i loved this book. it is the greatest book in the history of the world and bendis is a true creative genius..........sorry i just had to be the first to say it. i still havent go the book but from what it says it sucks
I haven't read it yet, but......
I LOVED THIS ISSUE!!!! OMFGW00T!!!!! Dis Ish PWNZ all!
I went to check out his post and MWoF, your sig kicks *** :rockon:ManwithoutFear, I saw what you said on the Bendis Board..that took some serious balls to say. Good for you.
I was so upset by what they did to MJ, that I just wrote Marvel a nice long letter. If people can email in and say how much more they love Kitty than MJ, etc and entire emails about the X-Men even though it is Spider-man's book..I can write a letter defending Mary Jane, and her continuing importance in this book to us fans.
My beef is not with most of the issue, though I get a sorrowful feeling about Gwen, it is with the last 3 pages.
Bagely's art sucked all thru the issue. I swear there is a close-up of Sue Storm's face and I kid you not....looks exactly like Gwen Stacy.
I think he gets Fury fine. From USM standpoint you don't look at Fury as anything more than an adult in a teenagers world. Bendis does a good job on making Fury look to readers and to Peter as if he doesn't know what he's doing when he does.
Too late. I don't believe there is anything that can be done to salvage this. I truly mean that.
Trying to read this post was like playing Gamma Man's decoder game. Eventually I was able to decifer this inane rambling. And it might be the dumbest thing I've ever read at UC. And like I said I've been to Gamma Man's decoder game, so thats saying a lot.I actualy liked this issue.....Im just saying man an Hary goblin rules i reall like to se her powers.
Eh i guess i enjoyed it cuz i dont take thing seriosly i love it when they go crazy... .
I actualy liked this issue.....Im just saying man an Hary goblin rules i reall like to se her powers.
Eh i guess i enjoyed it cuz i dont take thing seriosly i love it when they go crazy... .
Fury knows how to remove the Oz serum from the blood, hence what he's going to do with Peter... he's gonna cure MJ.
Remember when people thought it be cool to turn Betty Ross (616) into The Harpy. This will get retconned. In fact Bendis is writing this knowing she's going to get cured. It won't stay like this.
Fury knows how to remove the Oz serum from the blood, hence what he's going to do with Peter... he's gonna cure MJ.
No. If I felt good about it I would've *****ed to begin with. I think doing it to MJ in the first place is terribly cheap.What difference does that make?! The damage is done. Retconning doesn't get rid of bad stories, it removes them from continuity. Not memory. You honestly will feel good about this if after it's all said and done, things are back to what they were? So what??!!! It still happened.
I ****in' now hate Gwen Stacey! Oh look we zapped her so now the Symbiote thing is gone and we have Gwen back. So ****in' lame. All those idiot fans who loved Gwen so much and thought her death was "pointless". Well now how pointless is it!? Thanks to everyone's "let every character live" attitude, he went and did some **** like this!!
I agree. I was so dumbfounded by the MJ transformation that I didn't even consider what a giant cluster**** this turned out to be. it was a cheap death done for shock value in the first place. This was terrible.
Or maybe I just don't understand it because it's so dumb it's impossible to comprehend. Since when is Carnage anything but a ****ty clone of Peter/Richard who feeds on DNA?! There is nothing to remove from Gwen. IT'S NOT A SYMBOITE. It's an organism that can change forms. It doesn't possess people.
Maybe the organism chose Gwen as its primary form because it contains all of her memories and such because it killed her. When the blast hit Carnage, it knocked that part unconscious and it reverted back to the Gwen form. Those are my thoughts.
Yeah, **** stories don't wash away just because it gets retconned. Especially if you laid down money for it.What difference does that make?! The damage is done. Retconning doesn't get rid of bad stories, it removes them from continuity. Not memory. You honestly will feel good about this if after it's all said and done, things are back to what they were? So what??!!! It still happened.
I don't care what they call what MJ's turned into. She turned into something, that's the problem.Gwen as not!CARNAGE? I got over it about a week ago.
Mary's transformation intrigues me though, but not in a good way. I'm feeling that this mammoth Clone Saga Arc is just building up to Death of a Goblin. 101 issues, a monumental thing... and it's wasted as a build-up to the next arc. What she's become... I don't think it's Ultimate she!Wolf, but perhaps Ultimate Demogoblin?
I'm just throwing out randomness now. I won't drop the book because in the long run, the good has outweighed the bad, (not to mention the subscription I picked up because I thought this Arc would be good,) but Bendis had better have something monumental up his sleeve or the screwed-characterizations he's thrown out will be all for naught.
I feel bad for the poor bastard coming in after Bendis. Imagine what he has to sort through?