Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v 5.0)

I've just checked the Millar World forum and UA4 = UA vs NU
The moderators have closed the UA4 topic when Mark Millar has opened a new one with the official title (UA vs. NU).

Ah, ok. I wonder how Millar will incorporate all the planned stuff for UA4 (which would've hopefully given a conclusion to the plot threads hanging from UA 1-3) into UA vs. NU, or if he just scrapped it all. From how UA 1-3 turned out, him scrapping UA4 doesn't seem like much of a loss.

Nothing related with UA, but Millar has stated many times (always on his forum) that Ultimate Iron Man I & II, by Orson Randall, are invented stories of the origins of Iron Man made for a TV show:

So, maybe you need to put Ultimate Iron Man in italic, as it's not a real story.

Thats Millar's opinion, not Marvel's. Officially, Marvel's standpoint is that Ultimate Iron Man I and II did happen. Millar just dislikes how Card wrote and treated the character in those stories, so he chooses to ignore them. While I'd like to as well, by ignoring them or making them "Alt world" stories, that means I'm going with Millar's preferred opinion as opposed to Marvel's official stance, which I just can't do (despite wanting to).
Millar's stated the first issues of UA4 will be about the real past of Tony & Gregory Stark (showing Ultimate Iron Man I & II as a tv show), and how a misunderstanding will bring the fight between UA & NU.
Millar's stated the first issues of UA4

You mean Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates? ;)

will be about the real past of Tony & Gregory Stark (showing Ultimate Iron Man I & II as a tv show), and how a misunderstanding will bring the fight between UA & NU.

Thats one thing then. If this is done in the comics themselves, then the powers that be at Marvel are ok with Millar's interpretation of it enough to allow him to do that officially (as in, this is now the retconned, official history of the Ultimate verse as opposed to the one portrayed in UIM 1 and 2). Once its done (once those issues are out and verified), I'll alter the timeline to reflect those issues as being "a tv show" or however they approach it.

Some validation after all these years...basically, Millar is retconning Ultimate Iron Man 1 and 2 with Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates. He's getting rid of the Card version of Ultimate Iron Man's origin and treating it as if the events shown in those mini series were a TV show or mini-series about Tony's life within the Ultimate universe.

Basically, it means no more monkey brains.
Wait, I just noticed this. The Ultimate Doomsday trilogy takes place AFTER The Death of Spider- Man???
Wait, I just noticed this. The Ultimate Doomsday trilogy takes place AFTER The Death of Spider- Man???

No, it takes place afterwards, I just haven't updated the timeline in a bit. I'll rectify that later today (picked up the past month's worth of Ultimate titles yesterday and read through them).

Captain France said:
In DoSM, the Parker's house is intact, in the Ultimate Doom trilogy, the house is destroyed: that's maybe a time marker which indicates where to place these stories.

Exactly. But the upcoming events in the Death of Spider-Man arc might force me to do some creative re-arranging for the more recent Ultimate issues.
I don't understand. Is it the page with the Thor's son in Valhalla?

Yup. Its listed as Time Unknown, but I put it when I did as a reflection of how old the kid looked. Of course, time could move differently in the Underworld, so it could be argued it takes place anytime. We'll have to wait and see if the character is used in the future and if there's any mention of that.
I didn't think Spider-Man: Toxic City and Spider-Man: Battle for New York took place in the Ultimate Universe
Okay, so issue 2 of UC:AvNU pretty much confirmed that the Ultimate Iron Man comic is now a show within the ultimate universe, how you going to put this in the timeline?
I'm pretty happy they did that to be honest. No more bad history for Iron Man. Maybe they could get a decent writer to do an Iron Man mini that tells the true history of his past.

Could have it start with Tony sitting down with some girls watching the Iron Man series and one of them asks if he really can regrow limbs and asks if it is true. He tells them the true story soon after.

Id make it less of an action comic, about Tony dealing with his tumour etc, but obviously he needs an enemy.

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