Ultimate Ronin! NO, REALLY!

No one has yet to comment on my Elektra/Ronin theory which makes all the sense in the world.
Don't be so needy.

I just...I cannot make myself even remotely interested. I tried. I thought about ways it could potentially be good, but it just...it sucks. Its pointless, and most of all, its lazy.
Guess what you are in the vast minority this thread, besides you, almost no one here likes the idea of Ultimate Ronin. You may like Ronin, but no one else does.

And of course, if he's in the minority, he must be wrong.

I think the Ronin idea (Ronin's not really a character, so much as a plot device) is pretty useful for good storytelling. I Liked the mystery of NA, trying to figure out who Ronin is, and I think, if handled well (which I think Bendis is capable of doing), could be very cool.

The POINT of the UU is to tell stories that don't get weighed down by decades of 616 continuity. Ronin is a device that can be used, completely continuity free. I see no problem.
And of course, if he's in the minority, he must be wrong.

I think the Ronin idea (Ronin's not really a character, so much as a plot device) is pretty useful for good storytelling. I Liked the mystery of NA, trying to figure out who Ronin is, and I think, if handled well (which I think Bendis is capable of doing), could be very cool.

The POINT of the UU is to tell stories that don't get weighed down by decades of 616 continuity. Ronin is a device that can be used, completely continuity free. I see no problem.

I understand what you are saying, but Ronin just made an appearance in what? 3 or 4 issues? And now it's another Ronin! We don't even know teh character, his motivations and stuff. Wouldn't be more easy just creating one original character? Or just place some character already estabilished in the 616 that everyone knows? Ronin appearing in USM is just Bendis saying "Hey, I write another book with Spiderman and Ronin, check it out".
I wanted to get these issues (at first 3 issues but now it's 5, not a good sign), but with the introduction of Ultimate Ronin...I no longer care.

I wanted a nice, gritty Ultimate Knights vs Kingpin and his goons story. NOT a big story where people keep asking "Who's Ronin" when we went through this last year.

It makes sense that Ronin is Elektra, or Black Cat, or any already introduced character, since Ronin is an ideal of someone needing to hide themselves behind a different mask.

BUT if Ronin needs up being a new character in a new character...for example, let's say Bendis is SUPER LAZY and makes Ultimate Ronin into Ultimate Echo...then it's wasted. Why would a new character go under a different name when no one's heard of them in that universe in the first damn place?

In any light, no matter who the Ronin is, this ruined it for me. Ronin has no business in this story. Elektra wants to redeem herself...why? When did Ultimate Elektra ever show that she regretted a single thing she's ever done?

AND if she really did, wouldn't her past with Matt make her seek him out first?

Not that Elektra's a good-girl.

And if it's Black Cat...why? In fact, in 100 issues no one in USM needs to be Ronin.

Unless, and here's a stupid idea right up Bendis's alley, it's Ultimate Luke Cage in MAGICAL ARMOR! Thus giving Cage powers so Bendis can write him to death in two universes.
I wanted to get these issues (at first 3 issues but now it's 5, not a good sign), but with the introduction of Ultimate Ronin...I no longer care.

I wanted a nice, gritty Ultimate Knights vs Kingpin and his goons story. NOT a big story where people keep asking "Who's Ronin" when we went through this last year.

It makes sense that Ronin is Elektra, or Black Cat, or any already introduced character, since Ronin is an ideal of someone needing to hide themselves behind a different mask.

BUT if Ronin needs up being a new character in a new character...for example, let's say Bendis is SUPER LAZY and makes Ultimate Ronin into Ultimate Echo...then it's wasted. Why would a new character go under a different name when no one's heard of them in that universe in the first damn place?

In any light, no matter who the Ronin is, this ruined it for me. Ronin has no business in this story. Elektra wants to redeem herself...why? When did Ultimate Elektra ever show that she regretted a single thing she's ever done?

AND if she really did, wouldn't her past with Matt make her seek him out first?

Not that Elektra's a good-girl.

And if it's Black Cat...why? In fact, in 100 issues no one in USM needs to be Ronin.

Unless, and here's a stupid idea right up Bendis's alley, it's Ultimate Luke Cage in MAGICAL ARMOR! Thus giving Cage powers so Bendis can write him to death in two universes.

You have no idea how much BS* that Luke Cage idea makes. It's kinda scary.

*BS: Bendis Sense.
And of course, if he's in the minority, he must be wrong.

I think the Ronin idea (Ronin's not really a character, so much as a plot device) is pretty useful for good storytelling. I Liked the mystery of NA, trying to figure out who Ronin is, and I think, if handled well (which I think Bendis is capable of doing), could be very cool.

The POINT of the UU is to tell stories that don't get weighed down by decades of 616 continuity. Ronin is a device that can be used, completely continuity free. I see no problem.

Ronin was a bad plot device in 616 MU and since Bendis wrote that storyline, what's to stop Ultimate Ronin from becomming a bad plot device?
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Well, I'm just glad we're getting all our arguments about Ult. Ronin done right now(heck, we haven't even seen how Clone Saga ends).

You know, even though it may be a horrible, dumb*** Bendis idea, at the end of the day, it's just a fictional character in a comic book. A drawing on a piece of paper that we pay way too much for. Nothing more or less.
Well, I'm just glad we're getting all our arguments about Ult. Ronin done right now(heck, we haven't even seen how Clone Saga ends).

You know, even though it may be a horrible, dumb*** Bendis idea, at the end of the day, it's just a fictional character in a comic book. A drawing on a piece of paper that we pay way too much for. Nothing more or less.

Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, party pooper!
Humph...I'm going to go sniff some markers then...AH! SMELLS LIKE CHERRIES!
Well, I'm just glad we're getting all our arguments about Ult. Ronin done right now(heck, we haven't even seen how Clone Saga ends).

You know, even though it may be a horrible, dumb*** Bendis idea, at the end of the day, it's just a fictional character in a comic book. A drawing on a piece of paper that we pay way too much for. Nothing more or less.

Well, this is just a splash page and everyone's getting all bent out of shape. When Ronin appears in the actual comic I'm pretty sure that ONE of us WILL finally get around to killing Bendis. We all kept talking about it, but no one was getting around to it.

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