Ultimate Pyro

Oh, I know, but I think that, since in the movie, the most recent mold of Pyro, there should be some discrepencies here...
Goodwill said:
While that idea strikes me as something that would happen in the UU, I'd like to see something different. This time, I would like to see him be a villain only because we've been treated to the "good guy" Pyro in the movies. The second movie introduced him as this underestimated kid, who, when influenced by Magneto, realized his true potential and became a villain because he felt he was given more respect. That was something that I really admired in that movie, however, it's old now. Let's have something as intricate as that and as different as that in the UU.
Yeah, I agree.

Or maybe he could just be a bad guy who turns good guy. I mean not just for the sake of repeating the entire character arc from the movie but also because we don't really have that many "reformed villains" within the Ultimate Universe.
Correct, Pyro was Australian in the comics, on the Fox show, and on Evolution (However, the voice was... Off, and for more than one character). It would introduce more diversity to the slew of characters to the cast, so I'd like to see that, too.
Nurhachi said:
I never liked Pyro before the X2 movie. Now i think he's the shiznit

Pyro was so sucked @ the movie :S He didn't wasn't really for any use :evil:

Pyro in 616 is pwnage though, still hope there will be more focus on him at the UU ... he is such a great anti-hero !
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TheManWithoutFear said:
I saw him on the old old X-Men cartoons when he had the aussie accent. I thought he was the shiznet then. But I do like the movie version also.
Don't you know? Everyone with an Australian accent is the shiznet. Except Steve Irwin, who doesnt have an Aussie accent but a dramatic speech impediment, caused by his parents repeatedly slamming his head on the ground. Poor dear. Hopefully someone will take him to a nice retirement home (in the States dammit!) where he can never be heard from again.

Pyro however was the best character in X2 for me. I loved him but I also loved his interaction with the other two characters.
SeAcoW said:
Pyro was so sucked @ the movie :S He didn't wasn't really for any use :evil:

Talk about understatement. People are salvating waiting for further expansion on the Iceman/Pyro relationship. The "use" for him was that he was the example of mutants who were willing to join Magneto's cause though they've been exposed to both sides of the war.. does that make sense? bottom line, he's got use.
There may be a chance we'll see him in Vaughn's upcoming Magneto escapes arc, and if not there he may appear in Singer's run, as Singer seems to like the character enough that he gave him a pretty good amount of screen time in X2. Either way, we'll see him eventually.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Talk about understatement. People are salvating waiting for further expansion on the Iceman/Pyro relationship. The "use" for him was that he was the example of mutants who were willing to join Magneto's cause though they've been exposed to both sides of the war.. does that make sense? bottom line, he's got use.

Exactly. And, as I think Cad said, Pyro was arguably the best developed character in that movie. There was actually a struggle inside of his head and he sided with Magneto in the end. The villain. That says something about him a great deal... I only wish I could've thought that up before someone like Singer and those writers...
i loved pyro in the movie. he was one of my fav characters. The person who played him did really well
Guijllons said:
I never really had any interest in Pyro, if he comes in, then I hope he's... different, hell, i hope he's a girl.

And fat. There aren't enough fat mutants, and certainly not enough fat female mutants. And she should be a good guy, so that there is a fat female good guy, and not ugly and fat, an attractive fat good guy girl mutant. that's what I wanna see.

Sad to say, but the UU would probably just as realistic as movies, where almost every main guy and girl would look great. On the other hand, the Brotherhood and the X-Men do have to undergo training if they want to fit enough to either cause terror and havoc or saving the world. They'd have to be physically fit so it does make sense.

Funny you mentioned it though, considering the UU's Dr. Octopus is remarkably buff for a scientist compared to his chubbier 616 version. I wonder when he has the time to work out?
cmdrjanjalani said:
Sad to say, but the UU would probably just as realistic as movies, where almost every main guy and girl would look great. On the other hand, the Brotherhood and the X-Men do have to undergo training if they want to fit enough to either cause terror and havoc or saving the world. They'd have to be physically fit so it does make sense.

Funny you mentioned it though, considering the UU's Dr. Octopus is remarkably buff for a scientist compared to his chubbier 616 version. I wonder when he has the time to work out?
Oscorp requires all in its employ to conform to the presidents guides to physical fitness. Ayep.
Considering all of this is based upon one tiny image of a mutant who probably has fire CREATION powers rather than St. John's pyrokinesis (it looks more like a snap or some other hand motion causing the fire to appear, and the shape seems consistent with a self-contained ball of fire that's just been released in an upward motion), I do believe this should probably be relocated to the Baseless Speculation & Ideas forum. Honestly, there's not even a RUMOR that he'll be appearing, much less anything more concrete to speculate from.