Well-Known Member
No, but I already knew because I listen to his podcasts. 8)Oh, crap! I was so excited by this issue that I forgot to mention--in the letters page, Bendis says the next storyline will be Ultimate Knights! Am I the only one who noticed this?
Also, apparently Jessica Jones will be showing up shortly ( before Bagley leaves )
and the next arc ( Ultimate Knights ) will be a direct follow up to Annual 2.
As well as they will be slowing up and looking at Peter's personal life ( all from part 3 of the last podcast )
But back to USM 102. Seeing Peter belt Kaine was awesomeness. It was like Bendis had Peter do it on behalf of all of us fans. And the MJ Goblin turns into MJ, and all Peter can do is look at her and then yell at Doc Ock? What is wrong with Peter? I like Spider-woman more than Peter already.
Why on earth would Doc Ock give Kaine Oz? did he know that letting Kaine screw with MJ would hurt Peter? ( I'm sure Kaine told "his father" all about this girl he loves. )