Ultimate Pyro

There's a chance it can be him, but there's still a chance it can be just anyone. But I do hope he shows up in the escape of magento arc, and becomes one of the new members of the Brotherhood.
TheManWithoutFear said:
My question is since when are there other kids at the mansion?
Remember #26 was the flashback issue at the Sanfrancisco mansion of Erik's. Again, it could have been a young Pyro (going the same way as the movie), or just some other kid with fire powers.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Oh so if it is Pyro he'd be older now? I like that it probably is him then.
your right it would be cool to see him older and more in control of his powers
I never really had any interest in Pyro, if he comes in, then I hope he's... different, hell, i hope he's a girl.

And fat. There aren't enough fat mutants, and certainly not enough fat female mutants. And she should be a good guy, so that there is a fat female good guy, and not ugly and fat, an attractive fat good guy girl mutant. that's what I wanna see.
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Guijllons said:
I never really had any interest in Pyro, if he comes in, then I hope he's... different, hell, i hope he's a girl.
He'll be a guy, looking (in weight and height and all that) like his counterpart. They won't change genders.

That only happened in one place, and that was in the Marvel Mangaverse.
It should though, I'm bored of skinny young girls, and muscular blokes. If the UU is supposed to be more real, then it should have more real looking people.
But that's all beside the point. Back to Pyro, the boring kid in the class.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I saw him on the old old X-Men cartoons when he had the aussie accent. I thought he was the shiznet then. But I do like the movie version also.
The UU Pyro should act the same way the movie version did, with the aussie accent (if that's possible)
Guijllons said:
And fat. There aren't enough fat mutants, and certainly not enough fat female mutants. And she should be a good guy, so that there is a fat female good guy, and not ugly and fat, an attractive fat good guy girl mutant. that's what I wanna see.

Hey, he's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....
While that idea strikes me as something that would happen in the UU, I'd like to see something different. This time, I would like to see him be a villain only because we've been treated to the "good guy" Pyro in the movies. The second movie introduced him as this underestimated kid, who, when influenced by Magneto, realized his true potential and became a villain because he felt he was given more respect. That was something that I really admired in that movie, however, it's old now. Let's have something as intricate as that and as different as that in the UU.
Goodwill said:
While that idea strikes me as something that would happen in the UU, I'd like to see something different. This time, I would like to see him be a villain only because we've been treated to the "good guy" Pyro in the movies. The second movie introduced him as this underestimated kid, who, when influenced by Magneto, realized his true potential and became a villain because he felt he was given more respect. That was something that I really admired in that movie, however, it's old now. Let's have something as intricate as that and as different as that in the UU.
Both the X-Men cartoons, in FOX and WB, he was a full-fleged villain.