Carnage, just like he did with Silver Sable. What the hell happened Bendis? How could you let me down like this? Me, one of your biggest supporters? Either way, I'm still sticking with USM, it's still my favorite Ultimate title. But Bendis has lost a considerable amount of my respect today.

On a final note, I'm giving you one more chance Bendis. If you screw up Ultimate Scorpion, you will lose me as a reader.Period.:x
I dont know why you guys are complaining some much, I really liked this arc, the stopry was okay action was great and the villians were awesome. I am pissed that he got rid of the "merc with a mouth" but I like the character of him as a villain here, I think if they didnt used some one other than Deedpool and save him to be used in a way more simular to 616.
Maybe used some nobody from 616 or possibnle a new character, cause I really liked Ultimater Deadpool's dynamics but not the fact its Ultimate Deadpool. And his look with out the mask was nuts, I wasnt expecting that. When I saw it I thought that would be a cool design for Red Skull.
The only thing I really didnt like was the Aunt May part, 1 its a huge cop out, 2 I've grown up thinking of Aunt May as an old lady, like a mother the idea of her getting it on sickens me, and 3 it doesnt make sense to me that she's ready to be dating I mean her husband was killed less than a year ago in front of her and the next man she has shown interest in also died, It just does seem right. Really forced and didnt fit wiuth her character at all
Here's the thing with Deadpool and the reason why he was used. He "hates mutants because they're blah blah blah blah..." for his character....BOOOOORING!!! It's fine for the Reavers because that's their base for giving up their humanity to become cyborgs. For someone who Deadpool is supposed to be, or really, was supposed to be, it didn't fit at all.

As for the Aunt May thing, it's fine with me. I mean, clearly we're not going to see her find out for a while longer, however long that may be. So if it wasn't being out with Miles Warren, it would've been something else that would have made Peter dodge the bullet.
Does 616 Deadpool's face under his mask look the same as it did in this issue?