The Captain
The Captain said:wtf....
Nurhachi said:Also Shaws supposed to be Osborns loyal henchman, but since the accident, hes just dissapeared
Nurhachi said:Yeah but in the latest issue, Shaw talks about how Osborn saved his life or something. He seemed pretty loyal to me
TheManWithoutFear said:We don't know if this is even the real Shaw talking.
The Captain said:Shaw had to be real at same point...i totally disagree that he was a figment of harrys imagine the entire time around..Granted last issue that could have been the case, but none of you guys can say that he wasnt real in the first issue...guy is on the phone with norman trying to kill pete, spider sense goes off and everything.....Pete was able to see him then although he cant something had to happen to shaw at some point.
I still think he is controlling the guy, but thats just my opinion
Goodwill said:I'm with you on this one, however, I think MwoF has covered all of the bases concerning Shaw. I think that he's only a figment of Harry's imagination when Harry skips out on school and he serves as Harry's conscience so that he can get information out of Harry. I don't think a smart person like Shaw would really peg Spider-Man as the person that knew more about his father's whereabouts than Fury.
cmdrjanjalani said:The twist may be "predictable", but didn't you guys kept guessing until now?Also I loved the loose end, I don't think anyone was able to guess it in these boards. I like the fact that the loose end would seem so blatantly obvious to the writer's point of view, but something that the reader wouldn't think about even if it's something right in plain view.
The only reason some people had trouble identifying the "loose end" that was revealed was because Bendis stated it was a loose-end from the first issue, not the first arc. However, the explosion at Oscorp which gave Norman, Ock, and Harry their powers didn't happen until the end of issue #3. However, it appears Bendis just messed up and should have said first arc, not first issue. If this had been the case I'm sure someone else would have hit on it long before I came up with my theory.
Shihad said:Thats a good theroy about shaw being fury, dunno if it could be, but it is a really good idea.
I like that better than harry being insane, and sees dead people or whatever